Why Professors are Predominantly ‘leftist.’

How many Hillsdale and Bob Jones type colleges receive state funding?.....Zero.

That depends on if you count federal student loans and research grants or not. If not, then any private university can make the same claims.

If you do count them, then I wouldn't call lack of receiving federal research grants a badge of honor. It's universally viewed as a bad thing to have a limited amount of research going on at a University.

It only follows that institutions supported by central control, confiscation and redistribution, and an overall collectivist ethos would have mostly faculty and staff who support and peddle that mindset.

That's just silly. The average professor at a University probably couldn't map out the money flow from the finance department to their department or paycheck.
And you guys wonder why we don't take you seriously.

I got my undergrad degree at a "liberal" college from '97 to '01 and was on an ROTC scholarship. I had to wear a uniform at least one day a week to class and so forth. I never got any flak from my classmates or my professors.

Then, after I got out of the Army, I went back to undergrad to do my med-school pre-reqs and never witnessed or experienced any flak from my classmates or professors, though most of them knew I was a veteran and the war was highly unpopular.

Now I am in grad school and have yet to witness this "toxic anti-American" attitude you guys are so bent out of shape about.

I don't doubt that there are professors who inappropriately spout of their personal political views to a class, I doubt it's on par with the amount of bitching you guys do about it.

As an undergrad, with little exception all I took was math, chemistry, physics, and engineering classes. These profs and courses spent no time on social issues.

Then as a grad, I took education and business courses, and with little exception, there was almost always social commentary, often including an "anti-establishment" POV.

Not at the business school at GSU. Not once did I ever hear any social commentary in any business class.
How is there social commentary in accounting, finance and IT?

Not at the business school at Tulane either. If anything, I would speculate that the faculty in a B-School are more conservative.
It only follows that institutions supported by central control, confiscation and redistribution, and an overall collectivist ethos would have mostly faculty and staff who support and peddle that mindset.

That's just silly. The average professor at a University probably couldn't map out the money flow from the finance department to their department or paycheck.
It's not silly at all...I'm talking structure, not content.

Or, you can tell the man who boozes by the friends he chooses.
Yeah, take that attitude over to your friends who say that incest should be legal because anyone should be able to marry anyone they want.

Which is who, exactly?

And there are death panels in the health care bill. Obama and his hand-picked socialist pigs determining what is covered and what isn't. That's a death panel.

If you think rationing is a new phenomenon to medicine and not inevitable, I invite you to look at the history of dialysis in this country.

In the mid-60s, panals of Drs., clergy, and other various people were trying to ethically decide who should and should not receive dialysis. Those that got it lived. Those that didn't, died.
The overall "collectivist" mentlality on this board is the one shared by the reactionaries here.
How many Hillsdale and Bob Jones type colleges receive state funding?.....Zero.

It only follows that institutions supported by central control, confiscation and redistribution, and an overall collectivist ethos would have mostly faculty and staff who support and peddle that mindset.

Bob Jones and Hillsdale both have financial aid departments. Their students receive taxpayer paid for loans and grants just like any other college and university.
Throw in their tax exempt status as a religion and they are geting over more than all the others.
In the 1970s, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare insisted that Hillsdale start counting students by race and sex or lose federal loans for students.

Hillsdale’s charter declares the college open to students regardless of nation, color or sex. In 1956, Hillsdale refused to play in the Tangerine Bowl because it wouldn’t allow its black players on the field.

Hillsdale decided not to take any federal funds or the strings attached. No student loans, no Pell grants – nothing.

Hillsdale versus Harvard | Tulsa Beacon

So, if you want your kid to go to Hillsdale, you'd better be able to pay out of pocket.

Hillsdale also won't allow ROTC on it's campus. Ironic that a "conservative" college bans something that my liberal college, Tulane, welcomed with open arms. Guess I am glad my burning desire was never to go to that school.

Also, since Hillsdale receives no research funding, career-wise, it's a dead end for a Ph.D.

Yeah. Sounds like a superior institution they've got going on up there.
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Bob Jones and Hillsdale both have financial aid departments. Their students receive taxpayer paid for loans and grants just like any other college and university.
Throw in their tax exempt status as a religion and they are geting over more than all the others.
In the 1970s, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare insisted that Hillsdale start counting students by race and sex or lose federal loans for students.

Hillsdale’s charter declares the college open to students regardless of nation, color or sex. In 1956, Hillsdale refused to play in the Tangerine Bowl because it wouldn’t allow its black players on the field.

Hillsdale decided not to take any federal funds or the strings attached. No student loans, no Pell grants – nothing.

Hillsdale versus Harvard | Tulsa Beacon

So, if you want your kid to go to Hillsdale, you'd better be able to pay out of pocket.

Good to know.
Pretty much.

So much for that "well, they get gubmint money too" angle.

Right, Joke? :lol::lol::lol:
So much for that "well, they get gubmint money too" angle.

Right, Joke? :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, so much for that.

