Why not Tulsi?

Except for her opposition to some wars, she is a cookie cutter lib. Gone are the days when libs were reflexively anti war, hence her party’s failure to support.
Which proves the war party is the D Party. Just like the R Party.

I never watch the SOTU, but heard a clip on Don’s comments about Venezuela. So much for his noninterventionist campaign promises. He is yet another disgusting warmonger like W and Ears.

How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh that’s right, none.

And you call other people “uninformed”.
Really? Are you even paying attention?

He has threatened many nations with extermination, imposed onerous sanctions on many nations, has tried to overthrow a democratically elected leader, assassinated a leader of a foreign government. All acts of war. But yeah, things are good. LOL.

And yet no new wars. He knows how to intimidate and keep those rogue nations in line.

He could had easily started wars in North Korea, Syria, and Iran, yet he didn’t. The leftwingers and globalists were all clamoring for war. But our magnificent President held the line and has kept the peace.
I wonder what he would have done had those crazed fanatics in Iran, assassinated an American general. Any guesses?

you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine

color? what color is she?

she is a samoan, vegan, hindu. which of those is a color?
Are you slow?

quite fast actually, how about you. what color is a samoan, a vegan, a hindu? Are they negroes? what race are they, are they all "of color" or only the darker skinned ones?

all this racial bullshit you libs come up with is a crock of shit. We are all human beings, we differ in skin color, hair color, eye color, height, weight, language, sports ability. but we are all of one race------the human race. Stop the racial divide techniques, they don't work any more.
LOL. I’m not a lib silly. Stop thinking in an exclusively binary nature.

clearly she is a woman of color, and the D Party normally loves that. Since she’s anti-war, she is denigrated by the D Party.

You missed the point of my OP entirely.

I got your point . But I object to the "of color" bullshit no matter who is using it.
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine
The Dems are ripe for a split along their leftist/loonier-leftist fault line. A 3rd party could emerge from the wreckage consisting of centrist Dems, Independents, and even Repubs that would gain traction if firmly planted and financed. Gabbard would flourish.
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine

color? what color is she?

she is a samoan, vegan, hindu. which of those is a color?
Are you slow?

quite fast actually, how about you. what color is a samoan, a vegan, a hindu? Are they negroes? what race are they, are they all "of color" or only the darker skinned ones?

all this racial bullshit you libs come up with is a crock of shit. We are all human beings, we differ in skin color, hair color, eye color, height, weight, language, sports ability. but we are all of one race------the human race. Stop the racial divide techniques, they don't work any more.
LOL. I’m not a lib silly. Stop thinking in an exclusively binary nature.

clearly she is a woman of color, and the D Party normally loves that. Since she’s anti-war, she is denigrated by the D Party.

You missed the point of my OP entirely.

I got your point . But I object to the "of color" bullshit no matter who is using it.
No you didn’t.
Which proves the war party is the D Party. Just like the R Party.

I never watch the SOTU, but heard a clip on Don’s comments about Venezuela. So much for his noninterventionist campaign promises. He is yet another disgusting warmonger like W and Ears.

How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh that’s right, none.

And you call other people “uninformed”.
Really? Are you even paying attention?

He has threatened many nations with extermination, imposed onerous sanctions on many nations, has tried to overthrow a democratically elected leader, assassinated a leader of a foreign government. All acts of war. But yeah, things are good. LOL.

And yet no new wars. He knows how to intimidate and keep those rogue nations in line.

He could had easily started wars in North Korea, Syria, and Iran, yet he didn’t. The leftwingers and globalists were all clamoring for war. But our magnificent President held the line and has kept the peace.
I wonder what he would have done had those crazed fanatics in Iran, assassinated an American general. Any guesses?

you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
Damn that’s dumb.
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh that’s right, none.

And you call other people “uninformed”.
Really? Are you even paying attention?

He has threatened many nations with extermination, imposed onerous sanctions on many nations, has tried to overthrow a democratically elected leader, assassinated a leader of a foreign government. All acts of war. But yeah, things are good. LOL.

And yet no new wars. He knows how to intimidate and keep those rogue nations in line.

He could had easily started wars in North Korea, Syria, and Iran, yet he didn’t. The leftwingers and globalists were all clamoring for war. But our magnificent President held the line and has kept the peace.
I wonder what he would have done had those crazed fanatics in Iran, assassinated an American general. Any guesses?

you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
Damn that’s dumb.

so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
Really? Are you even paying attention?

He has threatened many nations with extermination, imposed onerous sanctions on many nations, has tried to overthrow a democratically elected leader, assassinated a leader of a foreign government. All acts of war. But yeah, things are good. LOL.

And yet no new wars. He knows how to intimidate and keep those rogue nations in line.

He could had easily started wars in North Korea, Syria, and Iran, yet he didn’t. The leftwingers and globalists were all clamoring for war. But our magnificent President held the line and has kept the peace.
I wonder what he would have done had those crazed fanatics in Iran, assassinated an American general. Any guesses?

you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
Damn that’s dumb.

so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
That’s dumb too.

Try to think rather than accept what the government and it’s media tell you. A government well known for lying.

You might also learn the history of our government’s involvement in Iran.
And yet no new wars. He knows how to intimidate and keep those rogue nations in line.

