Why Obama is willing to risk political suicide


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Is this why Obama and his party are still hanging by their fingernails to the unpopular health bill....?
Is this why Obama and his party are having summits on health reform instead of on JOBS...?
Is this what Obama and his party are really planning for Americans...?

Hidden Healthcare Reform Objective: Feds Want to Know Your Number - Big Government

According to my source on the health and technology sub-committee, ultimate biological control of the population is the end goal of the federal healthcare initiative, now being force-fed by the president and the Democratic Party congressional leaders.

Members of this sub-committee were even heard discussing how women’s menstrual periods could be state monitored. How people’s defecation might be monitored and used to detect broad health concerns through electronic toilet management systems. How sexual habits could be state-monitored by managing the sale of all birth-control technology through the use of the UHI.

Insanity seems too mild a word to describe the kind of mind that would want to create this sort of world. These people make Dr. Frankenstein seem like a child playing tiddlywinks in his backyard playpen.

Yet, without passage of one of the current healthcare bills, which provide for the creation of the federal bureaucracies that will be tasked with numbering the whole populace, controlling which medical therapies are given to chosen citizens, and the completion of the electronic medical records system, all of these brave-new-America visions for control will be stymied and postponed indefinitely.

Perhaps this explains why President Obama and his Party are willing to commit political suicide for the passage of this particular healthcare overhaul. Without it, they may fail in their grand plan to “re-make” America according to their scientific-state, progressive delusions.

With it, nothing else may matter.
do worry Eagle Bush already had your number , he's been bugging you for years for floating anti gov conspiracy theories, big brother does have your number LOL
I don't believe a single word of that SE, not a one!

why not...

The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B) specifically includes ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B:

14 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in15
formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1),
16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized
17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health
19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the
20 Secretary"

Coverage under Obamacare will require an implantable microchip? // Current

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