Why should the Feds subsidize state taxes?

#2. Some jobs wear people out at younger age like age 55-60 for many. Why should GOVT retire at 55? 50? But a truck driver work to 67? hips blown out, headaches, eyes, strength gone. You want more? Let the workers/doctors decide when it is enough.

#3. Preposterous. double taxation.

Correct. When we hear of increasing the age to collect, it's usually by some guy with a microphone in front of him and the most he lifts at work is four pounds.

Try making a roofer work until the age of 67. Try making a construction laborer work until that age. Do you want to see an iron worker walking on those beams 20 stories high at 66 years old?

As you mentioned, even my career has to be considered. When my trailer is loaded, I'm piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle on the road right behind you. When traffic comes to a sudden stop in a snow storm, do you want to be the in the car in front of me when I have to slam on the brakes and control that vehicle to a stop at 67?
You can retire at 62 now and collect SS and a pension/401k very comfortably. The greedy coxuckers that work until 70 just fuck up the system, that's why we have "mandatory retirement ages". Driving truck at 63 is not a challenge, trust me. At 67 or 70, yes, totally agree.

You can retire at 62 with a significantly reduced amount. I already cannot retire at full rate until I am 67 and 1/2. Most people aren't aware that is you were born in the late 50s or after, you have to work past 65 to get the full amount. This "raise the retirement age" is bullshit! It already has been done ages ago!

Imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor because these morons in DC raised the retirement age to 70. And why do they want to raise it? Because those thieves used our SS money as a slush fund, spent OUR money, have no way of paying us back, so they hope if they raise the retirement age most people will die before they can collect a dime.
No slush fund

People are living longer

Don't be retarded, 70 year olds can't stand on their feet 8 hours a day working a job. Then there's the corrupt state employees who get to retire on fat taxpayer funded pensions at 55.
Why should the feds subsidize any corporate endeavour? They are stealing taxpayer's monies.....

Wouldn't consider State or Local government to be even close to corporation. Last time I checked corporations try to make money, government tries to waste money.
Yes the GOP and Trump are wasting money...Yet local trax sharing does help pay the bills and pave the streets...

Not exactly the brightest bulb in the package are you.

Based on your posts, you're as bright as a burned out light bulb.

Explain to me why you defend corporate globalists, and condemn globalism?

How many of those too big to fail corporations sent their employee and money to fight the fires in N. CA, the damage in PR, FL and TX? You ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance).
Last edited:
Pfui. Nonsense.

I was just describing this situation to the wife, and I described it thus. The Democrats are idiots. The Republicans are morons.

Let’s say that the Federal Tax on my dollar is 30%. The state tax on my dollar is 30%. The county tax is 30%. The city tax is 30%. That would mean I’d have to pay $1.20 for every dollar I earned.

The state tax credit is a nod to the reality that you can’t tax anyone at more than 100%.

You mock New York, but let’s talk about Florida. No State Income tax. A high sales tax, but that is fine, since the residents don’t pay income tax right? But what happens if people don’t take vacations in Florida? Because let’s be honest, a fair percentage of the sales tax is paid by visitors to the state. Hotels in Miami are filled with tourists. Orlando exists solely to separate the aforementioned New Yorkers from their dollars. If you take the State Tax Credit out, then Florida loses some money too. Because those New Yorkers will have less to spend, and will take their vacations in smaller bites. Less money changing hands in Orlando, and Florida would face budget shortages. Oh dear, now Florida would need a State Income Tax.

The goal of any economic system is to keep money in motion. It is not to punish those who are political opponents.

If you live somewhere the state can steal %30 of your shit, and the county can steal another %30 you are the moron.

NY State Income Tax is a fraction of what the Fed is, I lived there years ago and got it all back in my federal return IIRC. It was just a hassle having to fill out the forms.

The bottom line is this, if the feds return money to you that the state stole, the rest of the country is subsidizing the theft of the sociopaths you dumbasses vote for. Stop voting for collectivist sociopaths, and stop demanding the rest of us foot the bill for your failure to hold your own elected officials accountable.

That's BULLSHIT, and it needs to stop.
Don't be retarded, 70 year olds can't stand on their feet 8 hours a day working a job. Then there's the corrupt state employees who get to retire on fat taxpayer funded pensions at 55.

Do you seriously believe wrongwinger can stop being retarded?

I know a guy who draws a pension from 20 years in the army, 20 years as a federal employee, and a partial pension from the state. Granted he worked until he was 72, but he's doing quite well. I'd rather be paying that than a welfare "pension" to a 30 year old parasite who refuses to stand on their own 2 feet 8 hours a week.

New York's in better shape than a lot of the Southern states like Mississhitsi, or Alabuma.
Those states are net takers.
I guess it's okay that they get money coming in from New York.

Like I give a shit about a racist pollack's point of view, but states like NY collect tariffs from goods produced in southern states, and pretend it comes from all the welfare clods you assholes coddle. Then consider the banks and financial institutions based there that do little more than collect interest and you have the utter definition of "taker state".

