Why Should He Be Impeached?

Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The alleged quote:

“I can assure you that whether you voted for [Trump] or you did not vote for him, if you are a citizen of the United States, he is your president and he will be your president,” the judge said, according to CBS affiliate KHOU. “And if you do not like that, you need to go to another country.”

What this means is that if you are not willing to abide by the laws of this country, don't come here. Comprende?

P.S. What does the title of you post have to do with its content?

The alleged quote:

“I can assure you that whether you voted for [Trump] or you did not vote for him, if you are a citizen of the United States, he is your president and he will be your president,” the judge said, according to CBS affiliate KHOU. “And if you do not like that, you need to go to another country.”

What this means is that if you are not willing to abide by the laws of this country, don't come here. Comprende?

P.S. What does the title of you post have to do with its content?

Some are deciding what to do about his little speech.

Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The judge didn't mention riots or breaking the law in any way. Sad that the first statement they heard after becoming American citizens was an extremely unAmerican remark from that clown.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.

The alleged quote:

“I can assure you that whether you voted for [Trump] or you did not vote for him, if you are a citizen of the United States, he is your president and he will be your president,” the judge said, according to CBS affiliate KHOU. “And if you do not like that, you need to go to another country.”

What this means is that if you are not willing to abide by the laws of this country, don't come here. Comprende?

P.S. What does the title of you post have to do with its content?

Sounds like what it means is you have to "like" it to be a citizen. I see nothing there about any "laws". And if you don't "like" it you'll be deported.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The judge didn't mention riots or breaking the law in any way. Sad that the first statement they heard after becoming American citizens was an extremely unAmerican remark from that clown.


Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The judge didn't mention riots or breaking the law in any way. Sad that the first statement they heard after becoming American citizens was an extremely unAmerican remark from that clown.


Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.

That's because the question of his citizenship. After all, how many real Americans do you know with the first name Obama and the middle name Hussein?

But I don't recall any protests in the streets, stopping cars and causing damage to public and private property about it.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.
And that same man who thinks Obama was born in Kenya is now moving into the White House to dismantle everything Obama thinks he accomplished.

Karma is a bitch.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.
And that same man who thinks Obama was born in Kenya is now moving into the White House to dismantle everything Obama thinks he accomplished.

Yeah rotsa ruck wit DAT after he came oozing in with no friends. :rolleyes:
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.
And that same man who thinks Obama was born in Kenya is now moving into the White House to dismantle everything Obama thinks he accomplished.

Yeah rotsa ruck wit DAT after he came oozing in with no friends. :rolleyes:
Thanks to Obama we will have hundreds of EO's signed within 24 hours of taking office.

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