Why SHOULD CBS, NBC, ABC keep their broadcasting licenses?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.
Gone are the days of unbiased reporting. Gone is Walter Cronkite.
They are fucking terrorists nowadays, spreading their hate and biased opinions with fake news and bullshit.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You elected an immoral president. Should you lose your 'license' to vote?
With a good reporter, it should be very had to tell the political leaning of the reporter. Likewise, with a good news network, it should be hard to tell the political leaning of the network. But, networks are more openly biased than ever before.

Many reporters think it's their job to manipulate the thinking of the public, and so can't resist blatantly biasing their stories.
Gone are the days of unbiased reporting. Gone is Walter Cronkite.
They are fucking terrorists nowadays, spreading their hate and biased opinions with fake news and bullshit.

All that's changed is that these days there is vastly more editorial content published by news organizations.

Frankly, absent having access to editorial content, I suspect that many, if not most, people wouldn't have the first clue of whether they embrace a given policy. Moreover, those very same people would quite likely not bother to develop the comprehensive and/or fundamental understandings across the spectrum of disciplines -- math, history, philosophy and economics -- one needs to in order to, as needed for a given issue/topic, gather relevant supplemental info pertaining to other disciplines, evaluate the specific policies, and developer one's own well-informed position on the matter in question.

Hell, some people won't even bother to gather/confirm the most basic bits of information. To wit, this thread's OP-er seemingly is of the mind that women have not, until very recently, been acting to combat sexual harassment.
The Women's Movement against Sexual Harassment was published seven years ago. The book recounts the story of how a diverse grassroots social movement placed sexual harassment on the public agenda in the 1970s and 1980s. If there was before 2010 a good reason for being ignorant of the fact that women have long been striving to quell sexual harassment, now, seven years hence, there really is no excuse for an adult being so oblivious to a movement aimed in one dimension at directly improving the quality of life enjoyed by half the human race.
You elected an immoral president. Should you lose your 'license' to vote?

Most Trump supporters were voting for the lessor of two evils, and so should be applauded. Besides that, everyone has a vote. But, only a handful of giant companies control the mainstream media.

Actually, I agree with you. We shouldn't be trying to shove a ballot in front of everyone. We should expand the ban on felons voting and we should write ballots in a way that only those literate in English, or familiar with the ballot, would know how to vote.
With a good reporter, it should be very had to tell the political leaning of the reporter. Likewise, with a good news network, it should be hard to tell the political leaning of the network. But, networks are more openly biased than ever before.Many reporters think it's their job to manipulate the thinking of the public, and so can't resist blatantly biasing their stories.
It's not so much the reporters that bias an article but the "editors" who doctor such reports before they are printed or broadcast.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.


"I disagree with their politics and I want to impose my version of morality on everyone else, so let's take everyone who disagrees with my delicate snowflake sensibilities off the air."

Got it.
Because we believe in a free press. This is not a banana republic where a dictator controls the press. If Trump tries this he should be impeached.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, are you friggin' kidding us?

Are you really advocating for the suppression of First Amendment rights, as these pertain to freedom of the press?

If you are, then you are hostile to the Constitution of the United States, and are therefore a 'domestic enemy'.

Every member of the military, and every government appointee, is sworn to support and uphold and defend the Constitution "against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

If you are serious about this, then you are, in fact, an enemy of The People of the United States, and the Republic.

This is not 1930s Nazi Germany.
Oh man the day those subversive communists in the MSM finally are held to account for the damage they've done simply cant come too soon for me.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

Trump's actual words - "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!"

That is not a threat, veiled or otherwise.

We have a political group in this country perfectly willing to 'amend' the freedom speech for individuals, take away the tax status of church's for engaging in political speech and amend or eliminate the 2nd amendment. As well as openly ridicule and call for the elimination of a media outlet they don't like...echoed by the party leaders..

This is what they're going to hang their hat on? A threat that isn't a threat.? Go for it - let's have the conversation about a 'free' press versus one that has become an active wing of a political party. Been trending that way for decades - just more and more blatant.
and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

"Give the public what they want, and they’ll come to see it." -- George Jessel
...Trump's actual words - "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" That is not a threat, veiled or otherwise...
I call Bull$hit...

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