Why more people including young are discouraged by Obama's intelligence..ineptness..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“Now, we know that no single weather event is caused solely by climate change,” the president said in June. “But we also know that in a world that’s warmer than it used to be, all weather events are affected by a warming planet.
Obama global warming order ignores leveling temperatures | The Daily Caller

Today's headlines: "Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating"
"Warmist claims of a severe increase in hurricane activity go back to 2005 and Hurricane Katrina. The cover of Al Gore’s 2009 book, “Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis,” even features a satellite image of the globe with four major hurricanes superimposed.

Yet the evidence to the contrary was there all along. Back in 2005 I and others reviewed the entire hurricane record, which goes back over a century, and found no increase of any kind. Yes, we sometimes get bad storms — but no more frequently now than in the past. The advocates simply ignored that evidence — then repeated their false claims after Hurricane Sandy last year.
And the media play along. For example, it somehow wasn’t front-page news that committed believers in man-made global warming recently admitted there’s been no surface global warming for well over a decade and maybe none for decades more. Nor did we see warmists conceding that their explanation is essentially a confession that the previous warming may not have been man-made at all.
That admission came in a new paper by prominent warmists in the peer-reviewed journal Climate Dynamics.
They not only conceded that average global surface temperatures stopped warming a full 15 years ago, but that this “pause” could extend into the 2030s."

So when more and more people are seeing the ignorance of global warmers like Obama and his official administration posture is to do everything from EPA to NOAA to promote global warming rather then being balanced!

What these people are seeing the really ineptitude of Obama directly AND the people he put into power positions...
Obama like them are A) driven by Politics, B)Driven by Politics.. C) Driven by Politics!

Not facts. Not doing a good job. But what is the political payoff.
NOT sure how long it will take to recuperate from that attitude even with the next more conservative administration!

Global-warming ?proof? is evaporating | New York Post

I've seen this data, and it may indeed be true, but I'm not at all convinced that it's good news for the GOP.

Some of these young people are terribly disappointed that he has not gone liberal enough. There's no way in hell they're going to vote for a Republican, so they'll just once again poke a hole in the ballot next to whomever the (D) is and hope for the best.

Others seem to be fed up with both parties - a sentiment I can certainly appreciate - and may either vote third party or not vote at all for a while.

We'll see, I guess.


I've seen this data, and it may indeed be true, but I'm not at all convinced that it's good news for the GOP.

Some of these young people are terribly disappointed that he has not gone liberal enough. There's no way in hell they're going to vote for a Republican, so they'll just once again poke a hole in the ballot next to whomever the (D) is and hope for the best.

Others seem to be fed up with both parties - a sentiment I can certainly appreciate - and may either vote third party or not vote at all for a while.

We'll see, I guess.


And THAT is precisely how we got obama.


Thanks a pant-load
That is precisely how we are going to get even more liberal and pragmatic people in office down the road. Demographics and young voters are going to move the center to the left in this nation.

I've seen this data, and it may indeed be true, but I'm not at all convinced that it's good news for the GOP.

Some of these young people are terribly disappointed that he has not gone liberal enough. There's no way in hell they're going to vote for a Republican, so they'll just once again poke a hole in the ballot next to whomever the (D) is and hope for the best.

Others seem to be fed up with both parties - a sentiment I can certainly appreciate - and may either vote third party or not vote at all for a while.

We'll see, I guess.


Sadly, I believe many will trend to no vote at all.

Our leaders act like children. They spin the sentiments of the opposing party to the point where the younger voters who rarely pay attention, only hear the "sound bites" and make character decisions of candidates on those sound bites.

And when you add all of the sound bites together, all candidates are either trying to buy votes or hate poor people.

Who wants to vote for people like that?
That is precisely how we are going to get even more liberal and pragmatic people in office down the road. Demographics and young voters are going to move the center to the left in this nation.

until they find themselves no longer getting return checks in the mail...and instead paying out 40% plus in taxes.

