Why Neocons Tolerate Feminism and Allow Capitalism To Die


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013
One of the biggest questions I've always had for neocons is why they don't discipline feminists more adamantly despite how feminism treats capitalism as patriarchic. Capitalism is one of neocons' pillars, so it should be obvious that they're against feminism...

...but they're not. In fact, when 9/11 and the wars in the middle east happened, one of their biggest platforms was how middle easterners treat their women.

Likewise, in modern consumer culture, neocons don't care about feminist abuse of men in movies, tv, and music, nor do they care about feminist deconstruction of objective morals or objective reason. They don't care about feminist interpretation of moral emotivism and moral relativism...

...so why?

The main reason is because neoconservatism is an anti-intellectual ideology that's stuck in its ways, and obsessed with ruggedly individualist work ethic in conforming to norms for the sake of being practically normal.

In other words, neocons don't care about ideals, principles, concepts, or abstract reason. They look at those people as nerds. They look at those people as whiny liberals when in reality, those people construct the heritage, narrative, story, custom, culture, and tradition that preserve the free market system.

The main reason is neocons look at feminism as a tool to engage in survival of the fittest while discriminating against the nerds. In fact, one only has to look at how neocons don't discipline the feminist corruption of the public education system to understand this. That is neocons don't discipline feminist faculty who tolerate the bullying of boys. Furthermore, neocons don't care about how that bullying leads to social alienation which inhibits networking, and how the economy has become infested by a feminist workforce:

Women Are Mostly In Make Work Jobs » Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology

Stimulus Supported Jobs Employing Women Set To Disappear - The Spearhead



Coincidentally, neocons focus on foreign policy, so what happens to those who are socially alienated from networking into the civilian workforce? Where do they go to make a living?

On top of that, what's happening now? As feminism has infected the workforce, those men who are being socially alienated are being told they're lazy despite how they might apply themselves to become successful. They're told they're selfish for not being willing to work in an economy where feminist social programs, public goods, redistributive justice, and professionalization of reform are everywhere...

...but is this really a surprise?

Not really. After all, neoconservatism was built from the left wing New York Intellectuals.
Listen, I know that Neocon/Progressive scum are authoritarian Constitution shredding dirtbags.

But may I ask you, just to summarize the main point of your OP.
Where, in the Constitution, does it say, "equal except for fill in the blank"?


Listen, I know that Neocon/Progressive scum are authoritarian Constitution shredding dirtbags.

But may I ask you, just to summarize the main point of your OP.

The point is neocons tolerate feminism because it gets them what they want.

They don't care about how feminism deconstructs free markets. They don't believe in free markets anyway. They believe in being wise guys who take advantage of office politics, the Peter Principle, and the iron law of oligarchy to abuse those who believe in free market principles while hiding behind plausible deniability.

Feminism is OK with this because feminism tolerates men who behave as wise guys since it finds them charming, and it tolerates women who abuse men who aren't wise guys because it doesn't care about uncharming men. Neocons are wise guys, so they don't care.

On top of this, feminism doesn't care about men becoming charming over time. It looks at capitalism as patriarchic anyway, so sabotaging the development of men so women can get ahead is OK.

Likewise, neocons are anti-intellectuals who are short-sighted, so they don't care about those men who develop over time. Instead, they just want to perpetually live in the moment. When feminists appeal to moral emotivism instead of rational choice which the free market is justified by, neocons are OK with it. If anything, neocons look at those who support rational choice as "intellectually elite" liberals.

In fact, this attitude is compatible with the socialist idea of "permanent revolution" where things are constantly changing without stability, and it emulates the socialist bureaucratic "new class" where people get ahead through patron-client relations instead of honestly applying themselves to become successful.
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Where, in the Constitution, does it say, "equal except for fill in the blank"?



Where does feminism actually believe in that?

Feminism is an ideology that tolerates affirmative action and procedural prejudice against men while saying men have to endure ruggedly individualist abuse by those who hide behind plausible deniability. For example, feminism is obsessed with science before religion because it's obsessed with evidence. It doesn't care about reliability, and how it creates drama by forcing people to assume the risk of victimization while not being able to prove their case. On the other hand, feminism believes in moral emotivism instead of objective morality, so for example, it believes that women should be allowed to report men as rapists just because they say so despite how it's possible that men get consent. The only "reason" is because it's emotionally absurd to compare the damages of men being maliciously prosecuted versus the damages of women being raped.

Those men who aren't willing to endure it are selfish for expecting society to come to their rescue, for not accounting for historical discrimination they have nothing to do with, and for not proving their strength perpetually in the moment rather than having the freedom to become strong over time.

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