Why Republicans are Shooting Themselves in the Head


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
On immigration

It's simple math.

And they may have to improve dramatically. For instance, in this analysis by Latino Decisions, under even the most absurdly optimistic scenario for Republicans — “that white voters consolidate behind the Republican Party at levels that were observed in 2014; that black participation and Democratic support returns to pre-Obama levels; and the expected growth in the Latino vote does not fully materialize” — the Republican candidate would need 42 percent of the Hispanic vote to win. As a point of comparison, according to exit polls Mitt Romney got 27 percent of Hispanic votes in 2012, while John McCain got 31 percent in 2008. Under a more likely scenario, with an electorate that votes something like in 2012 but with African-American turnout reduced, the Republican would need 47 percent of the Hispanic vote. In their worst-case scenario for Republicans — an electorate that votes identically to the way it did in 2012, but adjusted for changes in population — the Republican would need a stunning 52 percent of Hispanic votes.
Did Republicans just give away the 2016 election by raising birthright citizenship - The Washington Post
to heck with repub rinos , the quicker the 'gop' bites the dust the better . I'm Conservative , was republican most of my life . First vote was in the early 70s . Drop dead 'gop' !!
Scare tactics......and what good is winning if the country continues to disintegrate.........had enough of meaningless victories
From the linked article:

"Here is the list of Republican candidates who have at least suggested openness to ending birthright citizenship, which would mean repealing the 14th Amendment to the Constitution: Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, and Rick Santorum. That’s nearly half the GOP field, and more may be added to the list.
You can’t end birthright citizenship without repealing [the 14th Amendment]. That means that no matter who gets elected in 2016, birthright citizenship is not going to be eliminated. The bar is so high for amending the Constitution that it’s impossible to imagine any amendment this controversial getting ratified, which is as it should be.

But the political impact is going to be very real, whether or not the idea goes anywhere in practical terms. The simple fact is that if Republicans don’t improve their performance among Hispanic voters, they cannot win the White House. Period."

Hispanic Americans aren't stupid, they know exactly the intent of 'repealing' the 14th Amendment: the inherent nativism of the GOP, and the unwarranted fear of many on the right of an America becoming 'more brown,' and more 'Spanish speaking.'

Conservatives of course will deny this, but that's just an indication of their dishonesty, where they lack the courage to acknowledge this fact.
The 14th Amendment does not need to be repealed. Just follow it. It does not say that anyone born here is automatically a citizen. It says that people who are born here, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a citizen. The parents are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and cannot unilaterally confer citizenship on their children. It really is very simple.

We have thousands of women coming here from all over the world for birth tourism. They unilaterally, without the knowledge or consent of the United States confer citizenship on their children. Of course the idea is absurd.
And then there is this......seems the Donald is picking up support from blacks tired of double standard........ooooops

MUST-SEE Black Woman Rips Council over Illegal Aliens
My people get three strikes. I have a nephew in jail now–22 years!–for something he didn’t do.

My people commit a crime, they go to jail. You people commit a crime, they get amnesty. It is wrong…

(Cheers, applause)

And we’re not going to have it. We’re not going to have a set of laws for you people and a set of laws for us.

And if you can’t follow the law, talking about “perish,” your job needs to perish.

You get paid with taxpayers’ money and you are misappropriating taxpayers’ money when you pick up your check.

(Cheers, applause)
And then there is this......seems the Donald is picking up support from blacks tired of double standard........ooooops

MUST-SEE Black Woman Rips Council over Illegal Aliens
My people get three strikes. I have a nephew in jail now–22 years!–for something he didn’t do.

My people commit a crime, they go to jail. You people commit a crime, they get amnesty. It is wrong…

(Cheers, applause)

And we’re not going to have it. We’re not going to have a set of laws for you people and a set of laws for us.

And if you can’t follow the law, talking about “perish,” your job needs to perish.

You get paid with taxpayers’ money and you are misappropriating taxpayers’ money when you pick up your check.

(Cheers, applause)

Blacks will not be voting for Donald Trump
She says she will....got the other ladies on vid that libs are trying to shut up......think you should check your privilege eh
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The OP is correct. You simply cannot alienate scientists, academics, blacks, women, hispanics, and union members and expect to win an election. What will be your voting base in the general election? Old white men? Not enough of them.
The OP is correct. You simply cannot alienate scientists, academics, blacks, women, hispanics, and union members and expect to win an election. What will be your voting base in the general election? Old white men? Not enough of them.

Of those groups, women are not monolithic, Republicans do far better with married women than single women.

and scientists and academics are gnats in a aviary when it comes to their electoral impact.
So , we citizens should just allow these lawbreakers TO continue to flood our country, use up resources that was meant for LEGAL citizens, and do nothing because we are afraid of their votes. anyone see something wrong with this picture? Or lets just face it these people YOU ELECTED to protect and serve YOU. instead allowed this to happen for their own AGENDAS.

this country is hopeless when every election we are now pitted against each other just for VOTES
It's getting serious. Without birthright citizenship, ted cruz couldn't run for president.
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.

ALL of it here:
It's getting serious. Without birthright citizenship, ted cruz couldn't run for president.

From wikipedia.

Since Cruz was born in Canada, commentators for the Austin American-Statesman[179] and the Los Angeles Times,[180]have speculated about Cruz's legal status as a natural-born citizen. Because he was a U.S. citizen at birth (his mother was a U.S. citizen who lived in the U.S. for more than 10 years as outlined by the Nationality Act of 1940), most commentators believe Cruz is eligible to serve as President of the United States.[18][181][182][183]
The conservative end of the GOP has absolutely convinced itself that the party doesn't need moderate Republicans or moderates or independents or conservative Democrats.

Okie dokie, good luck with that.

You don't know that. knock it off. what they are TIRED of is these Career Politicians LYING TO THEM. and it's not just Conservatives in that poll I posted
From the linked article:

"Here is the list of Republican candidates who have at least suggested openness to ending birthright citizenship, which would mean repealing the 14th Amendment to the Constitution: Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, and Rick Santorum. That’s nearly half the GOP field, and more may be added to the list.
You can’t end birthright citizenship without repealing [the 14th Amendment]. That means that no matter who gets elected in 2016, birthright citizenship is not going to be eliminated. The bar is so high for amending the Constitution that it’s impossible to imagine any amendment this controversial getting ratified, which is as it should be.

But the political impact is going to be very real, whether or not the idea goes anywhere in practical terms. The simple fact is that if Republicans don’t improve their performance among Hispanic voters, they cannot win the White House. Period."

Hispanic Americans aren't stupid, they know exactly the intent of 'repealing' the 14th Amendment: the inherent nativism of the GOP, and the unwarranted fear of many on the right of an America becoming 'more brown,' and more 'Spanish speaking.'

Conservatives of course will deny this, but that's just an indication of their dishonesty, where they lack the courage to acknowledge this fact.

challenge the 14th because it wasn't legally ratified.

We have 20 million illegals here now...we have 90 million americans out of work...and record numbers on food stamps.
We do not need more 3rd world peasants with no skills.
The whole point is to displace and dilute the european culture and heritage of this country by overwhelming it with 3rd world refuse.

No one says africa is too black...no one says asia is too yellow...but america is too white and they're jealous and resentful of everything caucasians have accomplished.
It's all racial revenge politics.....no one is fooled. People are waking up.

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