Why Republicans are losing

Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

* Most voters want to keep abortion safe and legal

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :disbelief:
more people voted for republicans then dem in the midterms…rather odd thread to claim the gop is losing because they aren’t beating you bad enough…maybe you should consider why yoj are losing at all..
Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

* Most voters want to keep abortion safe and legal

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :disbelief:
2,000 Mules happened in 20 and 22
Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

* Most voters want to keep abortion safe and legal

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :disbelief:
The GOP just helped your cult leader Biden pass a $1.7 trillion omnibus bill.

Why would anyone ever vote Republican again?
Republicans are representing an ever decreasing base

They have substituted a detailed agenda with fear mongering, hatred and misrepresentation of reality
the gop had more votes in the midterms then the dems…this false narrative of yours isn’t getting spread as fast or as much as it did in 2020 now that your FTX ponzi scheme has been caught…
Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates
your pathetic party should also start doing this.....

Actually, losing elections makes it more difficult to get quality people.

In 2024, DeSantis may be a quality candidate, but he isn't going to bother to make the effort if he thinks the cause is futile.
You mocked COVID as a myth
Laughed at masks and social distancing
Told people vaccines don’t work and will kill you

Over a million died……Mission Accomplished Sue


I NEVER said "covid is a myth".

I did and do laugh at masks and social distancing. When society finally catches up, remember I was here first.

The vaccines DON'T WORK and they ARE KILLING PEOPLE.

I NEVER said "covid is a myth".

I did and do laugh at masks and social distancing. When society finally catches up, remember I was here first.

The vaccines DON'T WORK and they ARE KILLING PEOPLE.
You maintained a constant COVID misinformation campaign and then giggled as you watched the death toll add up
You maintained a constant COVID misinformation campaign and then giggled as you watched the death toll add up
nobody…nobody giggled at the xiden’s covid genocide campaign…it was horrible to watch as you demafasict undid all the work done and let record people die from covid…unleashing a long dark and deadly winter upon the united states
Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

* Most voters want to keep abortion safe and legal

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :disbelief:
U.S. voters that are Republicans and moderate Democrats do NOT want "quality candidates". Quality candidates have honor and ethics and tell voters the truth, and the last thing this overwhelming number of U.S. voters want to hear is any form of the truth.

These tens-of-millions of voters want candidates to give them vague promises, to speak of solutions but never offer anything substantial or viable. While the honest, tellers-of-unwanted-truth explain, in detail, the situation and what is needed as a solution, which quickly knocks them out of the running.

The tall tales, vague promises, and outright lies successful politicians spew during their campaigns are received with great enthusiasm by the voters in the targeted audience. The points made in the candidate's speech are tweaked to appeal to each different group of listeners. Voters happily ignore these repeated inconsistencies, because none contain any awful truth.

U.S. political campaigns are a science. They are run by trained experts that understand the mindset of the voters, these experts learned long ago that truth coupled with a candidate's superior ethics and honor were a losing strategy.

The National Debt is now at over $31 trillion. But the Republican voters and the moderate Democrats do not want to anger those most able, but unwilling, to pay their fair share.

Instead, they want to free the billionaires and Big Business from all tax liability. At the same time, these voters expect government services like national defense, disaster relief, federal subsidies and forgivable loans and other financial benefits to the 0.1% and Big Business, and more to be available, immediately, as needed.

Many of these voters believe Social Security and Medicare are "entitlement" programs and should be slashed or terminated completely. These folks (you know who you are) forget the vast majority of recipients have paid into these two programs for decades. They also forget the Republicans had a decades-long campaign to gradually starve these two programs to death, and with the help of moderate Democrats for the past four decades, have been succeeding.

Baby boomers make up a large percentage of these voters that prefer candidates that tell them "comforting lies", just as they comprise the largest percentage of Americans that rely solely on Social Security and Medicare to have a roof over their heads, food to eat, and healthcare.

Since the 1980s, these voting Republicans and moderate Democrats have reliably elected candidates that tell them tall tales, offer them vague promises, and look them straight in the eyes and proudly spout outright lies. And these voters will continue electing the poor-quality candidates they love. As voters, they can do nothing else.