Youngsters like liberal ideas until it has an affect on their own lifestyle.
That is precisely how we are going to get even more liberal and pragmatic people in office down the road. Demographics and young voters are going to move the center to the left in this nation.

"liberal and pragmatic"

"pragmatic" the definition: "dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations."

Are you aware you created an oxymoron? "liberal and pragmatic"?
That is precisely how we are going to get even more liberal and pragmatic people in office down the road. Demographics and young voters are going to move the center to the left in this nation.

until they find themselves no longer getting return checks in the mail...and instead paying out 40% plus in taxes.

Youngsters like liberal ideas until it has an affect on their own lifestyle.

yes that is why the youth obamacare turn out is so dismal
These dumbass kids just got gobsmacked with reality, they are all whiney now that the dear leader is taking thier money.
That is precisely how we are going to get even more liberal and pragmatic people in office down the road. Demographics and young voters are going to move the center to the left in this nation.

until they find themselves no longer getting return checks in the mail...and instead paying out 40% plus in taxes.

Youngsters like liberal ideas until it has an affect on their own lifestyle.

yes that is why the youth obamacare turn out is so dismal

it is possible that the ACA may work against the democrats as it pertains to the young vote.

Picture a 25 year old "progressive" who has busted his/her butt to finally make enough to live in a nice apartment, enjoy some money in his/her pocket, drive a new car for the first time and....bam....not eligible for a subsidy and must pay 5000 for health insurance that he or she doesnt feel he or she needs.

Bet that individual will start to think the other way more often than not.

I've seen this data, and it may indeed be true, but I'm not at all convinced that it's good news for the GOP.

Some of these young people are terribly disappointed that he has not gone liberal enough. There's no way in hell they're going to vote for a Republican, so they'll just once again poke a hole in the ballot next to whomever the (D) is and hope for the best.

Others seem to be fed up with both parties - a sentiment I can certainly appreciate - and may either vote third party or not vote at all for a while.

We'll see, I guess.


That is why we need to remove the D & R insignia from the ballot
until they find themselves no longer getting return checks in the mail...and instead paying out 40% plus in taxes.

Youngsters like liberal ideas until it has an affect on their own lifestyle.

yes that is why the youth obamacare turn out is so dismal

it is possible that the ACA may work against the democrats as it pertains to the young vote.

Picture a 25 year old "progressive" who has busted his/her butt to finally make enough to live in a nice apartment, enjoy some money in his/her pocket, drive a new car for the first time and....bam....not eligible for a subsidy and must pay 5000 for health insurance that he or she doesnt feel he or she needs.

Bet that individual will start to think the other way more often than not.

the sticker shock comes quick once they leave the college utopia

when they start finding out how much things cost

I've seen this data, and it may indeed be true, but I'm not at all convinced that it's good news for the GOP.

Some of these young people are terribly disappointed that he has not gone liberal enough. There's no way in hell they're going to vote for a Republican, so they'll just once again poke a hole in the ballot next to whomever the (D) is and hope for the best.

Others seem to be fed up with both parties - a sentiment I can certainly appreciate - and may either vote third party or not vote at all for a while.

We'll see, I guess.


That is why we need to remove the D & R insignia from the ballot

Imagine how long you'd have to stand in line to vote, watching so many people not knowing what to do...


yes that is why the youth obamacare turn out is so dismal

it is possible that the ACA may work against the democrats as it pertains to the young vote.

Picture a 25 year old "progressive" who has busted his/her butt to finally make enough to live in a nice apartment, enjoy some money in his/her pocket, drive a new car for the first time and....bam....not eligible for a subsidy and must pay 5000 for health insurance that he or she doesnt feel he or she needs.

Bet that individual will start to think the other way more often than not.

the sticker shock comes quick once they leave the college utopia

when they start finding out how much things cost
I cant relate. I worked all through college and supported myself. Sticker shock never hit me.

