Why not Tulsi?

How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh that’s right, none.

And you call other people “uninformed”.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already

The facts are Trump's campaign promise to leave JCPOA was over 3 years ago

Which he has no plan for now
Iran's Nuclear Program Timeline and History | NTI

the facts are that Obozo's Iran deal was a terrible deal for the USA. Iran got money, the ability to continue to enrich uranium, and financial help with their terrorist activities. We got nothing but a worthless promise.

and you are correct, Iran does not pose a physical threat to the US mainland, except via terrorism (remember 9/11?). They do pose a direct physical threat to our allies in the mid east especially Israel who they say should not exist and must be destroyed.
Except for her opposition to some wars, she is a cookie cutter lib. Gone are the days when libs were reflexively anti war, hence her party’s failure to support.
Which proves the war party is the D Party. Just like the R Party.

I never watch the SOTU, but heard a clip on Don’s comments about Venezuela. So much for his noninterventionist campaign promises. He is yet another disgusting warmonger like W and Ears.

How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh that’s right, none.

And you call other people “uninformed”.
Really? Are you even paying attention?

He has threatened many nations with extermination, imposed onerous sanctions on many nations, has tried to overthrow a democratically elected leader, assassinated a leader of a foreign government. All acts of war. But yeah, things are good. LOL.

What democratically elected leader?

Which leader did he assassinate? He was a terrorist leader!

Still clinging to that stupid idea that sanctions are an act of war? I refuse to sell you my house that you want for your crack whores business, so you declare war on me?

God, what a dumbass you made in this POS!
Damn boy you really are dumb.

to your sig line. What lies did the USA tell when the Japanese attacked pearl harbor?
you have it backwards, moron. Sulamani (sp) killed hundreds of americans and thousands of muslims and jews, his removal from earth was a benefit to everyone on earth. He was not an innocent, he was a multiple murderer.

get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself on this board. we have more than our quota of those already.
Damn that’s dumb.

so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
That’s dumb too.

Try to think rather than accept what the government and it’s media tell you. A government well known for lying.

You might also learn the history of our government’s involvement in Iran.

Unless you are older than Methuselah and are referring to the 1950s, how about Iran's involvement in our affairs over the past 70 years?
No need to fear Iran sonny. They are a made up enemy the MIC needs. Stop being a dupe.

Plus last I checked they don’t have ONE military base anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, let alone on our border. Plus their navy doesn’t cruise close to our shores. Can you believe that?

So? The location of their bases don't matter except in relation to our forces and our allies in the region. ICBM's don't need to be close.

Why are you so stupid? Is it intentional or your lack of education?
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Obama is half white. half black arab. He is not black, he is not white, he is mixed race. Most of us are mixed race if you trace back far enough.

ask Tim Scott of SC what he thinks of you lefties making everything about race, or ask Candace Owen or Ben Carson.

Obama isn't Arab!! he's half Kenyan, a sub-Saharan African country. They're the real deal, what we call BLACK.

His father was a black arab and a muslim. Yes, from Africa.

His mother was as white as Taylor Swift, and probably as stupid.

I'm confused. What exactly is a black arab? Look at his father's picture? He is about as black as they come.

black arab = a negro from an arab/muslim nation. a mixed race negro/arab.

No. His father was a descendant of likely forced CONVERTS, not mixed race. Pay attention and study the Muslim influence in Africa played out in history.
black arab = a negro from an arab/muslim nation. a mixed race negro/arab.

You're just wrong, Redfish. Obama is from a Kenyan father and a slut of a mother. You must be the only person anywhere who supposes he's somehow an Arab! Arab is a race, you know --- different from Persians, for instance. North Africa. Light brownish or swarthy.
Isn’t it interesting that people who would NEVER vote for Gabbard are promoting her?

I wonder why...
Damn that’s dumb.

so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
That’s dumb too.

Try to think rather than accept what the government and it’s media tell you. A government well known for lying.

You might also learn the history of our government’s involvement in Iran.

Unless you are older than Methuselah and are referring to the 1950s, how about Iran's involvement in our affairs over the past 70 years?
No need to fear Iran sonny. They are a made up enemy the MIC needs. Stop being a dupe.

Plus last I checked they don’t have ONE military base anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, let alone on our border. Plus their navy doesn’t cruise close to our shores. Can you believe that?