Go suck a big black dick pollack, you know you want to.

I agree 100% with OP.


Then the Fed is simply subsidizing those taxes.

PROGS should love this....it punishes those who actually pay taxes.
Why should I be taxed twice on the same income

The money I pay to the state, I never see
Why should the federal government tax me on income the state took?

I have to remember I'm responding to a complete imbecile here.

OK, the feds are taxing your income. Assuming you actually have income as defined by being compensated for whatever you produce that someone is paying for. (I find that difficult to envision.)

The state is also taxing you on said income.

Assuming you file for a return, you get some or all of the money the state taxed you, back from the rest of the federal taxpayers. That means the rest of the country is subsidizing your tax burden to your state.

I hope that is simple enough for you to understand, but I had to use several words you'll likely have too look up.

Pfui. Nonsense.

I was just describing this situation to the wife, and I described it thus. The Democrats are idiots. The Republicans are morons.

Let’s say that the Federal Tax on my dollar is 30%. The state tax on my dollar is 30%. The county tax is 30%. The city tax is 30%. That would mean I’d have to pay $1.20 for every dollar I earned.

The state tax credit is a nod to the reality that you can’t tax anyone at more than 100%.

You mock New York, but let’s talk about Florida. No State Income tax. A high sales tax, but that is fine, since the residents don’t pay income tax right? But what happens if people don’t take vacations in Florida? Because let’s be honest, a fair percentage of the sales tax is paid by visitors to the state. Hotels in Miami are filled with tourists. Orlando exists solely to separate the aforementioned New Yorkers from their dollars. If you take the State Tax Credit out, then Florida loses some money too. Because those New Yorkers will have less to spend, and will take their vacations in smaller bites. Less money changing hands in Orlando, and Florida would face budget shortages. Oh dear, now Florida would need a State Income Tax.

The goal of any economic system is to keep money in motion. It is not to punish those who are political opponents.

If you live somewhere the state can steal %30 of your shit, and the county can steal another %30 you are the moron.

NY State Income Tax is a fraction of what the Fed is, I lived there years ago and got it all back in my federal return IIRC. It was just a hassle having to fill out the forms.

The bottom line is this, if the feds return money to you that the state stole, the rest of the country is subsidizing the theft of the sociopaths you dumbasses vote for. Stop voting for collectivist sociopaths, and stop demanding the rest of us foot the bill for your failure to hold your own elected officials accountable.

That's BULLSHIT, and it needs to stop.

The argument against the Death Tax is actually very good. The money that is saved, has already been taxed once. The money inherited by survivors, next of kin, whatever, has already been taxed, and any interest it makes is also taxed. Why should it be taxed twice, or three times?

That same argument, which is logical, and accurate, applies to deducting State Income Taxes. In Georgia, where I live, I also Deduct Federal Taxes from my state filing.

Why should Georgia do this? Georgia Personal Income Tax Laws - FindLaw

Are only Federal Taxes valid in your mind? Aren’t the People of Georgia subsidizing the Federal Government?

I’m guessing you live in Florida now, most New Yorkers retire there so they can have tourists fund their State.
New York's in better shape than a lot of the Southern states like Mississhitsi, or Alabuma.
Those states are net takers.
I guess it's okay that they get money coming in from New York.

Like I give a shit about a racist pollack's point of view, but states like NY collect tariffs from goods produced in southern states, and pretend it comes from all the welfare clods you assholes coddle. Then consider the banks and financial institutions based there that do little more than collect interest and you have the utter definition of "taker state".

Go suck a big black dick pollack, you know you want to.

New York pays, and gets about the same from the Feds.
But, many Southern states get far more from the Feds than they pay.

Don't be retarded, 70 year olds can't stand on their feet 8 hours a day working a job. Then there's the corrupt state employees who get to retire on fat taxpayer funded pensions at 55.

Do you seriously believe wrongwinger can stop being retarded?

I know a guy who draws a pension from 20 years in the army, 20 years as a federal employee, and a partial pension from the state. Granted he worked until he was 72, but he's doing quite well. I'd rather be paying that than a welfare "pension" to a 30 year old parasite who refuses to stand on their own 2 feet 8 hours a week.

Anythings possible, but yeah unlikely.
Why should the feds subsidize any corporate endeavour? They are stealing taxpayer's monies.....

Wouldn't consider State or Local government to be even close to corporation. Last time I checked corporations try to make money, government tries to waste money.
Yes the GOP and Trump are wasting money...Yet local trax sharing does help pay the bills and pave the streets...

Not exactly the brightest bulb in the package are you.

Based on your posts, you're as bright as a burned out light bulb.

Explain to me why you defend corporate globalists, and condemn globalism?

How many of those too big to fail corporations sent their employee and money to fight the fires in N. CA, the damage in PR, FL and TX? You ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance).

Ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance)???

You sound like Moonbeam Brown out here in California.
Why should the feds subsidize any corporate endeavour? They are stealing taxpayer's monies.....

