Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

Moderates pick our presidents.....always have, always will

Moderates chose the fascist extremest currently occupying the white house? If so, what is the difference between "moderates" and "idiots?"

Is this a joke? Are you real equating your life in America right now to that of oppressed Germans in Nazi Germany? Have people you know been thrown in the camps?

If Obama was a fascist, we'd all have been in prison already for being so politically active. Look "fascism" up in the dictionary PLEASE.
Is this a joke? Are you real equating your life in America right now to that of oppressed Germans in Nazi Germany?

So, are you on hallucinogens right now? :cuckoo:

Have people you know been thrown in the camps?

My daughter went to band camp, but that was before I'd seen American Pie.

If Obama was a fascist,

Obama is a fascist.

we'd all have been in prison already for being so politically active.

Ah, you're ignorant and uneducated. You voted for Obama.

Look "fascism" up in the dictionary PLEASE.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

Say sparky, what if someone were to mandate that you had to buy products from certain, favored corporations? Let's call them "Blue Cross" and "Kaiser." What if they were going to use the most feared branch of the secret police, the dreaded IRS, to enforce the mandated purchase of those products AND as bill collectors for the well connected corporations? You know, basically merging federal and corporate power structures?

Imagine if there were a name for that....

Dare to think, sparky - dare to think......
Independents & moderates need to get their own candidates & party. The extremest from other parties keep pandering to them in the general only to tow the party line after the election. If you are a independent or moderate quit voting for democrats & republicans. Vote for your own candidates.
Moderates just can't be trusted. No one should ever trust a person who doesn't take a stand on anything.


Let me add "Independents" too

Moderates and Independents take their stands in the voting booth and have more expensive campaign ads focused on them than any other group. No one can win a political race without getting their votes.
Secondly, Moderates and Independents form their own opinions, where as ideologues follow their ideology's orders.
I'm a Moderate/Independent, sometimes I vote GOP and sometimes I vote Dem. I voted for Reagan twice, George HW twice, Dole once, GWB once, Nader once (protest vote) and Obama once. AND, I have no intention of voting for Obama again. But what makes you think I want to be in the same tent with people who bash my independent thinking? I'd rather think on my own terms rather than have an ideology tell me how to vote. :cool:

Well you've voted for them all --- have you FIXED anything? Could have saved you the vote for Obama if you had listened to the arguments about him holding extreme anti-business, big govt views.. How can you have a MODERATE view on Iraq? Or the Patriotic Act?

Moderation is like being forced to share Thanksgiving with the Vegan In-Laws..

There is Way too much food. Nobody is really satisified. And a lot goes to waste..
Actually, those one the fringe are the unbalanced ones.

A moderate is just a liberal who wants to die a slower death. Once you accept the shallow lie that government can solve problems you're just under the endless liberal snake charmer's casting more spells to convince you it can solve more of your problems.

The proof of this is our steady march into the hands of socialism, which is driven by the liberals and "moderates" with the only question being the speed we go down the toilet.
Is this a joke? Are you real equating your life in America right now to that of oppressed Germans in Nazi Germany?

So, are you on hallucinogens right now? :cuckoo:

By stating the President is a fascist, you are implying you live in a fascist state. If you live in a fascist state, then you SHOULD see some paralells with the lives of Germans under Nazi Germany.

I highly doubt you are "oppressed" by the state to such an extent.

Have people you know been thrown in the camps?

My daughter went to band camp, but that was before I'd seen American Pie.

Inane statement. I meant that if the government was truly fascist it would have begun imprisoning dissidents by now in ordinance with fascist practice.

Obama is a fascist.

Read about fascism. Hell, there are literally message boards for fascists. I guarantee they hate Obama. And look at the definition below; Obama does not meet all of the criteria. Hell, fascism is even "anti-liberal".

we'd all have been in prison already for being so politically active.

Ah, you're ignorant and uneducated. You voted for Obama.

I did not vote for Obama, and I see no standard by which you can call me "igorant and uneducated" (because I disagree with you, perhaps? You must be infalliable, right?:eusa_pray:) . And yes, if Obama was a true fascist, we WOULD be in prison because silencing dissent and opposition to the state is a fundamental part of fascist theory.

Look "fascism" up in the dictionary PLEASE.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

Say sparky, what if someone were to mandate that you had to buy products from certain, favored corporations? Let's call them "Blue Cross" and "Kaiser." What if they were going to use the most feared branch of the secret police, the dreaded IRS, to enforce the mandated purchase of those products AND as bill collectors for the well connected corporations? You know, basically merging federal and corporate power structures?

Imagine if there were a name for that....

Dare to think, sparky - dare to think......