The Democrats put up candidates like Uncle Festerman, the stroke victim who grooms and dresses like a bum with his prison style tattoos and still vote for him.

I don't see the big call for Quality people, if the concern is just getting elected.
You're not even a good troll

SweetSues COVID misinformation campaign

COVID is no real threat
Masks don’t work
Social Distancing doesn’t work
Vaccines kill people and don’t work
COVID deaths are inflated

She giggled as she watched people die
Republicans: Yes, you won back the House, but you folks should have won these midterm elections in a landslide. Biden and the Democrats are not very popular. So, what happened? Well - It's like this:

Most Voters Don't Want What You Do

* Your vison of returning America to the 1950's Christian, heterosexual, white - Wonder bread family with 2.5 children, dutiful little housewife baking cookies, with a Chevy in every garage, and a happy, wholesome family under every roof just isn't going to happen.

I don't see that happening. Women in the workplace are the norm, and have been for decades.

And what the fuck's wrong with wanting there to be a happy, wholesome family under every roof? You say that like it would be a bad thing...

* LGBQT couples (especially lesbian couples) are almost mainstream now.

But they're not. Far from it...

* With solar and wind power now cheaper to produce than fossil fuels, your allegiance to oil and coal is outdated.

There was a recent protest here on Matanzas Bay in which people in kayaks were lined up around our boats here in Camachee Cove. We've got great big cabin cruisers, sport fishers and motor yachts. They were in kayaks. The kayaks were made of plastic. You can't make plastic kayaks without oil...

* Most people support the 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of worship. Your attacks on Mosques, Synagogues, and those who worship there is costing you voters

What attacks are these? I haven't heard of an attack on a mosque in some time, and the last time I heard of a synagogue getting attacked it was by a group of muslims...

* Your hesitation to vote early, or by mail gives Liberal voters a big edge. Donald may not approve of it, but this is the reason for many of your losses.

I don't favor early voting, but this is an issue where, if it's truly a problem, it's easily addressed...

* Take Mitch McConnel's advice and start running better quality candidates. Ex-models, Ex-football stars, and TV show hosts are not experienced professionals.

Politics was never intended to be a lifelong career, and "professional" politicians are why this country is in its sorry state of disrepair...

* You have no vision, no platform, and no plan to solve any of America's problems. All you've done is bash the Liberals - that's not enough! Voters want solutions, but mudslinging.

An appropriate reaction, given the actions of liberals.

If you don't believe that, consider when the Alzheimer's patient in chief got up in front of a very Nazi-esque backdrop and basically called half the country's population evil...

* After countless failed lawsuits, your complaints (even in front of the most Conservative judges) about "rigged" elections is a complete failure. You'll have to find something else to complain about, because this sounds like sore loser syndrome.

Not everyone believes the election was stolen. You would do well, and would appear less ignorant, if you understood that...

Republicans: You can still win, but you're going to have to rethink what you're trying to sell the voters, because most of them aren't buying it!

I won't disagree that the right needs to shift gears, but all I see coming from you is some journeyman level whining. Do you offer solutions?
SweetSues COVID misinformation campaign

COVID is no real threat
Masks don’t work
Social Distancing doesn’t work
Vaccines kill people and don’t work
COVID deaths are inflated

She giggled as she watched people die

Please get those shots every two months now. They're great, right?
The only reason Republicans are losing now is massive election cheating.
That's it.
The fact our electorate is mostly ignorant doesn't change the fact they still don't like what the Dems are doing & tried to vote them out to no avail as the new voting rules enable the massive cheating.
The UNiparty stays in power through massive fraud & propaganda from their MSM minions.

As long as they are allowed to cheat, we will not have legit elections

You're a gullible old fool if that's what you truly believe. Republicans are lying to you about the cheating. There is no massive election fraud, and never has been. Smarter Americans aren't buying the lies Republicans are selling.

The only thing Republicans offer the American people are "Democrats are evil", tax cuts for billionaires, and a crashed economy with a Republican President.

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