Why only Christianity and white Christians are bad?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
According to MS politicians and presstitutes:

- Buddhism is fine, no critic, no insults
- Judaism of course is the best, no critic, no insults, no discussions, just nothing
- Islam is good, but not good enough: almost no critic, no insults, respect only
- Freemasonry & Satanism ( no mentions in tabloids or TV )
- Atheism is very very good
- Marxism is a little bit better as Islam, but much worst as Buddhism

And only white Christianity and white Christians are the biggest villains, idiots, Nazis, morons, conservative troglodytes, criminals, Corona denials, Trump lovers, haters, etc. etc. etc.

As well-know white Christians created the most progressive and technically advanced civilization in the human history. No Buddhist, no Jew, no Muslim, no Atheist, no Marxist founded USA and heavily contributed the the white Christian civilization.

What contributed the black Africa to humanity through 6,000 years? The answer is simple: NOTHING
What contributed Islam to humanity through 1,400 years? Almost nothing except the 'Truth of Quran' and questionable numbers.
What contributed Jews to humanity? Of course Jesus, Banks, Stock Exchange, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Putin, Biden, political correctness and lot of 'progressive' Media,
The contribution of Buddhism? A good question, probably Tee.

BTW who invited all aforementioned Religions to white christian countries?
The same minorities,arrived in Christian countries earlier, not the Christian majority.

Why white Christian majority shall accept 24/7 bashing of their religion and culture from newcomers?
It looks like only another religious minorities hidden behind insults on Christianity.

Who can explain, why Christians in Christians countries must tolerate insults of their Religion through minorities?

Do you know a Muslim country which bashes daily Islam?
Or what's about Israel, I never heard about insults of their religion through MSM.
The same in in any country including Buddhists ones.

If you dislike pictures below you are according to 'progressives' a Nazi, a Hater, a Moron, an Idiot and a stupid jerk.





I am a Christian but it seems to me it's pretty much the "right" that condemns me because I won't support their war mongering and greed.
I am a Christian but it seems to me it's pretty much the "right" that condemns me because I won't support their war mongering and greed.

A true Christian shall strictly follow the Holy Bible.
What so-called 'rights' doing wrong to you?
Desire to take the country back form bold minorities and their agendas?
Disapprove 'progressivism' and cultural Marxism?
Or criticize all these last wars on behalf of Israel or banksters?

Just interesting.
A true Christian shall strictly follow the Holy Bible.
What so-called 'rights' doing wrong to you?
Desire to take the country back form bold minorities and their agendas?
Disapprove 'progressivism' and cultural Marxism?
Or criticize all these last wars on behalf of Israel or banksters?

Just interesting.

I told you what.
The Left is Ok with Christianity so long as Jesus bows his knee to the DNC, much like the abortionist Biden claims to be Catholic.
The Left is Ok with Christianity so long as Jesus bows his knee to the DNC, much like the abortionist Biden claims to be Catholic.

The Left is OK, still, a little bit.
Tomorrow Christianity get prohibited and for keeping the Holy Bible at home believers can receive the death penalty again ( like in 'progressive Russia between 1917 and 1937 ).
The Left is OK, still, a little bit.
Tomorrow Christianity get prohibited and for keeping the Holy Bible at home believers can receive the death penalty again ( like in 'progressive Russia between 1917 and 1937 ).
Look up Black Liberation Theology, it was the type of church Obama came from where they believe our collective salvation comes through the state and taxation.
I am a Christian but it seems to me it's pretty much the "right" that condemns me because I won't support their war mongering and greed.
Two Political parties. Two parties that have been enriched after the Fiat Currency exploded into paying people off for being total phuk ups. Lost in the George Floyd case i that he was a total negative to the human race and cost the system a lot of money. 46 years old and nothing positive. Part of what is the norm of inner city areas at a high percentage. To be forgiven you at least have to try to be a positive to your family and neighbors. Anyway Christ would tell him to screw himself after endless opportunities of redemption. Floyd is the wrong guy on the crosses who would not admit to his wrongs with Christ.
Two Political parties. Two parties that have been enriched after the Fiat Currency exploded into paying people off for being total phuk ups. Lost in the George Floyd case i that he was a total negative to the human race and cost the system a lot of money. 46 years old and nothing positive. Part of what is the norm of inner city areas at a high percentage. To be forgiven you at least have to try to be a positive to your family and neighbors. Anyway Christ would tell him to screw himself after endless opportunities of redemption. Floyd is the wrong guy on the crosses who would not admit to his wrongs with Christ.

