Why you shouldn't rush to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot before it's your turn

Why rush to avoid it? 70 percent of my friends have had their third and fourth injection and are repeatedly testing positive over and over and over along with catching every virus that comes along. They tell us that we should get injected too. Lol. There are a couple that finally figured it out and said no more.
Health experts warn not to jump the gun -- or line -- in taking a third dose.


What you need to know about COVID-19 boosters
Dr. Jen Ashton talks about the controversy surrounding a third vaccine dose.
In the next month, millions of Americans will get ready to roll up their sleeves for a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But when it comes to booster shots, it's not as simple as 'more is more' -- it's also a matter of when.

For severely immunocompromised people, a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is available now. Come mid-September, that option is expected to be open for everyone who got Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, at least eight months after their second dose.

Health experts caution not to jump the gun -- or the line -- on when you might actually need a booster shot.

With patience, a better immune response

"We have to look at both sides of the equation -- the benefits to be reaped and the safety of giving an additional dose," Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told ABC News. "You'll get a more robust immune response if you wait a little longer before you get your booster."

The COVID-19 vaccines continue to be safe and effective against severe disease and hospitalization. And when immunity wanes, it does so gradually, experts say, with current data suggesting all three of the authorized vaccines provide good protection at least six months after initial vaccination and likely longer.

PHOTO: A nurse marks a coronavirus vaccination card with a third booster dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccine clinic in Pasadena, Calif., Aug. 19, 2021.

Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images
A nurse marks a coronavirus vaccination card with a third "booster" dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccine clinic in Pasadena, Calif., Aug. 19, 2021.
The Biden administration announced availability of booster shots would begin ahead of any ruling from the Food and Drug Administration or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory groups.

Wary of delta's exponential spread, federal health officials are attempting to preempt the possibility of a greater surge should vaccine efficacy dwindle.

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You're likely still protected, for now

"We are concerned that this pattern of decline we are seeing will continue in the months ahead," Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said at a briefing Wednesday.

"You don't want to find yourself behind playing catch up," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the White House.

It's a careful narrative aimed at keeping confidence that vaccines still work -- while preparing the public for another round of shots if protection against hospitalization and deaths ebbs.

Even in announcing the step toward boosters, the nation's top health officials emphasized most fully vaccinated Americans "still have a high degree of protection from the worst outcomes of COVID-19."

PHOTO: People wait in the observation area at a COVID-19 booster shot vaccination site organized for immunocompromised individuals, in Altamonte Springs, Fla., Aug. 18, 2021.

Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images via Shutterstock
Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images via Shutterstock
People wait in the observation area at a COVID-19 booster shot vaccination site organized for immunocompromised individuals, in Altamonte Springs, Fla., Aug. 18, 2021.
"We are not recommending that you go out and get a booster today," Murthy said.

"We don't have data that suggests you benefit from having the additional dose of the vaccine before your immunity drops off," said Jay Bhatt, an internist, geriatrician and ABC News contributor, adding anxious Americans shouldn't feel tempted to get a booster earlier than eight months.

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Those who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will also likely need an additional dose, health experts predict. Since its authorization came later, data is still developing on an additional dose.

Getting a booster shot too soon may be counterproductive. Those who wait extend their "runway" of immune protection further.

"Because of all these breakthrough milder infections, and the diminution in antibody levels, those things combined to make the task force antsy and wanting to not wait," Schaffner said.

Let the most vulnerable go first

Additional third doses should be prioritized first for the most vulnerable and those who were first given vaccines in December and January, experts say. Those people include nursing home and long-term care facility residents and staff, elderly Americans and front-line health care workers, for whom even a mild case of COVID could risk an entire hospital ward.

"There's real concern among nursing home residents and their loved ones about getting sick again," Bhatt said.

The same day federal officials previewed coming boosters, the CDC released several studies showing that although the vaccines are highly effective against severe disease, protection against infection may peter out over time.

PHOTO: Nurse Mary Ezzat prepares to administer a Pfizer COVID-19 booster shot for an immunocompromised healthcare worker, Aug. 19, 2021, at UCI Medical Center in Orange, Calif.

Jeff Gritchen/The Orange County Register via AP
Jeff Gritchen/The Orange County Register via AP
Nurse Mary Ezzat prepares to administer a Pfizer COVID-19 booster shot for an immunocompromised healthcare worker, Aug. 19, 2021, at UCI Medical Center in Orange, Calif.
Health officials don't want to wait until the nation gets stuck behind the pandemic eight ball again, but some experts worry the move was premature.

Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital, is skeptical of boosters for the broader population so soon.

"The risks are unknown, and the benefits are unknown. I can't, as a responsible physician, give someone advice, when I haven't been able to weigh those two things," Faust said, cautioning against taking a "shot in the dark."

Waiting for the data

Pfizer and Moderna have gauged side effects from a third shot tantamount to the primary course -- fever, sore arm and fatigue -- while the rare risk of more serious side effects, like myocarditis, remains.

Faust points out the clinical trial data and real-world success of the vaccines have been an undeniable "slam dunk" thus far, but third doses are uncharted territory.