He could had easily started wars in North Korea, Syria, and Iran, yet he didn’t. The leftwingers and globalists were all clamoring for war. But our magnificent President held the line and has kept the peace.
I wonder what he would have done had those crazed fanatics in Iran, assassinated an American general. Any guesses?

you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
Damn that’s dumb.

so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
That’s dumb too.

Try to think rather than accept what the government and it’s media tell you. A government well known for lying.

You might also learn the history of our government’s involvement in Iran.

so now you are trying to say that we started the Islamic jihad? geez dude, might be time to lay off the cheap vodka.

As you know, Islam declared war on all non muslims 700 years or so ago. Before the USA even existed. What's going on in Iran is not our fault. Iran was on its way to becoming a normal world country under the shah, then the radicals took control back and it degraded into a terrorist regime.

No one is lying about Islamic terrorism. Well, maybe the terrorists themselves are lying to keep people like you on their side.
Obama is half white. half black arab. He is not black, he is not white, he is mixed race. Most of us are mixed race if you trace back far enough.

ask Tim Scott of SC what he thinks of you lefties making everything about race, or ask Candace Owen or Ben Carson.

Obama isn't Arab!! he's half Kenyan, a sub-Saharan African country. They're the real deal, what we call BLACK.
Obama is half white. half black arab. He is not black, he is not white, he is mixed race. Most of us are mixed race if you trace back far enough.

ask Tim Scott of SC what he thinks of you lefties making everything about race, or ask Candace Owen or Ben Carson.

Obama isn't Arab!! he's half Kenyan, a sub-Saharan African country. They're the real deal, what we call BLACK.

His father was a black arab and a muslim. Yes, from Africa.

His mother was as white as Taylor Swift, and probably as stupid.
Tulsi is more intelligent than the rest of the Dem candidates (which doesn't say much), but make no mistake she is a hardcore leftist.
She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine
what color is a samoan, a vegan, a hindu? Are they negroes? what race are they, are they all "of color" or only the darker skinned ones?...
I don't know about Hindus or vegans but salmon is usually pretty pink on the inside.

clearly she is a woman of color, and the D Party normally loves that. Since she’s anti-war, she is denigrated by the D Party. You missed the point of my OP entirely.
I got your point But I object to the "of color" bullshit no matter who is using it.
Gabby strikes me as one of the few real people in the Dem "Big Tent." She says things that must alienate many leftards who are otherwise in her ideological corner. She strikes me as a 3rd party type because she is too honest to be a 21st Century Democrat.
His father was a black arab and a muslim. Yes, from Africa.

His mother was as white as Taylor Swift, and probably as stupid.

Just because Africans are turning Muslim in the face of continual terrorism and proselytizing by Muslims doesn't mean they are Arabs! Not everyone --- well, hardly anyone --- who turns Arab in the Orient or Africa or the United States is an Arab. Arabs are already lost to this aggressive, war-seeking religion; it's the other races they want to conquer, and did in parts of Kenya, as with Obama's father, who went back to Africa when his son was 2, deserting his "family." Nigeria is also rapidly falling Muslim as the terrorism continues unabated there. These are sub-Saharan countries and they are not Arabs. THAT, in fact, is the problem --- Muslims are taking over Africa as well as quite a lot of the Far East.
Hopefully Tulsi wins the lawsuit against Crooked Hillary and President Trump offers her a position in his administration. Sure she still retains some confused "democrat" views, but those can easily change.
I would love that. Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense would be best.
[ Most of us are mixed race if you trace back far enough.

Nonsense. This is just the far leftwing PC talk they feed you with to undermine everyone's sense of identity. You know if you are "mixed," that is, with black. Maybe you are, but most of us here are not.
His father was a black arab and a muslim. Yes, from Africa.

His mother was as white as Taylor Swift, and probably as stupid.

Just because Africans are turning Muslim in the face of continual terrorism and proselytizing by Muslims doesn't mean they are Arabs! Not everyone --- well, hardly anyone --- who turns Arab in the Orient or Africa or the United States is an Arab. Arabs are already lost to this aggressive, war-seeking religion; it's the other races they want to conquer, and did in parts of Kenya, as with Obama's father, who went back to Africa when his son was 2, deserting his "family." Nigeria is also rapidly falling Muslim as the terrorism continues unabated there. These are sub-Saharan countries and they are not Arabs. THAT, in fact, is the problem --- Muslims are taking over Africa as well as quite a lot of the Far East.

Yes, and that has been their jihad for 700 years----to gradually turn the entire world muslim. the crusaders figured it out and stopped it for many years, but now its back and if political correctness prevents the world from calling it what it is, then they will eventually succeed and the blood bath of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Shintos, and every other religion will continue.
[ Most of us are mixed race if you trace back far enough.

Nonsense. This is just the far leftwing PC talk they feed you with to undermine everyone's sense of identity. You know if you are "mixed," that is, with black. Maybe you are, but most of us here are not.

you missed my point. I said "if you go back far enough". If we accept evolution or religion, both say that we all came from the same genetic background then adapted to the different environments and created "races".

What really pisses me off is the misuse of the term race in today's jargon. Hispanic is not a race, Muslim is not a race, Negro is a race, Caucasian is a race, you can argue that asian is a race (mongol). But Mexican is not a race, African is not a race. AOC is not a race.

mixed race can be something besides half black (like obama). caucasian/asian is a mixed race.

I really wish we could use language as intended, and stop making up new words to fit some political agenda.

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