Why SHOULD CBS, NBC, ABC keep their broadcasting licenses?

Oh man the day those subversive communists in the MSM finally are held to account for the damage they've done simply cant come too soon for me.

Even though you in the alt-right want to go all 1934 on the American press, there is a better, less anti-American way - stop patronizing them.

Stop patronizing them you say? Yeah but er..um... what am I gonna do about those extremely uncomfortable disinformation withdrawal symptoms?

"Hey man I'll suck your dick for just 10 minutes of MSNBC"
Oh man the day those subversive communists in the MSM finally are held to account for the damage they've done simply cant come too soon for me.

Even though you in the alt-right want to go all 1934 on the American press, there is a better, less anti-American way - stop patronizing them.

Meanwhile far left corporations such as facebook and google are censoring the fuck out of alt-right voices online so that the MSM can regain it's stranglehold on the dissemination of information. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
The media is exempted from certain rules, like campaign finance laws. If I were to spend thousands of dollars promoting a candidate, I'd be a criminal. Were are the libdtards to defend my freedom of speech?

Unions can spend all the money they want promoting a candidate, but if a pastor isn't allowed to. Where are the libtards to defend the pastor's freedom of speech?

Trump is no threat to freedom of speech, but libtards are a threat to our freedom of speech, and all our freedoms.
Describe the so called damage the msm has done.

Here's one example:

Rabbittown Alabama, In the black of night, four black thugs indoctrinated by MSM hate committed a home invasion and murdered two men for displaying a rebel flag on the house.
Oh man the day those subversive communists in the MSM finally are held to account for the damage they've done simply cant come too soon for me.

Even though you in the alt-right want to go all 1934 on the American press, there is a better, less anti-American way - stop patronizing them.

Meanwhile far left corporations such as facebook and google are censoring the fuck out of alt-right voices online so that the MSM can regain it's stranglehold on the dissemination of information. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Wow...Somebody is upset he can't post his Alex Jones bullshit on his news feed any more....
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.
Anyone who gets all his information from only one source is getting a biased view of 1/2 of the news. They are being lazy and expecting others to do their thinking for them. I listen to Fox, CNN, and NPR and ALL the others. No one is completely fair but taken together I think I'm getting a clear picture. It is up to all of us to think for ourselves.
So you cant spend thousands of dollars on a candidate? Pure hogwash. American politicians are bought and paid for. That's how the system works. Big money calls the shots. That's why we get stuck with rich greedy presidents. Notice every single one we've elected in the last 50 years is very wealthy yet our voters believe some how the person will do things to improve conditions for the middle class etc. How duper are they? Notice how no average working class slob gets a shot. Wake up the system who's design is solid is now beyond repairable.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

I think the bigger question is how many people still get the major networks over the airwaves?

Even if they were to lose their right to broadcast at certain frequencies, doesn't that mean diddly for people who get them via cable, DSL or satellite?
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
Wow...Somebody is upset he can't post his Alex Jones bullshit on his news feed any more....

get a load of this faggit, he thinks Alex Jones is alt-right LOL

He's not insane enough for you apparently. My apologies.

You realize that Facebook does not have a broadcasting license, right? That they are a private entity and can censor their content if they so desire? It's good business practice to keep racist, Nazi propaganda out.
Wow...Somebody is upset he can't post his Alex Jones bullshit on his news feed any more....

get a load of this faggit, he thinks Alex Jones is alt-right LOL

He's not insane enough for you apparently. My apologies.

You realize that Facebook does not have a broadcasting license, right? That they are a private entity and can censor their content if they so desire? It's good business practice to keep racist, Nazi propaganda out.

Then by the same token, the anti-white racism and communist subversion the MSM churns out should be treated with even harsher methods. I'm thinking prison time and gallows.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

I think the bigger question is how many people still get the major networks over the airwaves?

Even if they were to lose their right to broadcast at certain frequencies, doesn't that mean diddly for people who get them via cable, DSL or satellite?

Wait...You, the alleged libertarian, actually think there is a "bigger question" in trying to infringe upon the freedom of the press?
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This is the president`s second attack on the first amendment, time to impeach him for not honoring his oath of office.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.
Immorality and perversion is rather subjective and often based on religion. Who gets to decide what gets censored and what is OK?

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