Why socialism fails


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience
One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal.

A major part of the American ideal is that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own.

But one of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.
I recall leftists preaching to me that you cannot legislate morality when discussing abortion, but when it comes to welfare, all of a sudden it's not only OK, it's our duty.
bernie sanders.jpg

"Obamacare is a disaster, we need it repealed."

No kidding Bernie.

I simply fail to see the appeal of the Democrat party anymore, especially after they have already "fixed" health care.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
So you are thinking that the USSR was a socialist nation? No, not in a pure socialist state it twas not...There really has never been a purely socialist state..The Nazi's, not even close...
So you are thinking that the USSR was a socialist nation? No, not in a pure socialist state it twas not...There really has never been a purely socialist state..The Nazi's, not even close...

Pure socialism demands that the people calling the shots abide by socialism. However, when you have absolute power like that, this is a pipe dream. It never happens and never will happen. They will always live like kings, or in modern day terms, the top 1%

Today, we see an American government out of control with corruption. Bernie's solution is simply to empower it more. It's sheer lunacy.
lol, another dumb post.

So you don't like being taxed for the road you drive on?
You don't like regulations that keep our air, water and food clean, fresh and disease free?
You think we shouldn't ever invest into the betterment of our nation???

Of course, if we spend all the money or tax the producer too much what you say may come to pass,,,but goddamn lets be real.
So you are thinking that the USSR was a socialist nation? No, not in a pure socialist state it twas not...There really has never been a purely socialist state..The Nazi's, not even close...

Pure socialism demands that the people calling the shots abide by socialism. However, when you have absolute power like that, this is a pipe dream. It never happens and never will happen. They will always live like kings, or in modern day terms, the top 1%

Today, we see an American government out of control with corruption. Bernie's solution is simply to empower it more. It's sheer lunacy.
It's the Free Silver campaign all over again...
lol, another dumb post.

So you don't like being taxed for the road you drive on?
You don't like regulations that keep our air, water and food clean, fresh and disease free?
You think we shouldn't ever invest into the betterment of our nation???

Of course, if we spend all the money or tax the producer too much what you say may come to past,,,but goddamn lets be real.

With every law, regulation, tax, freedom wanes. That is why doing these things should be done with great trepidation. However, today the US government passes over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year. Now if you don't buy health care, which became the biggest tax hike on the middle class, you go to jail.

Is society better for it this year than last? Are we more moral? Are we better for it? No.

Governments are like stars. They just keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or implode and become a massive black hole that sucks in anything close to it and destroys it.

Is there an antidote for this? Maybe not. The Founding Fathers saw this problem and accordingly wrote a Bill of Rights that did nothing but restrict the freedom of government over the populace. Today's Progressives proudly call these "Negative rights". Instead of championing "Negative rights", they champion what is called "positive rights" Notice the psychology of terms, which Progressives are masters at. To limit the power of government you are labeled negative, and when empowering government you become positive.

The role of government should be to maintain a civil society, law and order, and let people live their lives.
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

NOT COMMUNISM, ya gd functional MORONS. Ay caramba.

The terms communist, socialist, Nazi, Progressive, all have one thing in common. They are all collectivists.

Really the issue is not a particular ideology that is superior to the other. The issue is simply the belief in centralizing government for the betterment of society. It is the fanatical view that people want a "king" of some sort who will be empowered to do anything for the, so any problem they have he, or she, can fix it.

Originally, the US governmental system was set up as one of Federalism. This meant that states ran their own affairs and the federal government was the referee. The states had the power of the purse and the Federal government did not. The thinking was that the one branch of government that was devoid of the corrupting influence of limitless money could be trusted to oversee the other. However, Progressives changed all that with the Federal income tax at the turn of the 20th century, then they created the Fed to print money they could not raise by taxation. This empowered the federal system further and now they are unstoppable. Now the US federal government simply throws money at every man, woman, and child on the planet to get their way regarding pretty much everything. There can be no reform now within the system. After all, why would anyone limit their own power? Now states do the bidding of the Federal government or loose Federal dollars. Federalism is now dead. To make matters, worse, the Federal Congress has ceded most of their power to the Executive Branch, which has further centralized the system. Add to that fact that Obama now acts unilaterally regarding pretty much everything. Congress may as well not exist.

Now voters are burdened with the task of electing the most benevolent dictator.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

Why? A absolute dumbass thought it up.
lol, another dumb post.

So you don't like being taxed for the road you drive on?
You don't like regulations that keep our air, water and food clean, fresh and disease free?
You think we shouldn't ever invest into the betterment of our nation???

