Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

A moderate is just a liberal who wants to die a slower death. Once you accept the shallow lie that government can solve problems you're just under the endless liberal snake charmer's casting more spells to convince you it can solve more of your problems.

The proof of this is our steady march into the hands of socialism, which is driven by the liberals and "moderates" with the only question being the speed we go down the toilet.

Sure thing there Skippy......... :rolleyes:

Sort of trusting government is like sort of being pregnant

Who said anything about trusting the government? :eusa_eh: However your red blinders are a little faded. I have replacements, great discounts available!
Considering you just disregarded EVERY source I provided for you as to what fascism was, please, so tell, define what fascism, as you have learn it. :eusa_eh:

Popular mythology is not meaningful to understanding the basics of command economies.

The whole "Republicans are fascists" nonsense promoted by the leftist press ignores reality in favor of demagoguery.

The first thing anyone serious must accept is that "Nazism <> Fascism." Oh, Hitler certainly adopted fascist economic policies, but the police state of Nazi Germany is not the definition of fascism.

{Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism -- born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put men into the position where they have to make the great decision -- the alternative of life or death....

...The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide: he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, but above all for others -- those who are at hand and those who are far distant, contemporaries, and those who will come after...

...Fascism [is] the complete opposite of…Marxian Socialism, the materialist conception of history of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the various social groups and by the change and development in the means and instruments of production.... Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in heroism; that is to say, in actions influenced by no economic motive, direct or indirect. And if the economic conception of history be denied, according to which theory men are no more than puppets, carried to and fro by the waves of chance, while the real directing forces are quite out of their control, it follows that the existence of an unchangeable and unchanging class-war is also denied - the natural progeny of the economic conception of history. And above all Fascism denies that class-war can be the preponderant force in the transformation of society....

After Socialism, Fascism combats the whole complex system of democratic ideology, and repudiates it, whether in its theoretical premises or in its practical application. Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society; it denies that numbers alone can govern by means of a periodical consultation, and it affirms the immutable, beneficial, and fruitful inequality of mankind, which can never be permanently leveled through the mere operation of a mechanical process such as universal suffrage.... } - Benito Mussolini.

You notice that I keep returning to Mussolini for the definition of what fascism is. Do wonder why that is? It's because Mussolini is the author of fascism. Some drugged out, tenured Marxist at Yale may teach that fascism means opposing Obama's tax increases and that anyone not sporting at Che teeshirt is a fascist - but it is Mussolini who defines the meaning of fascism - he LITERALLY wrote the book on it.

Here is a fun little quiz;

Before forming the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was head of what party?

a.) The TEA Party
b.) The George W. Bush for president Party
c.) The Italian Bolshevik Party
d.) Sarah Palin is stupid

Despite what the websites and media you form your belief around might claim, "a" is NOT the correct answer.

EDIT: Where the hell did all of the quotes of me go in the quoted post? They're gone after I quoted it....

Your back quoting methods suck. Break each section into out and use the system quote tool.
considering you just disregarded every source i provided for you as to what fascism was, please, so tell, define what fascism, as you have learn it. :eusa_eh:

popular mythology is not meaningful to understanding the basics of command economies.

The whole "republicans are fascists" nonsense promoted by the leftist press ignores reality in favor of demagoguery.

The first thing anyone serious must accept is that "nazism <> fascism." oh, hitler certainly adopted fascist economic policies, but the police state of nazi germany is not the definition of fascism.

{fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of pacifism -- born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put men into the position where they have to make the great decision -- the alternative of life or death....

...the fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide: He rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, but above all for others -- those who are at hand and those who are far distant, contemporaries, and those who will come after...

...fascism [is] the complete opposite of&#133;marxian socialism, the materialist conception of history of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the various social groups and by the change and development in the means and instruments of production.... Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in heroism; that is to say, in actions influenced by no economic motive, direct or indirect. And if the economic conception of history be denied, according to which theory men are no more than puppets, carried to and fro by the waves of chance, while the real directing forces are quite out of their control, it follows that the existence of an unchangeable and unchanging class-war is also denied - the natural progeny of the economic conception of history. And above all fascism denies that class-war can be the preponderant force in the transformation of society....

