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Why people get shot by cops

Been saying for awhile.....why aren't older blacks in these shitty neighborhoods not walking around with t-shirts that say something like, "HANDS UP OR YOU"LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF"......with a picture of Michael Browns hat on it. Duh.....daily reminders for these savages. Might save some lives!:113::113:

Well, as has been demonstrated in the videos above your own reply, that is no guarantee of not being shot. The one directly above yours shows a man stopping, and turning to the cop and raising his hands. The cop shoots him down anyway.

The truth that the thread OP tried desperately to ignore was that anything you do, can get you shot. The first ones I posted showed the victims literally obeying the cop instantly. Cop shouts show me your hands, and the guy throws them into the air rapidly, and is shot. Give me your drivers license, the guy reaches into the truck for it, in compliance with the instruction, and then is shouted at to get out of the truck, again complies instantly, and is shot while raising his hands.

Comply or not, you can get shot. Obedience is not a guarantee of survival.

Yeah yeah but we know, almost every time, the savage fails to follow the cops' instructions. That gets your hat knocked off. That's the way the public feels so.....

Well, we are making progress with you. At first, you intimated that if you obey and do what the cops say, you won’t get shot. Now, you’re lowering that standard to probably.

In Georgia, half of the people shot by police, were unarmed, or shot in the back. Half. No, I am not making that up.

OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

In Georgia, We are on pace to double the number of people shot by police just last year already matching that number, and surpassing it.


Nationally, the same trend is continuing. This isn’t Liberalism. It isn’t anything but dealing with the reality we find ourselves in. The status quo, defined as the mess we are in now. Obviously, the Status Quo can not continue. Obviously, we can not just keep on going as we were, because just as obviously, it is not working.

With all the publicity following many of the police shootings, the idea of compliance seeing you to safety would have taken hold in the public. But the problem is as we have shown, compliance does not come close to guaranteeing your safety. So the old platitude of you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear is nonsense. Besides violating the principles of the Constitution, it is obviously not a solution.

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. Socialism failed. It has always failed, and near as I can tell, always will. So when a nation, like Venezuela sets off down that path, we know it is going to fail. We laugh at those who say that this time it will work, because we are going to go bigger and better and that will make it successful.

Yet we do not put that same logic to any other issues. Police use of force does not get dealt with in the same manner. We hear that a thousand people a year are killed by police. Sure enough, we have people making the same tired old arguments about the cops needing to get even tougher to stop crime. Doubling down doesn’t make socialism work, why would doubling down make oppressive and unconstitutional policing work?

Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017

Imagine we were facing any other situation with these kinds of statistics. Take airline flights. Instead of learning from the mistakes and errors that led to the airplane crash, we just doubled down and declared the plane as perfect, and the pilot as awesome. How long would it be before aircraft were banned? But for every aircraft crash, we learn all we can, to find out what we can do differently to prevent that from occurring again.

Medicine. We give a patient a drug to cure them, and they die. We give the drug to another, and they die. Instead of saying that there is something questionable about this drug, we declare the drug is awesome and keep on going, we need to use more of it, instead of less. That Doctor would lose his license to practice medicine. Somebody would be going to jail.

Take Llano Texas. The police there were using lockpicks to enter a house, burglary tools. That failed, and after the owner refused to open the door, they kicked it in and arrested him. For what? The charges were dismissed, the cops were charged with abuse of office. But wait a minute. If it had been anyone else, the list of charges would have been a mile long. Possession of Burglary Tools. Breaking and entering. Destruction of private property, assault, kidnapping, and a host of other charges. Possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony. But none of those charges are laid on the cops.

When a cop is caught planting evidence, and the baddie was charged with possession with intent to distribute based upon the amount of drugs. Why isn’t the cop charged with that crime? He was in possession. He did distribute the drugs. Why isn’t the cop facing twenty years for being a drug dealer? Wouldn’t the tougher penalties bring an end to this criminal activity?

The scales of justice are intended to balance things out. We need to get our thumbs off the scales already.
Law enforcement are the good guys. When black communities stop producing a criminal culture that glorifies bad behavior...perhaps the shootings wil go down.
Here you go.

So, why was she pulled over?

The officer was obviously not trained how to not escalate a situation. The driver feared for her life. Note how they got out when they were in a safe place.

