Why should the Feds subsidize state taxes?

House Tax Writer Gives Ground on a State and Local Tax Break

Why don't people in shitholes like new yuck just demand the state stops stealing their shit? They should not be getting federal tax credit because their states steal so much from them. This is a bullshit "compromise" and I hope it can be followed up on when the democrooks lose a few more seats in 2018 and some republicrats seats get taken by some actual opposition to regressive nanny statist policy.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

State taxes are state taxes and Federal taxes are Federal taxes, and they are based on "income" separately, then there are property taxes and state sales taxes and tax on gas, and excise taxes and taxes on TV and taxes on everything else, get it??
I am paying over 40 percent of my income in federal, state and local taxes
Why should the Fed Govt be taxing me on income that went to another level of government
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many.
Why should GOVT retire at 55 or 50, but a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone.
You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough. Its called "disability" if needed, make SS 63 & 67

#3. Preposterous. double taxation. Single taxation, you pay tax, then die, (taxed once), kids inherit windfall income, pay tax once.

It is not easy to get SSDI. If you can walk, use arms/legs, drive, see, hear........they will deny most cases. Those people with aches/pains are supposed to plow along like good soldiers. it can take years to get SSDI....which technically is your own money paid in.

Death tax hits small business inherited very hard.

My tenant got disability in four months. She did try a year prior and was denied. She said this time she didn't use a lawyer. She handled everything herself and it seemed to go faster this time and was approved. But it's typical to get denied the first time unless you're a real basket case.
House Tax Writer Gives Ground on a State and Local Tax Break

Why don't people in shitholes like new yuck just demand the state stops stealing their shit? They should not be getting federal tax credit because their states steal so much from them. This is a bullshit "compromise" and I hope it can be followed up on when the democrooks lose a few more seats in 2018 and some republicrats seats get taken by some actual opposition to regressive nanny statist policy.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

State taxes are state taxes and Federal taxes are Federal taxes, and they are based on "income" separately, then there are property taxes and state sales taxes and tax on gas, and excise taxes and taxes on TV and taxes on everything else, get it??
I am paying over 40 percent of my income in federal, state and local taxes
Why should the Fed Govt be taxing me on income that went to another level of government

Because A. It is a tax on income. B. You chose to live there, not our problem. C. Simplification is a must.
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
You can retire at 62 now and collect SS and a pension/401k very comfortably. The greedy coxuckers that work until 70 just fuck up the system, that's why we have "mandatory retirement ages". Driving truck at 63 is not a challenge, trust me. At 67 or 70, yes, totally agree.
House Tax Writer Gives Ground on a State and Local Tax Break

Why don't people in shitholes like new yuck just demand the state stops stealing their shit? They should not be getting federal tax credit because their states steal so much from them. This is a bullshit "compromise" and I hope it can be followed up on when the democrooks lose a few more seats in 2018 and some republicrats seats get taken by some actual opposition to regressive nanny statist policy.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

State taxes are state taxes and Federal taxes are Federal taxes, and they are based on "income" separately, then there are property taxes and state sales taxes and tax on gas, and excise taxes and taxes on TV and taxes on everything else, get it??
I am paying over 40 percent of my income in federal, state and local taxes
Why should the Fed Govt be taxing me on income that went to another level of government

Because A. It is a tax on income. B. You chose to live there, not our problem. C. Simplification is a must.
Deducting the taxes I pay to state and local is pretty simple
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early
House Tax Writer Gives Ground on a State and Local Tax Break

Why don't people in shitholes like new yuck just demand the state stops stealing their shit? They should not be getting federal tax credit because their states steal so much from them. This is a bullshit "compromise" and I hope it can be followed up on when the democrooks lose a few more seats in 2018 and some republicrats seats get taken by some actual opposition to regressive nanny statist policy.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

State taxes are state taxes and Federal taxes are Federal taxes, and they are based on "income" separately, then there are property taxes and state sales taxes and tax on gas, and excise taxes and taxes on TV and taxes on everything else, get it??
I am paying over 40 percent of my income in federal, state and local taxes
Why should the Fed Govt be taxing me on income that went to another level of government

Because A. It is a tax on income. B. You chose to live there, not our problem. C. Simplification is a must.
Deducting the taxes I pay to state and local is pretty simple

Deducting the taxes I pay to state and local is pretty simple

Horse Hockey. It is Schedule A, an entire "other" sheet. It also includes things like "a portion" or your Car registration or property taxes (which span over a calendar year). It is not clear when to "itemize" or take the "standard" deduction to young filers. It is 75000 pages of nonsense. More and more complicated due to the ACA. It is a quagmire. It is "handouts" to Boners friends.

Any other special favors you wanted granted to "your special group"? Get off me.

You are really going to hate it when they CAP or eliminate Mortgage interest deduction (also Schedule A).

One page......few minutes.......easily verifiable...fill it out...done. Pay as you go would be even better.
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1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
You can retire at 62 now and collect SS and a pension/401k very comfortably. The greedy coxuckers that work until 70 just fuck up the system, that's why we have "mandatory retirement ages". Driving truck at 63 is not a challenge, trust me. At 67 or 70, yes, totally agree.

Everybody is different. Right now, government is trying to take me out of the picture and I may have to try for something like disability even though I'm perfectly capable of doing my job as I have been the last couple of decades. When it comes to driving, you never know what kind of new BS they are going to screw you with. It may get to the point none of us are able to drive if they keep Fn with the rules.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucracies. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

State taxes are state taxes and Federal taxes are Federal taxes, and they are based on "income" separately, then there are property taxes and state sales taxes and tax on gas, and excise taxes and taxes on TV and taxes on everything else, get it??
I am paying over 40 percent of my income in federal, state and local taxes
Why should the Fed Govt be taxing me on income that went to another level of government

Because A. It is a tax on income. B. You chose to live there, not our problem. C. Simplification is a must.
Deducting the taxes I pay to state and local is pretty simple

Deducting the taxes I pay to state and local is pretty simple

Horse Hockey. It is Schedule A, an entire "other" sheet. It also includes things like "a portion" or your Car registration or property taxes (which span over a calendar year).