After socialism, fascism combats the whole complex system of democratic ideology, and repudiates it, whether in its theoretical premises or in its practical application. Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society; it denies that numbers alone can govern by means of a periodical consultation, and it affirms the immutable, beneficial, and fruitful inequality of mankind, which can never be permanently leveled through the mere operation of a mechanical process such as universal suffrage.... } - benito mussolini.

You notice that i keep returning to mussolini for the definition of what fascism is. Do wonder why that is? It's because mussolini is the author of fascism. Some drugged out, tenured marxist at yale may teach that fascism means opposing obama's tax increases and that anyone not sporting at che teeshirt is a fascist - but it is mussolini who defines the meaning of fascism - he literally wrote the book on it.

Here is a fun little quiz;

before forming the fascisti, benito mussolini was head of what party?

A.) the tea party
b.) the george w. Bush for president party
c.) the italian bolshevik party
d.) sarah palin is stupid

despite what the websites and media you form your belief around might claim, "a" is not the correct answer.

edit: Where the hell did all of the quotes of me go in the quoted post? They're gone after i quoted it....

your back quoting methods suck. Break each section into out and use the system quote tool.

Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Nearly every far right retard in the forum thanked this post, thanks for revealing who truly can't be trusted.
Nearly every far right retard in the forum thanked this post, thanks for revealing who truly can't be trusted.

No doubt we will be the first one rounded up for the camps, when Dear Leader declares himself ruler for now and always....

I'll try my very best to live in fear of angering you soldiers of "The One."

I'll bet you took your loyalty oath several times, maybe even as many times as you voted for Obama, huh?


Let's sing the party song!

Onward Fascist soldiers, marching for the "O," with the truth of Obama, produced by Michael Moore....
Last edited:
Nearly every far right retard in the forum thanked this post, thanks for revealing who truly can't be trusted.

No doubt we will be the first one rounded up for the camps, when Dear Leader declares himself ruler for now and always....

I'll try my very best to live in fear of angering you soldiers of "The One."

I'll bet you took your loyalty oath several times, maybe even as many times as you voted for Obama, huh?

:lol::lol::lol: Another heard from, they're like cockroaches. :eek:
From Dictionary.com

fas·cist&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;fæ&#643;&#618;st/ Show Spelled[fash-ist] Show IPA
1. a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
3. a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

And........from Wikipedia.........

Fascism (/&#712;fæ&#643;&#618;z&#601;m/) is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] It advocates the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics.[3]

Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration, and to produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity, in which individuals are bound together by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[4] Fascists believe that a nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[5] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the state.[6]

Fascism promotes violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.[7] It views conflict as a fact of life that is responsible for all human progress.[8] It exalts militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through military service.[9] Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violent attacks on opponents, or to overthrow a political system.[10]

Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who combined left-wing and right-wing political views, but fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.[11][12] Italian Fascists described fascism as a right-wing ideology in the political program The Doctrine of Fascism.[13][14] Fascism is anti-anarchist, anti-communist, anti-conservative, anti-democratic, anti-individualist, anti-liberal, anti-parliamentary, anti-bourgeois and anti-proletarian.[15] It entails a distinctive type of anti-capitalism and is typically, with a few exceptions, anti-clerical.[16][17] It rejects egalitarianism, materialism, and rationalism in favour of action, discipline, hierarchy, spirit and will.[18]

In economics, fascists oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being class-based movements.[19] Fascists present their ideology as that of an economically trans-class movement that promotes resolving economic class conflict to secure national solidarity.[20] They support a regulated, multi-class, integrated national economic system.[21] Fascist economics supports the existence of private property, the existence of a market economy and the use of the profit motive.[22]

You're welcome.
"Moderates" have been and remain the ass-end of the american polity. Their denouncement of "extremists" remains particularly illogical, since they can only define themselves with reference to the "extremes". Most are probably to retarded too grasp the irony there, much less the incoherence.
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Moderats move with the political winds, they listen only to mainstream media and if the media says it's so then it must be true.