You are a complete shit bag Marxist. She should have her kids sent to foster homes. Irresponsible mom. What the fuck was she in fear of... a drug test for the PCP this bitch was on?

Getting shot?????????? A woman alone in a casr with her kids. The dumbass cop should have offered to follow her to a safe place.

Dumbass driver should have done what he said.

Dumbass cop should have followed procedure & been better trained.

He did.
Been saying for awhile.....why aren't older blacks in these shitty neighborhoods not walking around with t-shirts that say something like, "HANDS UP OR YOU"LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF"......with a picture of Michael Browns hat on it. Duh.....daily reminders for these savages. Might save some lives!:113::113:

Well, as has been demonstrated in the videos above your own reply, that is no guarantee of not being shot. The one directly above yours shows a man stopping, and turning to the cop and raising his hands. The cop shoots him down anyway.

The truth that the thread OP tried desperately to ignore was that anything you do, can get you shot. The first ones I posted showed the victims literally obeying the cop instantly. Cop shouts show me your hands, and the guy throws them into the air rapidly, and is shot. Give me your drivers license, the guy reaches into the truck for it, in compliance with the instruction, and then is shouted at to get out of the truck, again complies instantly, and is shot while raising his hands.

Comply or not, you can get shot. Obedience is not a guarantee of survival.
Lying so early? What piece if shit. I haven't tried to desperately ignore anything ya lying sack. This thread is about peoples actions getting them self shot like I've told your lying ass several times.

And as I showed you, despite your rants and complaints, anything can get you shot including compliance. As demonstrated with several videos. Wait a minute. I thought you were done with this thread, and through with me and going to start one where I would not be permitted to respond. What happened?

What did John Geer do to get shot? How about Walter Scott? How about Caroline Small? The State Police Investigator said it was not a justified shooting, and it was the worst one he had ever investigated. Let me guess, this is where you announce you are going to ignore me again right?
I would like to see you and Real Dave handle the situation. This bitch would beat both your asses.
Been saying for awhile.....why aren't older blacks in these shitty neighborhoods not walking around with t-shirts that say something like, "HANDS UP OR YOU"LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF"......with a picture of Michael Browns hat on it. Duh.....daily reminders for these savages. Might save some lives!:113::113:

Well, as has been demonstrated in the videos above your own reply, that is no guarantee of not being shot. The one directly above yours shows a man stopping, and turning to the cop and raising his hands. The cop shoots him down anyway.

The truth that the thread OP tried desperately to ignore was that anything you do, can get you shot. The first ones I posted showed the victims literally obeying the cop instantly. Cop shouts show me your hands, and the guy throws them into the air rapidly, and is shot. Give me your drivers license, the guy reaches into the truck for it, in compliance with the instruction, and then is shouted at to get out of the truck, again complies instantly, and is shot while raising his hands.

Comply or not, you can get shot. Obedience is not a guarantee of survival.

Yeah yeah but we know, almost every time, the savage fails to follow the cops' instructions. That gets your hat knocked off. That's the way the public feels so.....

Well, we are making progress with you. At first, you intimated that if you obey and do what the cops say, you won’t get shot. Now, you’re lowering that standard to probably.

In Georgia, half of the people shot by police, were unarmed, or shot in the back. Half. No, I am not making that up.

OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

In Georgia, We are on pace to double the number of people shot by police just last year already matching that number, and surpassing it.


Nationally, the same trend is continuing. This isn’t Liberalism. It isn’t anything but dealing with the reality we find ourselves in. The status quo, defined as the mess we are in now. Obviously, the Status Quo can not continue. Obviously, we can not just keep on going as we were, because just as obviously, it is not working.

With all the publicity following many of the police shootings, the idea of compliance seeing you to safety would have taken hold in the public. But the problem is as we have shown, compliance does not come close to guaranteeing your safety. So the old platitude of you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear is nonsense. Besides violating the principles of the Constitution, it is obviously not a solution.

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. Socialism failed. It has always failed, and near as I can tell, always will. So when a nation, like Venezuela sets off down that path, we know it is going to fail. We laugh at those who say that this time it will work, because we are going to go bigger and better and that will make it successful.