So? The location of their bases don't matter except in relation to our forces and our allies in the region. ICBM's don't need to be close.

Why are you so stupid? Is it intentional or your lack of education?
I know you won’t understand this, but could you answer a few questions for me?

How many nations has Iran invaded these past 50 years?
How many has the US invaded?
How does the Iranian military compare to the US military in size and capabilities?
How many foreign nations hold Iranian troops?
How many foreign nations hold US troops?
How many nations has Iran committed coups in versus USA?
Has Iran executed any US generals and then lied about it?
Has Iran encircled the US with military bases and naval firepower, and then threatened the US with extermination for decades?

I know I’m wasting my time, but it is a fun exercise exposing your infinite ignorance. Please continue.
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine
/——-/ We need whatever democRAT candidate that will lose all 50 states to Trump and cripple the DNC for the foreseeable future. Can Tulsi accomplish that? Because I’m rooting for Crazy Bernie.
so we should just let terrorists who have murdered americans walk free to continue killing us? They declared war on us years ago, when we can take them out, we should do it and save lives.

those crazed fanatics have assassinated hundreds of american officers and enlisted. WTF are you trying to say?
That’s dumb too.

Try to think rather than accept what the government and it’s media tell you. A government well known for lying.

You might also learn the history of our government’s involvement in Iran.

Unless you are older than Methuselah and are referring to the 1950s, how about Iran's involvement in our affairs over the past 70 years?
No need to fear Iran sonny. They are a made up enemy the MIC needs. Stop being a dupe.

Plus last I checked they don’t have ONE military base anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, let alone on our border. Plus their navy doesn’t cruise close to our shores. Can you believe that?

So? The location of their bases don't matter except in relation to our forces and our allies in the region. ICBM's don't need to be close.

Why are you so stupid? Is it intentional or your lack of education?
I know you won’t understand this, but could you answer a few questions for me?

How many nations has Iran invaded these past 50 years?
How many has the US invaded?
How does the Iranian military compare to the US military in size and capabilities?
How many foreign nations hold Iranian troops?
How many foreign nations hold US troops?
How many nations has Iran committed coups in versus USA?
Has Iran executed any US generals and then lied about it?
Has Iran encircled the US with military bases and naval firepower, and then threatened the US with extermination for decades?

I know I’m wasting my time, but it is a fun exercise exposing your infinite ignorance. Please continue.
/——/ “How many nations has Iran invaded these past 50 years”
Here ya go Spanky: List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine
/——-/ We need whatever democRAT candidate that will lose all 50 states to Trump and cripple the DNC for the foreseeable future. Can Tulsi accomplish that? Because I’m rooting for Crazy Bernie.
I’m rooting for Bernie too.
OMG. Bernie would destroy this country with his silly pie in the sky policies. Let's be realistic and reasonable, please! Being anti war is all great and stuff, but not always logical. This isn't fucking Candy Land, you know!
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine
/——-/ We need whatever democRAT candidate that will lose all 50 states to Trump and cripple the DNC for the foreseeable future. Can Tulsi accomplish that? Because I’m rooting for Crazy Bernie.
I’m rooting for Bernie too.
/—-/ Will the DNC snatch Victoria Bernie like they did in 2016?
She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine

Why not Tulsi? Because she's an Putin/ Assad stooge.

Easy on the eyes though for sure. Send her over to my place in a French maid outfit! :)

color? what color is she?

she is a samoan, vegan, hindu. which of those is a color?

Oh, she's a color, all right. And it ain't white. Apparently they have to be an X "of color" or they can't run as a Dem for prez. Unless there is something else drastically wrong with them, like socialism or homosexuality.

Obama has colored skin, how many black senators and reps do the Republicans have??

Will Hurd retired - Soooo ... *drumroll* ... ONE!

She checks all the boxes for the D Party, well almost all.

* Female
* Woman of color
* Member of the military
* Congresswoman
* Progressive

Is the party’s and media’s dislike of her not instructive?

She is strongly anti-war. This is an unacceptable position. This clearly proves the D Party is controlled by the MIC and the billionaires, just like the R Party.
The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard | Mulshine

Why not Tulsi? Because she's an Putin/ Assad stooge.

Easy on the eyes though for sure. Send her over to my place in a French maid outfit! :)

You just self identified as a fool. Please get informed. Stop believing lies from the corporate media.

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