Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

My beef today was going to be a thread starter butt i like this one better.

What singes my nose hair are these libs endless pre occupation with the republican candidates.

If they spent the same amount of time vetting their candidate, we wouldnt be so screwed as we are today.

Unless they wanted a complete failure in the first place.

Couldn't that be said on a 180 degree basis? If Conservatives vetted their candidates, we wouldn't be so screwed as we are today?

Oh.. I get it... it only matter when it's a "lib" doing it... partisan fuck.

It's pretty ironic when a partisan fuck calls someone else a partisan fuck...

True story...

I find it even more ironic when a third Partisan fuck comes in and tries to judge the other two.

EDIT: Reminds me of Christian Conservatism. Never mind the skeletons in my closet... we're talking about you right now.
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Moderates are able to see both sides of an issue and reach their own conclusion. Ultras Right and leftist only see their side and usually reach a conclusion based on what someone tells them to believe. If they had their way, Ultras and leftist would have us in default right now. We even have a presidential candidate that wished, and probably prayed, for a default. How warped is that?
Let me explain it to you.

You are an ideologue. Ideologues think inside a box. Ideologues pick and choose what they want to believe. It doesn't matter whether or not what they believe is true. First and foremost, what is most important is fealty to ideology. You are highly prone to confirmation bias. You dismiss empiricism when it contradicts your worldview and embrace it when it confirms your worldview. In effect, your ideology is a chain which limits your understanding of the world. You do not make reasoned decisions. You make ideological decisions. Your ideology means you view the world through a prism. You think in a manner which gives you comfort. You refuse to think in a manner which gives you discomfort because it will upend your ideology. You think in a manner which makes you popular within your tribe. You view those with whom you disagree as the enemy. You look at the world as you want it to be, not as it is.
Yeah yeah yeah. You consider others to be within the paradigm of which YOU choose for them. Hence the use of the term ideologue.
The definition of a moderate is one who picks and chooses. That is the antithesis of having core beliefs. You are no doubt defending the moderate state so therefor you must attempt to identify then marginalize. Guess what? It didn't work.
Your biggest problem is assuming.
Your attempt to marginalize me by making an uninformed conclusion has at best the affect of a flyspeck.
In other words, you know shit stinks and that's all.
"tribe"....Get the fuck out of here.
Here is a test. In your best estimate, how is the world as it is? This ought to be fun.
Please, if this post is what modern middle of the road/ wavering to any shift in popular opinion( definition of a moderate), you can have it.
I will stick to my core beliefs. I have a path. I am my own person. I kowtow to no one nor do I follow a jersey. If anyone I know or am acquainted with ever asked me " How could you vote for...?" My response is as always, "mind your own fucking business".
Perhaps if you spent more time adhering to that philosophy, you'd not be so worried about what you think my world view might be.
Oh, FYI, I don't have a world view. Anyone who does has given themselves license to paint with a broad brush.
In your desperate attempt to appear profound while providing the most presumptuous of psycho analyses from afar, you have only gone to further define the moderate mindset, which is drawing conclusions based on emotions and guesses while having no facts on which to base your conclusions.
Thank you very much for clearing up what it is to be a moderate. Have a nice day.

Dude, if you're going to get all offended when others assume what you think, don't assume what others think.
Look, who fucking asked you?
Yeah yeah yeah. You consider others to be within the paradigm of which YOU choose for them. Hence the use of the term ideologue.
The definition of a moderate is one who picks and chooses. That is the antithesis of having core beliefs. You are no doubt defending the moderate state so therefor you must attempt to identify then marginalize. Guess what? It didn't work.
Your biggest problem is assuming.
Your attempt to marginalize me by making an uninformed conclusion has at best the affect of a flyspeck.
In other words, you know shit stinks and that's all.
"tribe"....Get the fuck out of here.
Here is a test. In your best estimate, how is the world as it is? This ought to be fun.
Please, if this post is what modern middle of the road/ wavering to any shift in popular opinion( definition of a moderate), you can have it.
I will stick to my core beliefs. I have a path. I am my own person. I kowtow to no one nor do I follow a jersey. If anyone I know or am acquainted with ever asked me " How could you vote for...?" My response is as always, "mind your own fucking business".
Perhaps if you spent more time adhering to that philosophy, you'd not be so worried about what you think my world view might be.
Oh, FYI, I don't have a world view. Anyone who does has given themselves license to paint with a broad brush.
In your desperate attempt to appear profound while providing the most presumptuous of psycho analyses from afar, you have only gone to further define the moderate mindset, which is drawing conclusions based on emotions and guesses while having no facts on which to base your conclusions.
Thank you very much for clearing up what it is to be a moderate. Have a nice day.

Dude, if you're going to get all offended when others assume what you think, don't assume what others think.
Look, who fucking asked you?

