Why Sanders is a Stronger Candidate Against Trump Than Hillary


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why Sanders defeats Trump, but Trump defeats Clinton

"For Democrats to beat Trump, they need to present the nation with his foil, or political opposite. The GOP front-runner would do quite well against Clinton in a debate, primarily because he once donated money to her foundation and she holds similar views on a variety of key topics. Most importantly, the fact that Clinton once accepted money from Trump is a political nightmare for Democrats in a general election.

"An ABC News article explains exactly why Democrats can't win a general election with Clinton:

"Just this week, Trump came under fire for a private telephone conversation with President Bill Clinton that took place just weeks before Trump announced his candidacy.

"I gave to many people before this," Trump said at the debate today. "When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me." ...

"The Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said Trump's comment "hurts [Sec. Clinton's] feelings."

"He invited her. They're acquaintances. This is long, long established," she said. "It hurt her feelings, I'm sure, to hear him suggest that he didn't actually want her there for her company."

"All Donald Trump needs to say in a debate is that "they are there for me" when donating to rival political candidates — undermining the credibility of Clinton, who no doubt will try to convey a tough persona of championing the average American rather than billionaires. Also, it's difficult to imagine that "it hurts her feelings" when confronted with the reality that Trump only invited Clinton to his wedding because of politics, as opposed to genuine friendship."

Seems to add up, but Hillary has bought the Democratic nomination with her vagina, so its a moot point, apparently.
"Most importantly, the fact that Clinton once accepted money from Trump is a political nightmare for Democrats in a general election."
Her charity accepted donations from state sponsors of terrorism. Why would anyone care about trump?

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