Yet we do not put that same logic to any other issues. Police use of force does not get dealt with in the same manner. We hear that a thousand people a year are killed by police. Sure enough, we have people making the same tired old arguments about the cops needing to get even tougher to stop crime. Doubling down doesn’t make socialism work, why would doubling down make oppressive and unconstitutional policing work?

Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017

Imagine we were facing any other situation with these kinds of statistics. Take airline flights. Instead of learning from the mistakes and errors that led to the airplane crash, we just doubled down and declared the plane as perfect, and the pilot as awesome. How long would it be before aircraft were banned? But for every aircraft crash, we learn all we can, to find out what we can do differently to prevent that from occurring again.

Medicine. We give a patient a drug to cure them, and they die. We give the drug to another, and they die. Instead of saying that there is something questionable about this drug, we declare the drug is awesome and keep on going, we need to use more of it, instead of less. That Doctor would lose his license to practice medicine. Somebody would be going to jail.

Take Llano Texas. The police there were using lockpicks to enter a house, burglary tools. That failed, and after the owner refused to open the door, they kicked it in and arrested him. For what? The charges were dismissed, the cops were charged with abuse of office. But wait a minute. If it had been anyone else, the list of charges would have been a mile long. Possession of Burglary Tools. Breaking and entering. Destruction of private property, assault, kidnapping, and a host of other charges. Possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony. But none of those charges are laid on the cops.

When a cop is caught planting evidence, and the baddie was charged with possession with intent to distribute based upon the amount of drugs. Why isn’t the cop charged with that crime? He was in possession. He did distribute the drugs. Why isn’t the cop facing twenty years for being a drug dealer? Wouldn’t the tougher penalties bring an end to this criminal activity?

The scales of justice are intended to balance things out. We need to get our thumbs off the scales already.
Law enforcement are the good guys. When black communities stop producing a criminal culture that glorifies bad behavior...perhaps the shootings wil go down.
That was the main reason I started this thread, to point out with actual videos how peoples actions get themselves shot, not only black but whatever color they are.
You can’t say I am lying by declaring that you wanted nothing but a cheering section and then call everyone who doesn’t cheer a troll. You prove my point. Create a new thread. I can post those videos again. See you soon Amigo.
You are a liar and a troll. I never asked for any cheering ya lying sack of shit.

You denounced anyone who did not agree with full throated support as a troll. By process of elimination you demanded only cheers.

View attachment 215917 View attachment 215918 View attachment 215919 View attachment 215920 View attachment 215921 View attachment 215922

Game, set, Match. Someone even complained to the moderators. Sadly for that person the Mods disagreed with that complaint. If your memory is failing there are some treatments available.

Have a nice day.:113:
Troll on ya goddam piece of shit.

To paraphrase “The Princess Bride” you keep using that word. I don’t think you know what it means.

Definition of TROLL

You are the one using offensive language in an effort to get an emotional response out of myself and others. It’s not going to work, for a number of reasons. First, I was in the Army for nine years, and heard not to mention used more insults than you’ve probably heard in your entire life. Second, I’m on topic. You said it was the behavior of people who got them shot by Police. I posted behavior videos that disproved your point, thus staying on topic. Now, you’re reduced to name calling showing that you have not evolved beyond gradeschool level, especially with such pathetic insults and name calling.

I don’t know who complained to the Mods. I only know that the Mod wrote me and told me that my posts were on topic. So.... Well I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

I have shown, without any doubt, that any actions you take, including complete compliance, can get you shot. I have demonstrated that the police will shoot for any reason, including surrendering. So no matter what behavior you embrace, it could get you killed by the police, including standing still with your hands up.

Thanks for playing, and I look forward to your next tirade of juvenile insults and rants. Perhaps you’ll surprise me and actually use a good one. It is possible,
All the videos you posted were off topic. Pretending they are not does not make it so. This Op is not about people getting shot by police. It is about peoples actions that get them shot by police, but you cannot seem to understand that. And then we have your false accusations. Oh well.

English is apparently difficult for you as well. So let me help you out. Again. You wanted dumb crooks getting what they deserve. But that like this thread doesn’t really belong in Current Events. Current events are things in the news now. So besides the poorly chosen topic, you picked the wrong forum. Perhaps general discussion, or the rubber room would have suited it better.

Perhaps you should consider taking the advanced English as a Second Language course.

