Why Replace DEI With MEI When 'Merit' Has Been a CONDITION of Federal Employment Per the 'Merit Systems Protection Board' (MSPB) Since 1978?

The two of you need to take your comedy show on the road, I'm sure there are a ton of dumbasses who would appreciate your perspectives.

Did it never occur to you that there exists such a thing as "suitability" for a particular job which factors in things other than just the score?

Like someone who scores 98% on the civil service exam is smart enough to have several other options and may not stay in the position long or view the position as a career job.

The above is not speculation, as are both of your observations, these are things that have been discussed with me by individuals who work in placement/talent acquisition or have just wanted to be level with me.
Comedy show? This is serious. Sacrificing safety and function in order to appease inferior racists.

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