Point to you.

As pointed out in the link, Hillsdale won't even accept ROTC scholarships. Harvard still does that. Or at least they did when I was in ROTC. I had a friend from Harvard.

I can see why Hillsdale markets to a conservative base. If you can pay enough to send your kids to a academic daycare center, then you won't have to worry about them associating with the rest of the "dregs" of society who have to take out loans to finance their education.

Again, lack of research funding is not viewed as a good thing in higher education.
Education makes people more liberal and that is just a fact.

Knowing MORE makes people more understanding of other human beings.

Republicans just hate that shit

"there are death panels in the health care bill" and "fags wanting to get married will destroy the sanctity of marriage" is always believed by the uneducated.

Yeah, take that attitude over to your friends who say that incest should be legal because anyone should be able to marry anyone they want.

And there are death panels in the health care bill. Obama and his hand-picked socialist pigs determining what is covered and what isn't. That's a death panel.

So do you go screaming about death panels every time an insurance company changes what they'll cover?
I was a business major at Georgia State University and received a BBA in 1985. My last quarter there I had an open 5 hour elective area where I could take any course in the entire university for those 5 hours.
I signed up for Civil War History. The professor I had was an off the wall looney tune liberal. He informed us that this course was not to be about any of the battles of the Civil War or anything about the militaries the first day. I should have dropped it and taken basket weaving but it fit my time schedule so I endured.
The study course guideline was all about the social mores of the people, the scientific advancements of the day and a bunch of other bull shit. We read three books on Booker T. Washington describing him as an Uncle Tom step n fetchit negro of his time. The professor wanted no other opinions in the class. All of his tests were 70 % subjective, essay, and 30 % multiple choice which was against the university guidelines by a long shot.
The kicker was the final term paper that was required. I wrote mine on photography during the Civil War. All through my time in the business school at GSU I had to write a term paper for almost every class. The professor would make corrections, obervations and ideas on a seperate piece of white blank paper and put that in with the returned and graded paper. The paper itself was intact with no marks on it. The last week of this history class I received my term paper back with red ink scribbled all through it. I protested to him and he advised he could do as he wanted. I went to the department head and he stated that he would look into it. The essays I wrote in all of the tests this man gave were all given C at best.
I received a C in this class and it did not really matter as I was graduating. However, I was going to attempt to make life hard for this prick. I prepared my case against him showing how he had violated the test rules, as they were no test could be more than 40% essay, and the department head stated he would get back to me. 18 months later I received a call that the next day at 8 am in Atlanta they would have a departmental "hearing"on my case. I told him to fuck himself.
If you do not want a liberal professor take engineering or business at the university.

A beautiful, and telling post.

It's hard to believe that, as common as this situation is, our friends on the left refuse to conceive of this reality.

From a book I quoted earlier:

"It is not an education when a mid-term exam contains a required essay on the topic “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado, in 2003.

And from a book I quoted earlier:

"Higher Education Research Institute at the UCLA published a survey in 2002, of 55,521 professors at 416 colleges and universities nationwide. They found that 48% of the professors identified themselves as ‘liberal’ or ‘far left;’ 34% as ‘middle of the road. In 2004, Klein and Western published a study of the voter registration of the professors at U of C, Berkeley, and at Stanford, over 1000 professors, and concluded that the findings supported the ‘one party campus’ conjecture. At Berkeley, 9.9 to 1, and at Stanford, 7.6 to 1 of Democrats to Republicans. Ideological diversity does not exist on most campuses.
In 2005 Klein and Stern surveyed 1,678 professors, and found that faculty is heavily skewed toward Democratic, and the most lopsided fields are Anthropology (30.2 to 1) and Sociology (28 to 1).

Most professors obsessively believe that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature than America. Barry and Judith Rubin explain, in their book “Hating America: A History,” that European intellectuals are bothered by Americans’ refusal to defer to a refined upper class and to recognize their own inferiority. They conclude that anti-Americanism is put forth by these intellectuals, who have influence in the realm of ideas: books, media and universities."

I have come to realize that one of the problems of those on the left is the echo chamber in which they live. This board may be their only interface with the real world.
I was a business major at Georgia State University and received a BBA in 1985. My last quarter there I had an open 5 hour elective area where I could take any course in the entire university for those 5 hours.
I signed up for Civil War History. The professor I had was an off the wall looney tune liberal. He informed us that this course was not to be about any of the battles of the Civil War or anything about the militaries the first day. I should have dropped it and taken basket weaving but it fit my time schedule so I endured.
The study course guideline was all about the social mores of the people, the scientific advancements of the day and a bunch of other bull shit. We read three books on Booker T. Washington describing him as an Uncle Tom step n fetchit negro of his time. The professor wanted no other opinions in the class. All of his tests were 70 % subjective, essay, and 30 % multiple choice which was against the university guidelines by a long shot.
The kicker was the final term paper that was required. I wrote mine on photography during the Civil War. All through my time in the business school at GSU I had to write a term paper for almost every class. The professor would make corrections, obervations and ideas on a seperate piece of white blank paper and put that in with the returned and graded paper. The paper itself was intact with no marks on it. The last week of this history class I received my term paper back with red ink scribbled all through it. I protested to him and he advised he could do as he wanted. I went to the department head and he stated that he would look into it. The essays I wrote in all of the tests this man gave were all given C at best.
I received a C in this class and it did not really matter as I was graduating. However, I was going to attempt to make life hard for this prick. I prepared my case against him showing how he had violated the test rules, as they were no test could be more than 40% essay, and the department head stated he would get back to me. 18 months later I received a call that the next day at 8 am in Atlanta they would have a departmental "hearing"on my case. I told him to fuck himself.
If you do not want a liberal professor take engineering or business at the university.

