Why Should He Be Impeached?

Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.
And that same man who thinks Obama was born in Kenya is now moving into the White House to dismantle everything Obama thinks he accomplished.

Yeah rotsa ruck wit DAT after he came oozing in with no friends. :rolleyes:
Thanks to Obama we will have hundreds of EO's signed within 24 hours of taking office.

Oh I doubt it. There ain't no quality orange face time in that. Plus they'll have blowback. He's too much of a wimp to take that chance.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Trump spent 7 years claiming Obama wasn't legally elected.
And that same man who thinks Obama was born in Kenya is now moving into the White House to dismantle everything Obama thinks he accomplished.

Yeah rotsa ruck wit DAT after he came oozing in with no friends. :rolleyes:
Thanks to Obama we will have hundreds of EO's signed within 24 hours of taking office.

Oh I doubt it. There ain't no quality orange face time in that. Plus they'll have blowback. He's too much of a wimp to take that chance.
Blowback shmoback.
Trump is President until 2020, and you lefties are adding to his base every day with your insane reactions since the election.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The judge didn't mention riots or breaking the law in any way. Sad that the first statement they heard after becoming American citizens was an extremely unAmerican remark from that clown.

Why is that sad? It's the truth. I'm sure they've lived here for several years. They know what's been going on, and they still wanted to become citizens. That tells me they agree more with where we're going as a country. They could have chosen to leave.
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

Obama elected fairly

good sound advise.

I was giving Obama the benefit of the doubt. You know, to kind of appease the liberals out there that think it's true. I don't know if it was legal or not and at this point I don't care. I fully agree with the Judge.

The alleged quote:

“I can assure you that whether you voted for [Trump] or you did not vote for him, if you are a citizen of the United States, he is your president and he will be your president,” the judge said, according to CBS affiliate KHOU. “And if you do not like that, you need to go to another country.”

What this means is that if you are not willing to abide by the laws of this country, don't come here. Comprende?

P.S. What does the title of you post have to do with its content?

From the article:

Still, his words set off a controversy, with people calling for him to be removed from office. Critics started a petition on MoveOn.org to censure the judge, who was appointed in 1988.

@thehill Primomo needs to be muzzled/pulled off the bench/stripped of his law license/big mouth judges=STFU

— BrighterDays (@StevenBogarat) November 20, 2016

#Primomo is incompetent and should be impeached. #notapatriot.https://t.co/lZD5qR8xZt

— Eric Bost (@EricOnTheTrail) November 20, 2016
Good for that Judge! Trump was elected fairly & legally, just as Obama was. If people don't like it, either move, or do something to make a change (legally - not through riots!). But until then, deal with it just as we had to deal with Obama, or leave if you can't.

The judge didn't mention riots or breaking the law in any way. Sad that the first statement they heard after becoming American citizens was an extremely unAmerican remark from that clown.

What's unAnmerican about it?
Takes all kinds.

On the other hand you could just load up with metaphorical spitballs and toss them at the President like the alt right did for the last eight years. Feel free to call him any funny to nasty name in the book at any time. Create Photoshop images that range from funny to utterly disgusting. Feel free to deny that he is a legitimate President too. And most important of all, you have the freedom to cry scandal at the drop of a hat.

That's freedom. Remember we're not all thin skinned pussy grabbers.

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