Why so many Repub candidates?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Six reasons so many Republicans are running for president - Yahoo News

When all the announcements are in, the Republican presidential field could have close to 20 candidates – and that’s not counting the fringe. We’re talking governors and former governors, senators and former senators, plus a few from outside the political world. It’s shaping up to be the largest GOP field in modern history. What’s going on?


The more the merrier
I agree with 1-5, I think number 6 should be because Hillary looks really beatable. Ironically too many Republican candidates may be why she wins.
The "go fund me" phenomenon. A pizza joint made a millon off of pure suckers. Why not cash in and separate more fools from their money?
It's an interesting article but I think it fails to understand today's Republican party.

Rick Perry became the 10th candidate today. Jeb, Trump and Jindal will announce in another week or so with another 4 or 5 to announce after that.

Why so many? Because Republicans have a serious mistrust of anyone who leads them. Of course, they hate Obama, but they can't stand Boehner and McConnell either.

And had Pence become the new Boehner a couple years ago, and Ted Cruz become the new McConnell, they'd hate them, too.

It's a party that resents governance, let alone good governance. Anyone who becomes leader of any Republican wears a big target on them that says "Big Brother".

Having a healthy scrutiny or our leaders is one thing, but being irrationally paranoid is another. Irrational paranoia is the reason why we're going to see a couple dozen boobs trying to fit on one stage. It's the paranoid party now that is divided among factions that resent each other.

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