Don't post on a messageboard ijit....
Moderates are able to see both sides of an issue and reach their own conclusion. Ultras Right and leftist only see their side and usually reach a conclusion based on what someone tells them to believe. If they had their way, Ultras and leftist would have us in default right now. We even have a presidential candidate that wished, and probably prayed, for a default. How warped is that?
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.
Moderates are able to see both sides of an issue and reach their own conclusion. Ultras Right and leftist only see their side and usually reach a conclusion based on what someone tells them to believe. If they had their way, Ultras and leftist would have us in default right now. We even have a presidential candidate that wished, and probably prayed, for a default. How warped is that?
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

Moderates are able to see both sides of an issue and reach their own conclusion. Ultras Right and leftist only see their side and usually reach a conclusion based on what someone tells them to believe. If they had their way, Ultras and leftist would have us in default right now. We even have a presidential candidate that wished, and probably prayed, for a default. How warped is that?
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.


yeah, but he's kind of a wackadoodle...
Why the fuck does the OP think we moderates care what he thinks? Why do the damned right-wing-bots think their opinions mean anything to we adults?
Moderates are able to see both sides of an issue and reach their own conclusion. Ultras Right and leftist only see their side and usually reach a conclusion based on what someone tells them to believe. If they had their way, Ultras and leftist would have us in default right now. We even have a presidential candidate that wished, and probably prayed, for a default. How warped is that?
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.
One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.
One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.

Ideological drones are unable to think independently. That's what makes them ideological drones. They have to mentally tick off the boxes to make sure they are in line with their ideology. Ideologues are prone to tribalism. Ideology gives comfort to ideologues. It gives them an explanation of the unknown whether it is true or not. Ideologues are tethered to an intellectual anchor and engage in massive confirmation bias when evidence contradicts their ideology. Empiricism is the enemy of the ideologue. Ideologues spend a great deal of time fruitlessly explaining why empiricism is wrong when it contradicts their ideology. The empiricist will change his beliefs in light of contrary evidence. The ideologue will retain his beliefs despite contrary evidence.
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.

One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.
No, you extremists have CORE PREJUDICES and it's those prejudices that prohibit your wavering from those pigheaded prejudices. Extremists have no core values or principles, they only have prejudices they cannot overcome!
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.
One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.

What I do know is that you do not have a clue......
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.
One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.

Appears to me that someone spends way too much listening/reading far right ideologue talking points to the point of insulating themselves from the real world. Some of the posts that I have seen on this board leads me to think that some folks must have a low and narrow opinion of 90% percent of the population. They must be very lonely people.
What a bunch of bullshit. So in your world "moderates" are the only thinkers.
Now that is a laugh riot. The very people who have no core values and cannot make a decision without taking a consensus are the THINKERS?
Yeah, right.

I am a moderate. And I have core values.

The two are incompatible.
One cannot decide by consensus and have core values.
Those values guide us and prohibit wavering on those values.
One cannot claim core values only when it is convenient.
The same for the person who goes to church three times a week and preaches to his neighbors then his other life he a drunken wife beater.
Moderates by definition cannot make up their mind. They look to see which is the popular view on a particular issue and go with that view.
Moderates state they are "open minded"....Bullshit. Open mindedness is another trait which indicates an absence core values.
That is not to say that one cannot change their mind where they stand on an issue or event of the day after careful consideration. That is a good thing It shows the ability to think logically. However that is not what defines a moderate. Moderates cannot think independently. They are go with the crowd or go along to get along type people. Moderates take the path of least resistance.
MOderates stand on the sidelines. They are watchers. Moderates typically will not take a stand and fight for something because typically moderates do not believe in anything. In fact moderates do not bother to question anything for fear of attracting attention to themselves. Moderates fly under the radar. They hide in the shadows waiting for the majority to give them their marching orders. Again, moderates always take the path of least resistance.

See the problem here is that you have no idea what it means to be a moderate. We DON'T decide our beliefs by consensus, our beliefs just happen to land in the middle of two extremes. I'm not a conservative because I think oppressing gays is wrong, I'm not a liberal because I don't think the planet is going to end any time soon because of global warming.
ex... conservatives think that taxes are too high and government is too big, liberals think we need more taxes to balance the budget. Moderates, look at the big picture and see taxes are at 14% of gdp, which is the lowest since the 40's, and spending is at 25% the highest since WWII, and we go "hey, you will never balance the budget with 14% taxes and 25% spending EVER, both are the problem."
And before both sides jump on me because the economy is bringing in less taxes and causing more spending I KNOW ALREADY. You are both right, but you are also, both wrong.
"Moderates" are Pussies. They just want to be liked. Never ever trust anyone who doesn't stand for anything.
"Moderates" are Pussies. They just want to be liked. Never ever trust anyone who doesn't stand for anything.

Internet warriors are Pussies. They just want to push your buttons. Never trust anyone who confuses posting inflammatory opinions on the internet with actually standing for something.
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poor baby. you know there ARE alternatives other than one lunatic extreme or the other.

Then why did you avoid that alternative and adopt the lunatic leftist extreme?

My issue is that 99% of those who claim to be "moderates" are in fact fringe left extremists.

I'm not a Republican, but I'm certainly no moderate. I support Capitalism and civil liberty; I don't apologize nor compromise those principles.

Jillian is as moderate as Bernadine Dohrn, Elena Kagan or Squeeky Fromme.
There is no question that moderates can kick Franks ass

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