You may be learning that words matter, and choosing the right ones requires a larger vocabulary than merely calling someone names. Which is why I said that your insults were grade school level.
Been saying for awhile.....why aren't older blacks in these shitty neighborhoods not walking around with t-shirts that say something like, "HANDS UP OR YOU"LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF"......with a picture of Michael Browns hat on it. Duh.....daily reminders for these savages. Might save some lives!:113::113:

Well, as has been demonstrated in the videos above your own reply, that is no guarantee of not being shot. The one directly above yours shows a man stopping, and turning to the cop and raising his hands. The cop shoots him down anyway.

The truth that the thread OP tried desperately to ignore was that anything you do, can get you shot. The first ones I posted showed the victims literally obeying the cop instantly. Cop shouts show me your hands, and the guy throws them into the air rapidly, and is shot. Give me your drivers license, the guy reaches into the truck for it, in compliance with the instruction, and then is shouted at to get out of the truck, again complies instantly, and is shot while raising his hands.

Comply or not, you can get shot. Obedience is not a guarantee of survival.

Yeah yeah but we know, almost every time, the savage fails to follow the cops' instructions. That gets your hat knocked off. That's the way the public feels so.....

Well, we are making progress with you. At first, you intimated that if you obey and do what the cops say, you won’t get shot. Now, you’re lowering that standard to probably.

In Georgia, half of the people shot by police, were unarmed, or shot in the back. Half. No, I am not making that up.

OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

In Georgia, We are on pace to double the number of people shot by police just last year already matching that number, and surpassing it.


Nationally, the same trend is continuing. This isn’t Liberalism. It isn’t anything but dealing with the reality we find ourselves in. The status quo, defined as the mess we are in now. Obviously, the Status Quo can not continue. Obviously, we can not just keep on going as we were, because just as obviously, it is not working.

With all the publicity following many of the police shootings, the idea of compliance seeing you to safety would have taken hold in the public. But the problem is as we have shown, compliance does not come close to guaranteeing your safety. So the old platitude of you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear is nonsense. Besides violating the principles of the Constitution, it is obviously not a solution.

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. Socialism failed. It has always failed, and near as I can tell, always will. So when a nation, like Venezuela sets off down that path, we know it is going to fail. We laugh at those who say that this time it will work, because we are going to go bigger and better and that will make it successful.

Yet we do not put that same logic to any other issues. Police use of force does not get dealt with in the same manner. We hear that a thousand people a year are killed by police. Sure enough, we have people making the same tired old arguments about the cops needing to get even tougher to stop crime. Doubling down doesn’t make socialism work, why would doubling down make oppressive and unconstitutional policing work?

Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017

Imagine we were facing any other situation with these kinds of statistics. Take airline flights. Instead of learning from the mistakes and errors that led to the airplane crash, we just doubled down and declared the plane as perfect, and the pilot as awesome. How long would it be before aircraft were banned? But for every aircraft crash, we learn all we can, to find out what we can do differently to prevent that from occurring again.

Medicine. We give a patient a drug to cure them, and they die. We give the drug to another, and they die. Instead of saying that there is something questionable about this drug, we declare the drug is awesome and keep on going, we need to use more of it, instead of less. That Doctor would lose his license to practice medicine. Somebody would be going to jail.

Take Llano Texas. The police there were using lockpicks to enter a house, burglary tools. That failed, and after the owner refused to open the door, they kicked it in and arrested him. For what? The charges were dismissed, the cops were charged with abuse of office. But wait a minute. If it had been anyone else, the list of charges would have been a mile long. Possession of Burglary Tools. Breaking and entering. Destruction of private property, assault, kidnapping, and a host of other charges. Possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony. But none of those charges are laid on the cops.

When a cop is caught planting evidence, and the baddie was charged with possession with intent to distribute based upon the amount of drugs. Why isn’t the cop charged with that crime? He was in possession. He did distribute the drugs. Why isn’t the cop facing twenty years for being a drug dealer? Wouldn’t the tougher penalties bring an end to this criminal activity?

The scales of justice are intended to balance things out. We need to get our thumbs off the scales already.
Law enforcement are the good guys. When black communities stop producing a criminal culture that glorifies bad behavior...perhaps the shootings wil go down.