Any other special favors you wanted granted to "your special group"? Get off me.

You are really going to hate it when they CAP or eliminate Mortgage interest deduction (also Schedule A).

One page......few minutes.......easily verifiable...fill it out...done. Pay as you go would be even better.
Do you support Trumps plan to still allow the deduction for state and local taxes to corporations?
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.
How is the government failing you if you are no longer able to work?
You knew you couldn't work into your 60s
Why didn't you start that IRA yourself while you were in your twenties!
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.
How is the government failing you if you are no longer able to work?
You knew you couldn't work into your 60s
Why didn't you start that IRA yourself while you were in your twenties!

HTF does anybody know how long they will be able to work? Some people work into their 70's, some people don't make it much past 50. You have no idea how long you can work until you get to that point.

Government is failing me by promising I will receive Social Security when I retire at 65. Now they moved that to 67 although I don't know when I can take early retirement yet. And they are talking about moving the age of collection even further.

I have two cousins that each have their own remodeling business. Yes, they did plan for their retirement but are struggling to get there. Both are in their early 60's now.

IRA's didn't come out until I was already working for years. Our company started ours about 23 years ago. IF the government let's me work until 65, I will have a nice nest egg, but again, you never know what the future holds. You may live until 88 years old......you may die at 65. Nobody knows these things.
I'd move to Florida to avoid state taxes if I could do it without actually having to live in Florida.

ATTOM Data Solutions identified the following 10 states as having the highest effective property tax rates in 2016:

  • Texas: 2.06 percent.
  • New Hampshire: 2.03 percent.
  • Vermont: 2.02 percent.
  • Connecticut: 2 percent.
  • Pennsylvania: 1.89 percent.
  • New York: 1.88 percent.
  • Ohio: 1.68 percent.
  • Rhode Island: 1.64 percent.
#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.
How is the government failing you if you are no longer able to work?
You knew you couldn't work into your 60s
Why didn't you start that IRA yourself while you were in your twenties!

HTF does anybody know how long they will be able to work? Some people work into their 70's, some people don't make it much past 50. You have no idea how long you can work until you get to that point.

Government is failing me by promising I will receive Social Security when I retire at 65. Now they moved that to 67 although I don't know when I can take early retirement yet. And they are talking about moving the age of collection even further.

I have two cousins that each have their own remodeling business. Yes, they did plan for their retirement but are struggling to get there. Both are in their early 60's now.

IRA's didn't come out until I was already working for years. Our company started ours about 23 years ago. IF the government let's me work until 65, I will have a nice nest egg, but again, you never know what the future holds. You may live until 88 years old......you may die at 65. Nobody knows these things.
The Government will let you work into your nineties

It is up to you to decide when you have the resources to retire. Social Security is only a portion of your overall retirement portfolio
The Government will let you work into your nineties

Not in my profession they won't. They are making it harder and harder every year. All truck drivers must have a government medical card to work. If you can't get that medical card, then you are out of work.

It's one of the reasons I hate bureaucracies so much. I was hoping the Donald would wipe as many of them out as he could. Unfortunately, he only talked about it and no action thus far, although I realize he has more important things on his mind.

If it were up to me, there would be no bureaucracies to ruin people's lives. They would all be closed down and all decisions of government would be made by the representatives the way the founders wanted.
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.


The Recession Hurt Americans' Retirement Accounts More Than Anybody Knew
1. Limit deductions for State taxes to be more fair to all states
2. Fix the entitlements, add a year to SS (dead 2037) retirement ages, and fix Medicare (dead 2028).
3. Keep the death tax
4. Keep the same tax rate for the top 10%
5. Cut corporate tax rate to 20% (or they leave and take good jobs with them)
6. Add a small border adjustment tax to pay for the tax cuts

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
It is up to you to plan for your own retirement
If you can't work into your 60s you need to plan an alternate profession or maximize your savings in a 401k to retire early

So in other words, government fails us again and we have to find alternatives.

Not many people realize what shape they are going to be in their 60's until something happens which is usually later in life. If I could have taken all the SS money me and my employers contributed since I stated working, had that in a conservative IRA instead of giving it to government to handle, I'd probably be retired right now.


The Recession Hurt Americans' Retirement Accounts More Than Anybody Knew


The company that handles our IRA accounts continued to take our contributions, but stopped buying shares. They held on to all that money until the bottom was reached and the market showed signs of recovery. When they dumped all that money in, it was like getting a 2 for 1 sale. The prices were down and the investment company bought tons of shares for their customers. When the market nearly totally recovered, our IRA accounts were in much better shape than before the recession.
The Government will let you work into your nineties

Not in my profession they won't. They are making it harder and harder every year. All truck drivers must have a government medical card to work. If you can't get that medical card, then you are out of work.

It's one of the reasons I hate bureaucracies so much. I was hoping the Donald would wipe as many of them out as he could. Unfortunately, he only talked about it and no action thus far, although I realize he has more important things on his mind.

If it were up to me, there would be no bureaucracies to ruin people's lives. They would all be closed down and all decisions of government would be made by the representatives the way the founders wanted.

Your stating that's it's better to let people with significant medical issues behind the wheel of a 80k or more truck?

Can't these folks drive intrastate?

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