Besides, kids see the high prices as a factor of the greedy evil business owners.

However, when I saw how much of my income I actually got to keep once I graduated?

I realized it was not the evil business men to question. It was my government.
it is possible that the ACA may work against the democrats as it pertains to the young vote.

Picture a 25 year old "progressive" who has busted his/her butt to finally make enough to live in a nice apartment, enjoy some money in his/her pocket, drive a new car for the first time and....bam....not eligible for a subsidy and must pay 5000 for health insurance that he or she doesnt feel he or she needs.

Bet that individual will start to think the other way more often than not.

the sticker shock comes quick once they leave the college utopia

when they start finding out how much things cost
I cant relate. I worked all through college and supported myself. Sticker shock never hit me.

Besides, kids see the high prices as a factor of the greedy evil business owners.

However, when I saw how much of my income I actually got to keep once I graduated?

I realized it was not the evil business men to question. It was my government.

yes i had to work my way though college as well

but then again i have worked all of my life

the college kids i know have been sticker shocked

plus finding out they are not getting the jobs

they went to school for

and the ones somewhat related are low paying

with no other skills at hand

i hired a college kid once

that could not tell you the difference between

a Phillips and Flathead screwdriver

over the years he became quite talented in cable installation
While more people including young are discouraged by Obama's intelligence..ineptness.. the facts remain that all Americans are far more discouraged and distrustful of the far right's reactionary agenda.
While more people including young are discouraged by Obama's intelligence..ineptness.. the facts remain that all Americans are far more discouraged and distrustful of the far right's reactionary agenda.

Only your low-info Americans on free government programs are discouraged with the GOP if they know what GOP even means....:lol: There will be jobs, for those who might want them.
From 1979 to 1997, the temps average was about -0.1 on this chart. Since 2001, the average is about 0.2. Wonder how big the next jump of the average is going to be?

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Nov. 2013: +0.19 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

You should have read a little further from Dr. Spencer...

"Now, you might be surprised to learn that the amount of warming directly caused by the extra CO2 is, by itself, relatively weak. It has been calculated theoretically that, if there are no other changes in the climate system, a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would cause less than 1 deg C of surface warming (about 1 deg. F). This is NOT a controversial statement…it is well understood by climate scientists. (As of 2008, we were about 40% to 45% of the way toward a doubling of atmospheric CO2.)

Finally, if the climate system is insensitive, this means that the extra carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere
is not enough to cause the observed warming over the last 100 years — some natural mechanism must be involved.
Here you can read about my favorite candidate: the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
GW 101 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Now regarding the USA CO2 emissions --- All of the CO2 emissions by the USA are absorbed by the USA landscape and then some!
The USA landscape absorbs ALL plus has enough capacity to handle 15% MORE then currently emitted.
Do you understand this?

"The U.S. landscape acts as a net carbon sink—it sequesters more carbon than it emits.
Two types of analyses confirm this:
1) atmospheric, or top-down, methods that look at changes in CO2 concentrations; and
2) land-based, or bottom-up, methods that incorporate on-the-ground inventories or plot measurements.
Net sequestration (i.e., the difference between carbon gains and losses) in U.S. forests, urban trees and agricultural soils totaled almost 840 teragrams (Tg) of CO2 equivalent (or about 230 Tg or million metric tons of carbon equivalent) in 2001 (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks).

This offsets approximately 15% of total U.S. CO2 emissions from the energy, transportation and other sectors. Net carbon sequestration in the forest sector in 2005 offset 10% of U.S. CO2 emissions. In the near future, we project that U.S. forests will continue to sequester carbon at a rate similar to that in recent years. Based on a comparison of our estimates to a compilation of land-based estimates of non-forest carbon sinks from the literature, we estimate that the conterminous U.S. annually sequesters 149–330 Tg C year1. Forests, urban trees, and wood products are responsible for 65–91% of this sink.


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