"The science on this is unavailable. And that's not a place where we've been before," Faust said, noting the risk of myocarditis has shown to happen more frequently after the second mRNA dose.

"What's the third dose going to do?" Faust said. "Is a third dose going to hospitalize more people for myocarditis than we're actually getting in return for the third dose of vaccine coverage? We literally don't know."

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Boosters are meant to fortify the vaccine's still-robust strength over time, but it's a unique time frame for each individual's optimized immunity.

"It's a little bit of a Goldilocks moment. Where do you want to put down your bets?" NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins said in a recent interview on MSNBC. "We think because lives are at stake if we are going a little early, I'd rather be in that space than be a little late."

"The COVID virus precipitates decision-making, when one has less than an ideal amount of data," Schaffner said. "You always want more."

ABC News' Eric M. Strauss and Sony Salzman contributed to this report.

Jess Dawson, M.D., a masters of public health candidate at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is a contributor to the ABC News Medical Unit.
BySasha Pezenik andDr. Jess DawsonWhy you shouldn't rush to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot before it's your turn
I have both shots and one booster and still got Covid, a very mild case, thank GOD. I have a doctor's appointment in the fall, I hope to get the flu shot and the new improved booster at the same time.
Reached for comment in the afterlife, Wardell expressed gratitude for the "vaccination" shots. "I'm sure I would had a heart attack a lot earlier if I wasn't protected with the shots."

Last year someone took the injection and developed palsy, shaking, and a stroke and they said if they had to do it again they would. This is the level of insanity that's out there.
Last year someone took the injection and developed palsy, shaking, and a stroke and they said if they had to do it again they would. This is the level of insanity that's out there.
This is still the best one -

A woman whose fully vaccinated father died from the coronavirus says she believes he would have suffered more had he not been inoculated. Yvonne Rodriguez remains a proponent of Covid-19 shots despite losing her father in a rare breakthrough case.

Rodriguez saw her ill father, Patricio Elizondo, for the last time at the hospital, KSAT reported. She remembers him struggling to breathe on his own.

‘I saw my dad, how sick as he was,’ Rodriguez said. ‘I can’t imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.’
This is still the best one -

A woman whose fully vaccinated father died from the coronavirus says she believes he would have suffered more had he not been inoculated. Yvonne Rodriguez remains a proponent of Covid-19 shots despite losing her father in a rare breakthrough case.

Rodriguez saw her ill father, Patricio Elizondo, for the last time at the hospital, KSAT reported. She remembers him struggling to breathe on his own.

‘I saw my dad, how sick as he was,’ Rodriguez said. ‘I can’t imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.’

Good catch. I saw that one on local news at the time. My wifes friends, who have all had multiple shots, have continually gotten sick over and over and over with covid and other viruses over the past 6 months. They keep telling us that we should get one and how great they are.
Last year someone took the injection and developed palsy, shaking, and a stroke and they said if they had to do it again they would. This is the level of insanity that's out there.
Most people go with the odds. The odds I'm going with the shot bar always the risk of illness, hospitalization and death from covert.
That's fine. Every person should be able to make their own decision. The only problem I have is with the pharmaceuticals that lied and withheld crucial information about their injections.
Sorry you believe that.
I'm not. Pharmas need to be held accountable.
A conventional vaccine takes 8 to 10 years to develop at least. Your guy trump wanted an overnight secret weapon to fight covid. They did the best they could with what they were given. Sorry saving all those lives, preventing all those hospitalizations and deaths doesn't work for you. I'm sure there are millions that are thankful for what they were given.
A conventional vaccine takes 8 to 10 years to develop at least. Your guy trump wanted an overnight secret weapon to fight covid. They did the best they could with what they were given. Sorry saving all those lives, preventing all those hospitalizations and deaths doesn't work for you. I'm sure there are millions that are thankful for what they were given.

I was fully against trump pushing that snake juice and operation warp speed. I reminded people over and over and over again that trials last from 8-15 years and that coronaviruses mutate too fast for vaccines. Of course I was laughed at and ridiculed but the facts are there in manuscripts, journals, research, and studies. More is coming out to how dangerous and deadly these mRNA injection are.
I was fully against trump pushing that snake juice and operation warp speed. I reminded people over and over and over again that trials last from 8-15 years and that coronaviruses mutate too fast for vaccines. Of course I was laughed at and ridiculed but the facts are there in manuscripts, journals, research, and studies. More is coming out to how dangerous and deadly these mRNA injection are.
I I don't see how Messenger RNA can be a long-term threat. DNA-based would be a completely different story, and not a good one.
I was fully against trump pushing that snake juice and operation warp speed. I reminded people over and over and over again that trials last from 8-15 years and that coronaviruses mutate too fast for vaccines. Of course I was laughed at and ridiculed but the facts are there in manuscripts, journals, research, and studies. More is coming out to how dangerous and deadly these mRNA injection are.
Trump trusted Dr fauci's advice on how to respond.

Trump knows dick about vaccines, ...no different from anyone else.

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