Why Soccer Will NEVER Catch On In America

The most boring games EVER are baseball and American Football.

Overall the final was a little disappointing, and Spain - for me - went from the Team of the Tournament, to the Crybabies of the Tournament....

Thought the ref wasn't up to it, but Robben missed two open goals....
baseball, maybe, football, no fucking way

There is a reason 202 nations of the world (including the US) play football, and only two play American Football...:cool:
the guy who would yell


made me laugh ;)
gotta agree here

i watched it too
and there was more flopping on the ground and crying than i've seen in a kids soccer game
hell, there was more complaining to the refs than most NBA games
hell, the whole season of the NBA

That flopping drives me nuts. They will replay the contact in slow motion, and it is SO obvious that the goombah couldn't possibly have been hurt in the slightest.

I'm sorry - I don't find professional golf the least bit boring although I know many others do. But I just can't get on board with soccer.

Some of those golf chicks are kinda hot....
[B said:
B. Kidd[/B];2497508]
Probably not.

Mel hates All minorities.
Kramer just dislikes Nig......Negroes.

Isnt he australian? Wouldnt that make him a minority here in the states? So, he is self hating? :lol:

Par for you to race-bait in a sports thread.

What you fail to perceive, is that race-baitin' is a two way street.......B. Kidd

I raced batied? Me?
The most boring games EVER are baseball and American Football.

Overall the final was a little disappointing, and Spain - for me - went from the Team of the Tournament, to the Crybabies of the Tournament....

Thought the ref wasn't up to it, but Robben missed two open goals....
baseball, maybe, football, no fucking way

There is a reason 202 nations of the world (including the US) play football, and only two play American Football...:cool:

Thats how those who know, would, sports wise, define 'American Exceptionalism', ass-without-a hole-tard! :lol:
I just wasted two hours plus watching one of the most boring sporting events it has ever been my displeasure to have to sit through. These guys are supposed to be the best of the best. Doesn't that mean they should be able to score goals? Apparently not.

OK - I try to like soccer. I really do. But I have never been able to get behind it. And, you will note, soccer has never caught on in the U.S. Never. Why is that? It is certainly hugely popular in other countries - clearly the number one sport probably world-wide. So why hasn't it ever caught on here? Glad you ask - I have a theory:

Americans are raised on FOOTBALL. That's FOOTBALL, folks, not "futbal." In American football, one team gets the ball and moves it down the field. Barring such things as interceptions or fumbles, usually when your team gets the ball, they KEEP IT for a while, hopefully, long enough to drive down the field and score either a field goal or a touchdown.

Compare this to soccer. In soccer, the orange team has the ball. The orange team player kicks the ball toward the opposing team's goal. The ball is in the air. At this point, there is a 50-50 chance that, when it comes down, it will still be under the control of the orange team. Now the blue team has the ball. Blue team player kicks the ball high in the air. Now it comes down. Orange team's ball. And so on, and so on, ad nauseum. Back and forth, back and forth, in a seemingly never-ending exchange of possession which rarely results in anything except the aforementioned back and forth, back and forth changes of possession.

Well - much like this boring soccer game recently concluded between Spain and The Netherlands.

And that's why soccer will never catch on in this country. We don't have the patience for it. When our team gets the ball, we want to see them keep if for something longer than two or three seconds.

Hang on, guys - September is just around the corner.

Don't forget this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVim7rjfKOQ]YouTube - soccer players fake injury[/ame]
Totally agree, soccer will never catch on here.
The World Cup is like a whore that spends 4 weeks of continuous foreplay on you, and when it comes down to the final act, throws your underwear in your face without delivering, and, furthurmore, expects a tip.

BTW, Costanza, just when I thought I'd seen all the Seinfeld episodes, I saw one last night where Kramer has three Japanese tourists sleeping in his dresser drawers in his apt..
Hadn't seen that one.
A total crack-up.

I wonder if Mel Gibson likes Kramer? :lol:

Yeah, you, you Al Un-Sharpton wannabe. :lol:
Why Soccer Will NEVER Catch On In America

If there is a hell ..they are showing re-runs of pointless soccor matches on tv.:eek:
I just wasted two hours plus watching one of the most boring sporting events it has ever been my displeasure to have to sit through. These guys are supposed to be the best of the best. Doesn't that mean they should be able to score goals? Apparently not.

OK - I try to like soccer. I really do. But I have never been able to get behind it. And, you will note, soccer has never caught on in the U.S. Never. Why is that? It is certainly hugely popular in other countries - clearly the number one sport probably world-wide. So why hasn't it ever caught on here? Glad you ask - I have a theory:

Americans are raised on FOOTBALL. That's FOOTBALL, folks, not "futbal." In American football, one team gets the ball and moves it down the field. Barring such things as interceptions or fumbles, usually when your team gets the ball, they KEEP IT for a while, hopefully, long enough to drive down the field and score either a field goal or a touchdown.

Compare this to soccer. In soccer, the orange team has the ball. The orange team player kicks the ball toward the opposing team's goal. The ball is in the air. At this point, there is a 50-50 chance that, when it comes down, it will still be under the control of the orange team. Now the blue team has the ball. Blue team player kicks the ball high in the air. Now it comes down. Orange team's ball. And so on, and so on, ad nauseum. Back and forth, back and forth, in a seemingly never-ending exchange of possession which rarely results in anything except the aforementioned back and forth, back and forth changes of possession.

Well - much like this boring soccer game recently concluded between Spain and The Netherlands.