A beautiful, and telling post.

It's hard to believe that, as common as this situation is, our friends on the left refuse to conceive of this reality.

It's anecdotal evidence contradicted by other anecdotal evidence elsewhere in this thread. Strange that you'd ignore those that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh and professors leaning left is not proof that they're slanting the curriculum to the left.
Education makes people more liberal and that is just a fact.

Knowing MORE makes people more understanding of other human beings.

Republicans just hate that shit

Depends on the meaning of 'education.' For some, it means the formal setting of grade schoool through college...

For others, experience in the real world.

A modern parable:

Father/Daughter Talk
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and was very much in favor of "the redistribution of wealth."

She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.

One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the addition of more government welfare programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father.

He responded by asking how she was doing in school.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend, and didn't really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Audrey doing?"

She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn't even show up for classes because she's too hung over."

Her wise father asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."

The daughter, visibly shocked by her father's suggestion, angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I have worked really hard for my grades! I've invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!"

The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, "Welcome to the Conservative party."
Here we are again with the right SPEWING HATE on any education and the people who seek education.

The facts have a liberal bias.

That is why educated people lean left.

When a group of people tell you education is bad for you and EXAULT the people with the most money as the best people in a society and that everyone who doesnt agree with the wealthy is just envious and has nothing good to say then you can surely bet those people are the Kingmakers lackeys.

The right wants you to HATE and devalue education, science, news reporters, people who are anti war and anyone or anything that would demminish the power of the WEALTHIEST members of our society.

They want you uneducated, uninformed, believing any myth they say and ready to die for it.

Just how stupid can people be?

Maybe, many in our society 'know' that no matter how smart you are, if you are a coal miner, a fisherman, a logger or a hundred other dangerous jobs, you can still be killed at work. That slip of paper does not make a difference when it comes to working in a dangerous profession. Education, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FORMAL, there is a school most of us attend, either in place of college or in addition to college... it is the school of hard knocks (also known as paying your dues), and every time you start a new job, you will be forced to attend a 'crash course'.

The left seems to believe that intellect is more important than wisdom. For those of us that work in dangerous jobs, intellect without wisdom (some call it experience) will get you killed quicker than 'trying your luck'. What looks good on paper doesn't necessarily work in REALITY.
How many Hillsdale and Bob Jones type colleges receive state funding?.....Zero.

It only follows that institutions supported by central control, confiscation and redistribution, and an overall collectivist ethos would have mostly faculty and staff who support and peddle that mindset.

Bob Jones and Hillsdale both have financial aid departments. Their students receive taxpayer paid for loans and grants just like any other college and university.
Throw in their tax exempt status as a religion and they are geting over more than all the others.
In the 1970s, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare insisted that Hillsdale start counting students by race and sex or lose federal loans for students.

Hillsdale’s charter declares the college open to students regardless of nation, color or sex. In 1956, Hillsdale refused to play in the Tangerine Bowl because it wouldn’t allow its black players on the field.

Hillsdale decided not to take any federal funds or the strings attached. No student loans, no Pell grants – nothing.

Hillsdale versus Harvard | Tulsa Beacon

You beat me to the Hillsdale note.
I tried to add a rep, but it wouldn't allow.
Maybe, many in our society 'know' that no matter how smart you are, if you are a coal miner, a fisherman, a logger or a hundred other dangerous jobs, you can still be killed at work. That slip of paper does not make a difference when it comes to working in a dangerous profession. Education, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FORMAL, there is a school most of us attend, either in place of college or in addition to college... it is the school of hard knocks (also known as paying your dues), and every time you start a new job, you will be forced to attend a 'crash course'.

The left seems to believe that intellect is more important than wisdom. For those of us that work in dangerous jobs, intellect without wisdom (some call it experience) will get you killed quicker than 'trying your luck'. What looks good on paper doesn't necessarily work in REALITY.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that a college education doesn't make someone intelligent or smart anymore than the lack of one makes someone dumb or what-have-you. It's brought up on every thread about this.

Statistically speaking though, earning potential increases for every year of education.

Which is why it is strange that some conservatives love to hate higher education.

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