How do you define good guys? If you mean per capita the least criminal then no. That honor rests with Concealed Carry Permit Holders. They have less than a tenth of the criminal activity of police. If you mean that they are the most trustworthy and honest, again no. Estimates from Judges and Attorneys are that police lie in one case out of five. Perjury is a felony in every state. Hard to be a good guy if you are a felon.

If you mean the most courageous then again I have to say no.


So I’m not sure how you define good guys.
Been saying for awhile.....why aren't older blacks in these shitty neighborhoods not walking around with t-shirts that say something like, "HANDS UP OR YOU"LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF"......with a picture of Michael Browns hat on it. Duh.....daily reminders for these savages. Might save some lives!:113::113:

Well, as has been demonstrated in the videos above your own reply, that is no guarantee of not being shot. The one directly above yours shows a man stopping, and turning to the cop and raising his hands. The cop shoots him down anyway.

The truth that the thread OP tried desperately to ignore was that anything you do, can get you shot. The first ones I posted showed the victims literally obeying the cop instantly. Cop shouts show me your hands, and the guy throws them into the air rapidly, and is shot. Give me your drivers license, the guy reaches into the truck for it, in compliance with the instruction, and then is shouted at to get out of the truck, again complies instantly, and is shot while raising his hands.

Comply or not, you can get shot. Obedience is not a guarantee of survival.
Lying so early? What piece if shit. I haven't tried to desperately ignore anything ya lying sack. This thread is about peoples actions getting them self shot like I've told your lying ass several times.

And as I showed you, despite your rants and complaints, anything can get you shot including compliance. As demonstrated with several videos. Wait a minute. I thought you were done with this thread, and through with me and going to start one where I would not be permitted to respond. What happened?

What did John Geer do to get shot? How about Walter Scott? How about Caroline Small? The State Police Investigator said it was not a justified shooting, and it was the worst one he had ever investigated. Let me guess, this is where you announce you are going to ignore me again right?
I would like to see you and Real Dave handle the situation. This bitch would beat both your asses.

Which woman would we be discussing? I only ask because your passions have again made your replies unclear.
You are a liar and a troll. I never asked for any cheering ya lying sack of shit.

You denounced anyone who did not agree with full throated support as a troll. By process of elimination you demanded only cheers.

View attachment 215917 View attachment 215918 View attachment 215919 View attachment 215920 View attachment 215921 View attachment 215922

Game, set, Match. Someone even complained to the moderators. Sadly for that person the Mods disagreed with that complaint. If your memory is failing there are some treatments available.

Have a nice day.:113:
Troll on ya goddam piece of shit.

To paraphrase “The Princess Bride” you keep using that word. I don’t think you know what it means.

Definition of TROLL

You are the one using offensive language in an effort to get an emotional response out of myself and others. It’s not going to work, for a number of reasons. First, I was in the Army for nine years, and heard not to mention used more insults than you’ve probably heard in your entire life. Second, I’m on topic. You said it was the behavior of people who got them shot by Police. I posted behavior videos that disproved your point, thus staying on topic. Now, you’re reduced to name calling showing that you have not evolved beyond gradeschool level, especially with such pathetic insults and name calling.

I don’t know who complained to the Mods. I only know that the Mod wrote me and told me that my posts were on topic. So.... Well I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

I have shown, without any doubt, that any actions you take, including complete compliance, can get you shot. I have demonstrated that the police will shoot for any reason, including surrendering. So no matter what behavior you embrace, it could get you killed by the police, including standing still with your hands up.

Thanks for playing, and I look forward to your next tirade of juvenile insults and rants. Perhaps you’ll surprise me and actually use a good one. It is possible,
All the videos you posted were off topic. Pretending they are not does not make it so. This Op is not about people getting shot by police. It is about peoples actions that get them shot by police, but you cannot seem to understand that. And then we have your false accusations. Oh well.

English is apparently difficult for you as well. So let me help you out. Again. You wanted dumb crooks getting what they deserve. But that like this thread doesn’t really belong in Current Events. Current events are things in the news now. So besides the poorly chosen topic, you picked the wrong forum. Perhaps general discussion, or the rubber room would have suited it better.

Perhaps you should consider taking the advanced English as a Second Language course.

You may be learning that words matter, and choosing the right ones requires a larger vocabulary than merely calling someone names. Which is why I said that your insults were grade school level.
So the "insults" were spot on, thanks.

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