Of course, if we spend all the money or tax the producer too much what you say may come to past,,,but goddamn lets be real.

With every law, regulation, tax, freedom wanes. That is why doing these things should be done with great trepidation. However, today the US government passes over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year. Now if you don't buy health care, which became the biggest tax hike on the middle class, you go to jail.

Is society better for it this year than last? Are we more moral? Are we better for it? No.

Governments are like stars. They just keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or implode and become a massive black hole that sucks in anything close to it and destroys it.

Is there an antidote for this? Maybe not. The Founding Fathers saw this problem and accordingly wrote a Bill of Rights that did nothing but restrict the freedom of government over the populace. Today's Progressives proudly call these "Negative rights". Instead of championing "Negative rights", they champion what is called "positive rights" Notice the psychology of terms, which Progressives are masters at. To limit the power of government you are labeled negative, and when empowering government you become positive.

The role of government should be to maintain a civil society, law and order, and let people live their lives.
Unless they want to have an abortion, smoke pot, join a union, or allthe things you nanny GOPers are against. Funny how the gov't grows the most under your brainwashers- they're lying disasters, dupes.
lol, another dumb post.

So you don't like being taxed for the road you drive on?
You don't like regulations that keep our air, water and food clean, fresh and disease free?
You think we shouldn't ever invest into the betterment of our nation???

Of course, if we spend all the money or tax the producer too much what you say may come to past,,,but goddamn lets be real.

With every law, regulation, tax, freedom wanes. That is why doing these things should be done with great trepidation. However, today the US government passes over 40,000 new laws and regulations every year. Now if you don't buy health care, which became the biggest tax hike on the middle class, you go to jail.

Is society better for it this year than last? Are we more moral? Are we better for it? No.

Governments are like stars. They just keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or implode and become a massive black hole that sucks in anything close to it and destroys it.

Is there an antidote for this? Maybe not. The Founding Fathers saw this problem and accordingly wrote a Bill of Rights that did nothing but restrict the freedom of government over the populace. Today's Progressives proudly call these "Negative rights". Instead of championing "Negative rights", they champion what is called "positive rights" Notice the psychology of terms, which Progressives are masters at. To limit the power of government you are labeled negative, and when empowering government you become positive.

The role of government should be to maintain a civil society, law and order, and let people live their lives.
Unless they want to have an abortion, smoke pot, join a union, or allthe things you nanny GOPers are against. Funny how the gov't grows the most under your brainwashers- they're lying disasters, dupes.

The abortion issue is a debate as to whether the unborn are actually human beings who have rights. Last I checked, no one believes that certain people should should not have a right to life and be killed without the protection from the state.

Why do you call me a GOPer? The GOP has played the same games as the DNC. The GOP champions a limited government at home and champion big government abroad. Conversely, the DNC champions big government at home but not abroad. However, at the end of the day, both end up supporting big government at home and abroad. After all, after you create the beast how on earth can you control it? You can't.

But you are correct, the GOP is full of hypocrisy, which is why the nation is on the verge of electing an avowed socialist. People have been conditioned to vote this way.
View attachment 63134

"Obamacare is a disaster, we need it repealed."

No kidding Bernie.

I simply fail to see the appeal of the Democrat party anymore, especially after they have already "fixed" health care.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Bernie never said that. He prefers single payer. So does any intelligent, well informed person. ACA has not been implemented yet, and you are totally misinformed.
lol, another dumb post.

So you don't like being taxed for the road you drive on?
You don't like regulations that keep our air, water and food clean, fresh and disease free?
You think we shouldn't ever invest into the betterment of our nation???

Of course, if we spend all the money or tax the producer too much what you say may come to pass,,,but goddamn lets be real.

Matty, government does not = Socialism
View attachment 63134

"Obamacare is a disaster, we need it repealed."

No kidding Bernie.

I simply fail to see the appeal of the Democrat party anymore, especially after they have already "fixed" health care.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Bernie never said that. He prefers single payer. So does any intelligent, well informed person. ACA has not been implemented yet, and you are totally misinformed.

It's like Denis Kucinich. He opposed Obamacare consistently UNTIL they needed his vote. Then he was called aboard Obama's plane and had a good "talking too".

After that, he voted for it.

Kucinich preached that Obamacare was simply a bail out for insurance companies, and how it would not reduce costs. He never took back those words, but voted for it anyway.

This is criminal. Now Progs like Kucinich want to force another system down our throats? Why on earth should we trust them?

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