As ridiculous as it sounds, the Fifth Congress passed something akin to an individual mandate in 1798. I don't hear them being called fascists by members now, do I? (Source: Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Forbes )

Calling the IRS "secret police" is ridiculous and really insults those who have been killed by actual secret police forces like the Gestapo and the Cheka. The IRS operates as a (comparatively) transparent institution and is not going to show up at your house in the middle of the night and shoot you for being a political dissident, or throw you into a forced labor institution without a fair trail.

Although I oppose the individual mandate, note that corporatism is not only inherent to fascist ideology. Many different ideologies have supported it in the past:

Wikipedia said:
Corporatist types of community and social interaction are common to many ideologies, including: absolutism, capitalism, conservatism, fascism, liberalism, progressivism, reactionism, socialism, and syndicalism.[10]

BTW, I decided to look up a more for a more comprehensive definition of Fascism for ya:

Wikipedia said:
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] It advocates the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics.[3]
Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration, and to produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity, in which individuals are bound together by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[4] Fascists believe that a nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[5] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the state.[6]
Fascism promotes violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.[7] It views conflict as a fact of life that is responsible for all human progress.[8] It exalts militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through military service.[9] Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violent attacks on opponents, or to overthrow a political system.[10]
Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who combined left-wing and right-wing political views, but fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.[11][12] Italian Fascists described fascism as a right-wing ideology in the political program The Doctrine of Fascism.[13][14] Fascism is anti-anarchist, anti-communist, anti-conservative, anti-democratic, anti-individualist, anti-liberal, anti-parliamentary, anti-bourgeois and anti-proletarian.[15] It entails a distinctive type of anti-capitalism and is typically, with a few exceptions, anti-clerical.[16][17] It rejects egalitarianism, materialism, and rationalism in favour of action, discipline, hierarchy, spirit and will.[18]
In economics, fascists oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being class-based movements.[19] Fascists present their ideology as that of an economically trans-class movement that promotes resolving economic class conflict to secure national solidarity.[20] They support a regulated, multi-class, integrated national economic system.[21] Fascist economics supports the existence of private property, the existence of a market economy and the use of the profit motive.[22]


Corporatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BTW, I decided to look up a more for a more comprehensive definition of Fascism for ya

Fascism is actually an economic system where industry is technically in private hands but under government control. Nazi is actually an acronym for the German Workers Socialist Party. It's really socialism light before government takes over industry directly. Fascism always leads to socialism unless you attack the world and lose and are removed from power before you get there.

After WWII, the term was used to describe the fascists of Europe and everything they did rather then just the actually fascist things they did. I'm not sure why dictionaries redefined fascist based on vernacular usage of the term and yet they don't do that with ain't
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Moderats move with the political winds, they listen only to mainstream media and if the media says it's so then it must be true.
Independents & moderates need to get their own candidates & party. The extremest from other parties keep pandering to them in the general only to tow the party line after the election. If you are a independent or moderate quit voting for democrats & republicans. Vote for your own candidates.

Done and don't plan on voting for either a Republican or a Democrat until the candidate proves that he/she plans on representing the American people.

Why should I vote for a candidate that thinks more of himself and his party than he does this country?

Actually, those one the fringe are the unbalanced ones.

A moderate is just a liberal who wants to die a slower death. Once you accept the shallow lie that government can solve problems you're just under the endless liberal snake charmer's casting more spells to convince you it can solve more of your problems.

The proof of this is our steady march into the hands of socialism, which is driven by the liberals and "moderates" with the only question being the speed we go down the toilet.

Sure thing there Skippy......... :rolleyes:
By stating the President is a fascist, you are implying you live in a fascist state.

Obama is a fascist, that is a simply a matter of fact.

That you are ignorant and use a childish view of what fascism is and entails is irrelevant to the fact that Obama is a fascist and is pursuing a fascist agenda.

If you live in a fascist state, then you SHOULD see some paralells with the lives of Germans under Nazi Germany.

Again, you display abject ignorance.

Sweden has in the past had prime ministers who were socialists and pursued a socialist agenda, yet life in Sweden did not parallel North Korea.

Inane statement.

Better than the level of your ignorance deserved.

I meant that if the government was truly fascist it would have begun imprisoning dissidents by now in ordinance with fascist practice.

That command economies degrade into authoritarian police states is axiomatic. Rarely does the police state precede or even parallel the establishment of a command economy.

Read about fascism.

I know more about fascism than you ever will. You don't even know what fascism is, you think "Inglorious Basturds" shows an accurate, academic portrayal of the economic system of fascism.

You have a childish, silly view point.

I did not vote for Obama,

I'm surprised.