And that's why soccer will never catch on in this country. We don't have the patience for it. When our team gets the ball, we want to see them keep if for something longer than two or three seconds.

Hang on, guys - September is just around the corner.

Don't forget this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVim7rjfKOQ]YouTube - soccer players fake injury[/ame]

they actually practice faking injuries
The most boring games EVER are baseball and American Football.

Overall the final was a little disappointing, and Spain - for me - went from the Team of the Tournament, to the Crybabies of the Tournament....

Thought the ref wasn't up to it, but Robben missed two open goals....

Sure - but where do you live and what sports did you grow up on? That's my whole point. Soccer is a great game. It would not have such world-wide popularity if it wasn't.

BUT - once you are used to American football, I submit it is really tough to adjust to the constant ball control changing in soccer.

Hey, Mate? ;)
The most boring games EVER are baseball and American Football.

Overall the final was a little disappointing, and Spain - for me - went from the Team of the Tournament, to the Crybabies of the Tournament....

Thought the ref wasn't up to it, but Robben missed two open goals....
baseball, maybe, football, no fucking way

There is a reason 202 nations of the world (including the US) play football, and only two play American Football...:cool:
sorry, you dont know what you are talking about once again

Super Bowl XLI broadcast in 232 countries

gee, must be an awful lot of fans in all those countries for them to want to watch
American Football is less exciting than Soccer..

And I've played both in High School.

Hockey on the other hand.. Is probably the most exciting of them all.

Hey, bucko - you live in South Flipping CAROLINA, and you're bad mouthing FOOTBALL? I do believe they hang folks down there for saying stuff like that there, don't they?
It was a terribly boring game today. I guess that's the problem. Sometime it's just really boring.

BUT WHEN IT'S EXCITING, oooo, and there's also the factor that it depends on how you already feel about each team. Since i watched virtually every game of the tournament, there's something to get excited about when 'your team' is doing really well, or even when the game's going against your team but they're still going for it. But I feel like you already have to have some commitment to one of the teams.

Like in this World Cup, I went in supporting Spain, but tossed them for Germany (whom I usually support) early on. From then on I'd live and breath for the Germans; when they murdered England 4-1, MAN that was exciting; and Argentina (whom I also supported), when they pummeled them 4-0, that was GREAT. By the time the final rolled around, I had already rooted against both the Netherlands and Spain in semis, and I couldn't decide even who to support, not even during the game, neither team was exciting, and not being from either place it was just boring. It didn't help that the Dutch's strategy was basically to choke Spanish possession by continually fouling.

But when you have some emotional investment on a team, it starts changing, because even though nobody scores, it's the NEAR scores where you feel you're about to explode with emotion or get crushed by despair, and well, I'm not very good at describing. It's a great game, though.


I totally agree with your point about if you have an emotional investment in one team or the other, then things become much more exciting. I have never liked basketball all that much, but I will never forget going to every game when our high school team made it all the way to (and ultimately WON, thank you very much) the CIF finals.

'Course there's another way to make any otherwise boring sport much more interesting. It's called gambling . . . ;)
American Football is less exciting than Soccer..

And I've played both in High School.

Hockey on the other hand.. Is probably the most exciting of them all.

That's about as unamerican as it gets.:eek::lol::lol::lol:
baseball, maybe, football, no fucking way

There is a reason 202 nations of the world (including the US) play football, and only two play American Football...:cool:
sorry, you dont know what you are talking about once again

Super Bowl XLI broadcast in 232 countries

gee, must be an awful lot of fans in all those countries for them to want to watch

Now post the ratings....:cool:
Oh, and there isn't even 232 countries in the world

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Soccer already is catching on in America. There is a professional league in the country. The ratings for the final of the last World Cup in 2006 were bigger than the NBA finals. The ratings for this tournament have been higher. The attendance record for the World Cup was in 1994, which was held in, you guessed it, America!

Saying soccer is boring is like saying country music is boring. It all depends on taste. Some people will like it and some won't.

Some would say that 11 minutes of action over three hours would make for a boring game. But that's about the average time of action in a typical NFL game. And I love the NFL! I imagine it is even less for baseball.

Sports are cultural. Soccer in America will never be as big as football, baseball or basketball, but it could be as big as hockey, which would make it a fairly profitable endeavor.

Unfortunately, the final today was not a good match. But for years, the worst game in the NFL was the Super Bowl, with some hapless AFC team like Denver or Buffalo getting rolled by an NFC powerhouse. When Baltimore beat the Giants in the SB, there were seven punts in the first quarter. The game was so boring that I started doing housework in the second half. Sometimes, that's just how it is.
I think nascar is boring, but to its fans, its the greatest thing ever.

There are a number of sports that are much more exciting in person than on the t.v. Ice hockey is definitely one of them. I would agree with you about NASCAR. My son is an avid NASCAR fan. We live in Southern California. Last year he took me to a NASCAR race in Ontario.

I walked up to track level and stepped into the stadium (is it called a stadium? Well, whatever - I stepped into it.) The track wasn't that far from where I was standing. They were still warming up. I looked down the track and saw two or three cars coming my way. I will never forget what happened after that. It was literally as if three jet planes had just gone by, on the ground. I asked my son how fast they were going. He said, only about 130 or so. You gotta go to a NASCAR event. Nothing like it.

On the down side of going to a NASCAR race, however - I had a lot of trouble keeping track of the leader(s) because, once they lap the field, they are all mixed in with the other cars. I know they have a system for helping you keep track, but I had trouble with it. That's one place where t.v. is better because they take care of all that for you on the screen with their arrows pointing out the leader, etc.

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