Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??

But I’m still pissed about the stolen election
Why don't you channel some of that anger into figuring out how it was done, or who did it.

Right now you narrowed it down to around 1 billion suspects.
Yikes. Talk about obsessed!
Yes. You have derailed so many threads by turning the conversation to Trump that you have had your Trump-obsessed posts deleted.

Wait....you don't think this thread is about trump and the election? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
They don't realize this is all about them, not him.

Or maybe they do.
Oh, you're so fucking clever. It's all about Trumpians.

You got em.

You showed them. They are all exposed.


how pathetic
I can certainly understand why you'd want to derail the thread and put me on the defensive.

Unfortunately, your efforts are ham-handed and terribly transparent, as if a child were trying them.

But I appreciate that you'd put this much effort into it.
They don't realize this is all about them, not him.
Or maybe they do.
This reminds me of the post 9-11 propaganda. Where going into 2003 they convinced a majority of the country that Saddam Hussein was involved.
These people seem to have some kind of emotional need to latch on to conspiracy theories, particularly those that paint them as the victim. Evidently, the longer they exist like this, the more ridiculous the theories have to be in order to maintain their interest.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

Happy Memorial Day!

beijing xiden is a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from the vile scum demonRATS
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

Well, sounds like TREASON to me.

and the -hit-lery emails, and the weapons for AMERICAN service members lives isn't TREASON? what kind of delusional world do you live in?
Yikes. Talk about obsessed!
Yes. You have derailed so many threads by turning the conversation to Trump that you have had your Trump-obsessed posts deleted.

Wait....you don't think this thread is about trump and the election? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
They don't realize this is all about them, not him.

Or maybe they do.
Oh, you're so fucking clever. It's all about Trumpians.

You got em.

You showed them. They are all exposed.


how pathetic
Hey WillHaftawaite , just checking for consistency.

Is this not trolling or derailing?

Just curious.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?
Your side cheated, we will never have a fair election again if we let the democrats get away with it. So whatever needs to be done to get to the bottom of it, do it! The way democrats treat our great soldiers, I bet most of them would rise against them.
Flynn has been mentally unstable for quite a while...at least a decade....imho.
It is really disturbing that he once held so high a position in the military as Gereral.
It's really awesome that he once held so high a position in the military as General....should still be
there is no equivalency between Black FLIES Matter and the Capitol protest....black flies matter destroyed cities, burned, looted, and insurrected numerous cities last year....there is no comparison
These people seem to have some kind of emotional need to latch on to conspiracy theories, particularly those that paint them as the victim.
Right now i'm working on an Ensteinian "grand unification
conspiracy theory.

Basically it goes that the Ukranians got China to create a deadly virus that they would unleash on Italy, knowing it would spread from the soft underbelly of europe to the EU and from there to the United States. This would give their American co-conspirators the chance to introduce massive absentee voting, which the Chinese would print fake ballots for. And in order to keep all the people involved in filling out, and mailing those hundreds of thousands of ballots silent, they killed them off by infecting them with COVID-19. Doing so both in the US and China, eliminating the witnesses to the crime.

That would explain both Trumps loss, and the 560,000 deaths from the coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands of those deaths were how they covered up how they eliminated the people who carried out the election fraud.

Yes... that's how it was done.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

Why you you hate our constitution?

We don't, we just don't like the traitor that is in the Whitehouse and the way democrats cheated to get him in.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?
Your side cheated, we will never have a fair election again if we let the democrats get away with it. So whatever needs to be done to get to the bottom of it, do it! The way democrats treat our great soldiers, I bet most of them would rise against them.
View attachment 495852
How many troops were in those 5,000 troups?
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

Round up the ones behind the stealing of our last election. That stole our democracy.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?
Your side cheated, we will never have a fair election again if we let the democrats get away with it. So whatever needs to be done to get to the bottom of it, do it! The way democrats treat our great soldiers, I bet most of them would rise against them.
View attachment 495852
How many troops were in those 5,000 troups?
National guard, I respect them the same and I'm sure our troops are paying attention. Are you saying you're okay with the way they were treated?
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

Round up the ones behind the stealing of our last election. That stole our democracy.

you do not have a democracy. you have a republic, if you can keep it.

haha. great to use this shitty line.
Your side cheated, we will never have a fair election again if we let the democrats get away with it. So whatever needs to be done to get to the bottom of it, do it!
The interesting thing about rigged elections, is that Trump has been claiming the presidential elections have been rigged since 2016.

When Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal aliens voted IN PERSON.

Then in 2020 Trump claimed that 7 million illegal aliens voted in person and by mail.

The irony is the same illegal aliens Trump claims voted in both elections, were the very same illegal aliens Trump promised to deport from the country, but failed to do.
don't you channel some of that anger into figuring out how it was done, or who did it.
I think the GOP leadership in its own stumbling, bumbling way is trying to that

But we definitely need a better election process that is above suspicion
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

Why do you keep bringing it up, if it is so ridiculous? Wouldn't you just ignore crazy conspiracy theories if you knew they were horseshit?

Trump attracts a lot of people like Flynn.

Interesting how pointing it out makes them angry, huh?

So many of Trumps loyal cronies are misfits or sleazy or just crazy.
The irony is the same illegal aliens Trump claims voted in both elections, were the very same illegal aliens Trump promised to deport from the country, but failed to do.
You are forgetting democrat obstruction in congress and in the sanctuary cities
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

and oh my gawd...are you really so clueless....A military coup would by necessity be the people who have fought in wars to defend our freedoms...

A military coup would, by definition, be carried out by traitors.

A picture that shows who the traitors are and how they are doing it.

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