I see George Floyd at being far less of a detriment to the country than a Dick Cheney.
According to MS politicians and presstitutes:

- Buddhism is fine, no critic, no insults
- Judaism of course is the best, no critic, no insults, no discussions, just nothing
- Islam is good, but not good enough: almost no critic, no insults, respect only
- Freemasonry & Satanism ( no mentions in tabloids or TV )
- Atheism is very very good
- Marxism is a little bit better as Islam, but much worst as Buddhism

And only white Christianity and white Christians are the biggest villains, idiots, Nazis, morons, conservative troglodytes, criminals, Corona denials, Trump lovers, haters, etc. etc. etc.

As well-know white Christians created the most progressive and technically advanced civilization in the human history. No Buddhist, no Jew, no Muslim, no Atheist, no Marxist founded USA and heavily contributed the the white Christian civilization.

What contributed the black Africa to humanity through 6,000 years? The answer is simple: NOTHING
What contributed Islam to humanity through 1,400 years? Almost nothing except the 'Truth of Quran' and questionable numbers.
What contributed Jews to humanity? Of course Jesus, Banks, Stock Exchange, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Putin, Biden, political correctness and lot of 'progressive' Media,
The contribution of Buddhism? A good question, probably Tee.

BTW who invited all aforementioned Religions to white christian countries?
The same minorities,arrived in Christian countries earlier, not the Christian majority.

Why white Christian majority shall accept 24/7 bashing of their religion and culture from newcomers?
It looks like only another religious minorities hidden behind insults on Christianity.

Who can explain, why Christians in Christians countries must tolerate insults of their Religion through minorities?

Do you know a Muslim country which bashes daily Islam?
Or what's about Israel, I never heard about insults of their religion through MSM.
The same in in any country including Buddhists ones.

If you dislike pictures below you are according to 'progressives' a Nazi, a Hater, a Moron, an Idiot and a stupid jerk.






Christmas is the worst. It indoctrinates children.
I am a Christian but it seems to me it's pretty much the "right" that condemns me because I won't support their war mongering and greed.
Claiming to be a Christian does not make you a Christian...........these people claimed to be a Christian, Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones.......etc.,

What condemns you is your unrighteous judgements. "Why do you see that speck in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye.......................You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck from your brothers eye." -- Matt. 7

Question? How can you claim to be a Christian if you support the Human Secular platform of the modern social democrat party? Do you think that Jesus supports..........taking tax payer money to fund abortion on demand? taking taxpayer money to support documented terrorist networks? providing aid to the very peoples that kill our US servicemen and women? give favorite nation status to the very nations that are documented as the greatest abusers of HUMAN RIGHTS.....China, N. Korea, and groups such as the Taliban, and the cowards that shield themselves with children and women such as Hezbollah....Hamas,?

What about supporting the UN and its one world order goals, an organization that places the greatest abusers of human rights as judges against other nations? Promoting the communist party and its objectives? Use our schools as propaganda networks to indoctrinate our children by denouncing the very Christ that you profess to serve, while teaching our children that homosexuality is natural?

When you support the left............. you support the mission statement of the Left's greatest hero Saul Alinsky........whose book Rules for Radicals is the Bible used by the left.........a book that was dedicated to ..........., Lucifer, the world's first RADICAL.
Claiming to be a Christian does not make you a Christian...........these people claimed to be a Christian, Hitler, David Koresh, Jim Jones.......etc.,

What condemns you is your unrighteous judgements. "Why do you see that speck in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye.......................You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck from your brothers eye." -- Matt. 7

Question? How can you claim to be a Christian if you support the Human Secular platform of the modern social democrat party? Do you think that Jesus supports..........taking tax payer money to fund abortion on demand? taking taxpayer money to support documented terrorist networks? providing aid to the very peoples that kill our US servicemen and women? give favorite nation status to the very nations that are documented as the greatest abusers of HUMAN RIGHTS.....China, N. Korea, and groups such as the Taliban, and the cowards that shield themselves with children and women such as Hezbollah....Hamas,?

A another cult post. Because I note that the right has the most problems with my positions in no way means I am a Democrat but that is your mindset. I am not.

What about supporting the UN and its one world order goals, an organization that places the greatest abusers of human rights as judges against other nations? Promoting the communist party and its objectives? Use our schools as propaganda networks to indoctrinate our children by denouncing the very Christ that you profess to serve, while teaching our children that homosexuality is natural?

When you support the left............. you support the mission statement of the Left's greatest hero Saul Alinsky........whose book Rules for Radicals is the Bible used by the left.........a book that was dedicated to ..........., Lucifer, the world's first RADICAL.

The UN is pretty meaningless to me.
Claiming to be a Christian does not make you a Christian...........

Only God knows who is a Christian or not.
Of course no presstitutes, corrupted apostatic fluffy bunny hippie dippie communist 'churches' or lying corrupted scum 'politicians'
A true Christian follows the Holy Bible and is leading by God, not by traitorous satanic 'priests'

That's all

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