Wouldn't consider State or Local government to be even close to corporation. Last time I checked corporations try to make money, government tries to waste money.

Yes the GOP and Trump are wasting money...Yet local trax sharing does help pay the bills and pave the streets...

Not exactly the brightest bulb in the package are you.

Based on your posts, you're as bright as a burned out light bulb.

Explain to me why you defend corporate globalists, and condemn globalism?

How many of those too big to fail corporations sent their employee and money to fight the fires in N. CA, the damage in PR, FL and TX? You ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance).

Ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance)???

You sound like Moonbeam Brown out here in California.
Why should blue states always pay to rebuild these hillbilly states that get ruined by hurricanes every other year ?

New Orleans is deep blue why do you hate black Democrats?

Timmy is a complete retard, but people should hate all democrooks equally.

You've never answered this question: Who or what made you into the asshole and hater you've become. Did a liberal girl laugh her ass off when you asked her out (or was it a liberal guy)?
Wouldn't consider State or Local government to be even close to corporation. Last time I checked corporations try to make money, government tries to waste money.

Yes the GOP and Trump are wasting money...Yet local trax sharing does help pay the bills and pave the streets...

Not exactly the brightest bulb in the package are you.

Based on your posts, you're as bright as a burned out light bulb.

Explain to me why you defend corporate globalists, and condemn globalism?

How many of those too big to fail corporations sent their employee and money to fight the fires in N. CA, the damage in PR, FL and TX? You ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance).

Ideology is based on emotion and willfully (maybe) ignorance; it is not pragmatic, it is based on Randian Self Service (until you need government assistance)???

You sound like Moonbeam Brown out here in California.
Why should blue states always pay to rebuild these hillbilly states that get ruined by hurricanes every other year ?

New Orleans is deep blue why do you hate black Democrats?

Timmy is a complete retard, but people should hate all democrooks equally.

You've never answered this question: Who or what made you into the asshole and hater you've become. Did a liberal girl laugh her ass off when you asked her out (or was it a liberal guy)?

That would be liberal assholes such as yourself
The argument against the Death Tax is actually very good. The money that is saved, has already been taxed once. The money inherited by survivors, next of kin, whatever, has already been taxed, and any interest it makes is also taxed. Why should it be taxed twice, or three times?

That same argument, which is logical, and accurate, applies to deducting State Income Taxes. In Georgia, where I live, I also Deduct Federal Taxes from my state filing.

Why should Georgia do this? Georgia Personal Income Tax Laws - FindLaw

Are only Federal Taxes valid in your mind? Aren’t the People of Georgia subsidizing the Federal Government?

I’m guessing you live in Florida now, most New Yorkers retire there so they can have tourists fund their State.

So let me get this straight...

You reduce your tax burden to the feds according to some percentage of the state income tax you pay, and then reduce your state tax percentage according to what you shell out to the feds?

WTF kind of circle jerk is that?

How about you just pay a flat %5 to the feds, and if your state steals another %1 or 2, that's between you and your political whores.

The argument against the Death Tax is actually very good. The money that is saved, has already been taxed once. The money inherited by survivors, next of kin, whatever, has already been taxed, and any interest it makes is also taxed. Why should it be taxed twice, or three times?

It's a great argument. What mom or dad passes on to their children is a family matter--not a government matter. It's no different than mom passing the biscuits to daughter at the dinner table and government sitting between them taking their share before it gets to the daughter.
House Tax Writer Gives Ground on a State and Local Tax Break

Why don't people in shitholes like new yuck just demand the state stops stealing their shit? They should not be getting federal tax credit because their states steal so much from them. This is a bullshit "compromise" and I hope it can be followed up on when the democrooks lose a few more seats in 2018 and some republicrats seats get taken by some actual opposition to regressive nanny statist policy.

Pfui. Nonsense.

I was just describing this situation to the wife, and I described it thus. The Democrats are idiots. The Republicans are morons.

Let’s say that the Federal Tax on my dollar is 30%. The state tax on my dollar is 30%. The county tax is 30%. The city tax is 30%. That would mean I’d have to pay $1.20 for every dollar I earned.

The state tax credit is a nod to the reality that you can’t tax anyone at more than 100%.

You mock New York, but let’s talk about Florida. No State Income tax. A high sales tax, but that is fine, since the residents don’t pay income tax right? But what happens if people don’t take vacations in Florida? Because let’s be honest, a fair percentage of the sales tax is paid by visitors to the state. Hotels in Miami are filled with tourists. Orlando exists solely to separate the aforementioned New Yorkers from their dollars. If you take the State Tax Credit out, then Florida loses some money too. Because those New Yorkers will have less to spend, and will take their vacations in smaller bites. Less money changing hands in Orlando, and Florida would face budget shortages. Oh dear, now Florida would need a State Income Tax.

The goal of any economic system is to keep money in motion. It is not to punish those who are political opponents.
The Democrats are idiots. The Republicans are morons
you got that right.....

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