Right and left wingers change with the political winds, they only listen to their news source of choice and believe because they said it then it must be so.
Republicans are all closet fascist, libertarians are all drugies, and liberals are all communists.
Spouting random stuff with no proof or sources on the internet must be considered fact.
Truth is, all moderates stand for something, their political ideologies do not change, only the circumstances around them change. But, the problem is that moderates is not a political party, so we do not all share the same views on everything, because of this I cannot say what all moderates stand for, because there is nothing that all moderates stand for. Simply put we each have our own views on different subjects, and typical of moderates it does not include the extremes of the right or left wings.
From Dictionary.com

fas·cist&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;fæ&#643;&#618;st/ Show Spelled[fash-ist] Show IPA
1. a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
3. a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

And........from Wikipedia.........

Just in case anyone failed to realize that you are an idiot, well out of your depth, huh?
"Moderates" have been and remain the ass-end of the american polity. Their denouncement of "extremists" remains particularly illogical, since they can only define themselves with reference to the "extremes". Most are probably to retarded too grasp the irony there, much less the incoherence.

A rightwing extremist retard doing what is expected, attacking everything thats not rightwing, even when its not extreme left.
This thread wonderfully demonstrates that virtue is scattered across the political spectrum, and viciousness is absolutely universal.
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Hey man, take a pill. Maybe two. If there are no pharmacuticals available, might I suggest a hot bath and a some chamomile tea?
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Hey man, take a pill. Maybe two. If there are no pharmacuticals available, might I suggest a hot bath and a some chamomile tea?

Obama has been a plague on the economy and our once great civilization, when he's gone I'll relax
"Moderates" have been and remain the ass-end of the american polity. Their denouncement of "extremists" remains particularly illogical, since they can only define themselves with reference to the "extremes". Most are probably to retarded too grasp the irony there, much less the incoherence.

A rightwing extremist retard doing what is expected, attacking everything thats not rightwing, even when its not extreme left.

No actually, I attacked "moderates" only. And I at least respect a principled leftwinger. A dimwitted, unprincipled "moderate" doesn't know why he believes what he believes, even he can't predict it. If the whole political spectrum shifts right or left, he too shifts along with it, without being able to explain why, just to stay in the "middle". A "moderate" is many ways an amusing character. :D
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.

If you can face that and say "Gee, I dunno if that's bad" you're either a Jake Starkey lying liberal or a moron.

There is no third option

Hey man, take a pill. Maybe two. If there are no pharmacuticals available, might I suggest a hot bath and a some chamomile tea?

Obama has been a plague on the economy and our once great civilization, when he's gone I'll relax

You should stop listening to all that propaganda on talk radio, or you're gonna blow a gasket long before next year's election.
"Moderates" have been and remain the ass-end of the american polity. Their denouncement of "extremists" remains particularly illogical, since they can only define themselves with reference to the "extremes". Most are probably to retarded too grasp the irony there, much less the incoherence.

A rightwing extremist retard doing what is expected, attacking everything thats not rightwing, even when its not extreme left.

No actually, I attacked "moderates" only. And I at least respect a principled leftwinger. A dimwitted, unprincipled "moderate" doesn't know why he believes what he believes, even he can't predict it. If the whole political spectrum shifts right or left, he too shifts along with it, without being able to explain why, just to stay in the "middle". A "moderate" is many ways an amusing character. :D

You're attacking moderates for not being far right enough, that's what you retards do to moderate Republicans, call them RINOs for not being as retardedly extreme as you are though they are not extreme lefties, its redundant and stupid. The far right way isn't the only way and it will be necessary in certain situations to move more toward the center for the best of the nation, you retarded righties don't see it that way.

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