The level of ignorance you display generally ensures an Obama

and I see no standard by which you can call me "igorant and uneducated"


(because I disagree with you, perhaps? You must be infalliable, right?:eusa_pray:) .

Or perhaps because you speak on subjects you have absolutely no knowledge at all on.

And yes, if Obama was a true fascist, we WOULD be in prison because silencing dissent and opposition to the state is a fundamental part of fascist theory.

Why is that? Because you saw in a movie where Nazis did that?

Again, you are simply ignorant and don't have an understanding of the terms you bandy about.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the Fifth Congress passed something akin to an individual mandate in 1798. I don't hear them being called fascists by members now, do I?

I could care less what you do or don't hear.

The merger of corporate and state power structure IS fascism - the actuality of such rather than the cartoon notion you hold.

Calling the IRS "secret police" is ridiculous

I doubt anyone who has ever dealt with them would agree with you.

The IRS operates as a (comparatively) transparent institution

or throw you into a forced labor institution without a fair trail.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Ever hear of "Innocent until proven guilty?" Give that a whirl with the IRS and see where you land. (Which would be Federal Prison.)
This thread is funny.
By stating the President is a fascist, you are implying you live in a fascist state.

Obama is a fascist, that is a simply a matter of fact.

That you are ignorant and use a childish view of what fascism is and entails is irrelevant to the fact that Obama is a fascist and is pursuing a fascist agenda.

If you live in a fascist state, then you SHOULD see some paralells with the lives of Germans under Nazi Germany.

Again, you display abject ignorance.

Sweden has in the past had prime ministers who were socialists and pursued a socialist agenda, yet life in Sweden did not parallel North Korea.

Better than the level of your ignorance deserved.

That command economies degrade into authoritarian police states is axiomatic. Rarely does the police state precede or even parallel the establishment of a command economy.

I know more about fascism than you ever will. You don't even know what fascism is, you think "Inglorious Basturds" shows an accurate, academic portrayal of the economic system of fascism.

You have a childish, silly view point.

I'm surprised.

The level of ignorance you display generally ensures an Obama


Or perhaps because you speak on subjects you have absolutely no knowledge at all on.

Why is that? Because you saw in a movie where Nazis did that?

Again, you are simply ignorant and don't have an understanding of the terms you bandy about.

I could care less what you do or don't hear.

The merger of corporate and state power structure IS fascism - the actuality of such rather than the cartoon notion you hold.

I doubt anyone who has ever dealt with them would agree with you.

The IRS operates as a (comparatively) transparent institution

or throw you into a forced labor institution without a fair trail.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Ever hear of "Innocent until proven guilty?" Give that a whirl with the IRS and see where you land. (Which would be Federal Prison.)

Considering you just disregarded EVERY source I provided for you as to what fascism was, please, so tell, define what fascism, as you have learn it. :eusa_eh:

And please tell me how the hell it does not fit these widely agreed upon traits:  Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism and please provide one independant, un-biased source for your definition.


EDIT: Where the hell did all of the quotes of me go in the quoted post? They're gone after I quoted it....
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"Moderates" are Pussies. They just want to be liked. Never ever trust anyone who doesn't stand for anything.

Internet warriors are Pussies. They just want to push your buttons. Never trust anyone who confuses posting inflammatory opinions on the internet with actually standing for something.

There's nothing inflammatory about the truth. Moderates do indeed stand for nothing.
That's a fact.
So, we're only supposed to have just 1 view, with no chance of negotiation or compromise?

That's why we're in the mess we are now you fucking idiots........people like you voted for divided government.

And what point of view do moderates hold? Seems to me it's all a bunch of "yeah, but....."

Spineless fucks.
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Moderates just can't be trusted. No one should ever trust a person who doesn't take a stand on anything.


Let me add "Independents" too

Good. That will GUARANTEE electoral insignificance for you Rightie extremists :clap2:
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Moderates just can't be trusted. No one should ever trust a person who doesn't take a stand on anything.


Let me add "Independents" too

Good. That will GUARANTEE electoral insignificance for you Rightie extremists :clap2:

You would be better off betting that a Republican will vote for obama than an independent. No way in hell would they vote for him.
Actually, those one the fringe are the unbalanced ones.

A moderate is just a liberal who wants to die a slower death. Once you accept the shallow lie that government can solve problems you're just under the endless liberal snake charmer's casting more spells to convince you it can solve more of your problems.

The proof of this is our steady march into the hands of socialism, which is driven by the liberals and "moderates" with the only question being the speed we go down the toilet.

Sure thing there Skippy......... :rolleyes:

Sort of trusting government is like sort of being pregnant

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