Why Republicans are losing

No, I've had 4 shots, the shingles vaccine and and pneumonia. I've had pneumonia a few times in my life, and the flu, but I haven't had any of these things in years.

What a stupid post! I gave you succinct and valid reasons why Abbott is a failure as a governor, and you put it down to me being afraid of disabled people. Cementing your status as one of the dumbest posters here.

54% of the vote isn't a "massive mandate", especially in a state where voter suppression is a way of life. Texas has the most restrictive voting laws in the nation.

so Abbott is a failure?....how long have you lived in Texas?.....
I don't know that I've heard a single Republican say that democrats are evil. I do, however, recall one diaper wearing Alzheimer's patient called half the country's population as a threat while making himself look like a Nazi.

And you're so right: Our economy is doing so much better when we spend $7.00 for a gallon of gas or $6.00 for a dozen eggs.

'Da fuck outta' here with your ignorant bullshit...

You must have ear plugs on. It happens here daily, hourly even. Republicans have been calling Democrats "evil" on a daily basis since Rush Limbaugh hit the air waves. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see or hear what's really going on.
You must have ear plugs on. It happens here daily, hourly even. Republicans have been calling Democrats "evil" on a daily basis since Rush Limbaugh hit the air waves. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see or hear what's really going on.

Where? In Canuckistan?

I don't give a fuck whzat happens in Canada. Canada's America's hat...
I don't know that I've heard a single Republican say that democrats are evil. I do, however, recall one diaper wearing Alzheimer's patient called half the country's population a threat while making himself look like a Nazi.

And you're so right: Our economy is doing so much better when we spend $7.00 for a gallon of gas or $6.00 for a dozen eggs.

'Da fuck outta' here with your ignorant bullshit...
Democrats are evil.

Their stain needs to scrubbed out.
Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

* Most voters want to keep abortion safe and legal

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :disbelief:
if he is so bad how come he beat your boy in the election?.....now beto is a failure as a human....

Because the American voter has been lied to by Republicans for so long, they no longer know what to believe. This whole "immigrant invasion" lie being a case in point. Food prices are rising because there are no illegals to work the fields or the processing plants. Republicans seem to think rising food prices are Biden's fault, when in reality, it's because farmers have to pay REAL wages to Americans for the labour.
Because the American voter has been lied to by Republicans for so long, they no longer know what to believe. This whole "immigrant invasion" lie being a case in point. Food prices are rising because there are no illegals to work the fields or the processing plants. Republicans seem to think rising food prices are Biden's fault, when in reality, it's because farmers have to pay REAL wages to Americans for the labour.

You act as though the only people working in agriculture in this country are here illegally.

How stupid of you...
I don't know that I've heard a single Republican say that democrats are evil. I do, however, recall one diaper wearing Alzheimer's patient called half the country's population a threat while making himself look like a Nazi.

And you're so right: Our economy is doing so much better when we spend $7.00 for a gallon of gas or $6.00 for a dozen eggs.

'Da fuck outta' here with your ignorant bullshit...
Democrats aren't evil; Liberals are so stupid they don't realize they produce evil.
I can say the same about neo-Cons who produce evil.
Because the American voter has been lied to by Republicans for so long, they no longer know what to believe. This whole "immigrant invasion" lie being a case in point. Food prices are rising because there are no illegals to work the fields or the processing plants. Republicans seem to think rising food prices are Biden's fault, when in reality, it's because farmers have to pay REAL wages to Americans for the labour.
Prices are rising because we get most of our wheat from Ukraine and Russia.
No, I've had 4 shots, the shingles vaccine and and pneumonia. I've had pneumonia a few times in my life, and the flu, but I haven't had any of these things in years.

What a stupid post! I gave you succinct and valid reasons why Abbott is a failure as a governor, and you put it down to me being afraid of disabled people. Cementing your status as one of the dumbest posters here.

54% of the vote isn't a "massive mandate", especially in a state where voter suppression is a way of life. Texas has the most restrictive voting laws in the nation.

haha wait you think you can get a vaccine for pneumonia? hahah
Because the American voter has been lied to by Republicans for so long, they no longer know what to believe. This whole "immigrant invasion" lie being a case in point. Food prices are rising because there are no illegals to work the fields or the processing plants. Republicans seem to think rising food prices are Biden's fault, when in reality, it's because farmers have to pay REAL wages to Americans for the labour.
yea thats why.....and how the hell would you know whats happening on the southern border you live a thousand miles away?....and there are millions of illegals already here to work those fields....

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