Why sane people oppose background checks

Or does pointing out that this is happening prove I am paranoid?

The University of Iowa has been quietly sharing federally protected student information with Johnson County law enforcement officials who handle gun permit applications — an arrangement that one national organization calls a “license to snoop.”
The information includes some data on classroom achievement that by law can’t be considered by sheriffs when processing permit-to-carry applications and are normally protected from disclosure by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Mark Braun, chief of staff for U of I President Sally Mason, said that in some cases the information speaks to a student’s perceived status as a “troublemaker,” but could also include information on failing grades or signs of depression or anger.
“This is incredibly alarming,” said Justin Dedecker, a graduate student who sought a gun permit in 2011. “How does my performance in class become an indicator of my mental stability?”

You're claiming the University of Iowa broke federal law. A very serious federal law.

Prove it, or admit this is just another pathetic hack piece. Admit this is all bullshit.

Prove University of Iowa broke federal law or STFU.

I am claiming no such thing, you are. I will, however, point out that both the University and the local sherriff are suspending the policy now that they understand that it is, potentially, a violation of federal law, amd the sheriff admitted he did not know about the federal law.

Public university released students? private records to local sheriff

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