Why support Israel?

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Josephus Struthius
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Josephus Struthius (Polish: Józef Struś; 1510 in Poznań – between 27 July 1568 and 26 January 1569 in Poznań) was a Polish professor of medicine in Padua (1535–1537) and personal doctor of Polish kings. He also served as mayor of Poznań in 1557–1558 and 1558–1559.

His conceptual approach to measurement of the pulse is regarded as pioneering and revolutionary.[1][2] In Sphygmicae artis iam mille ducentos annos perditae et desideratae libri V. (first published 1540 in Basel, but only copies from 1555 are accessible) he described five types of pulses, the diagnostic meaning of those types, and the influence of body temperature and nervous system on pulse. It contains probably the earliest graphic presentation of the pulse. This was one of books used by William Harvey in his works.

Robert Burton wrote of Josephus Struthius in The Anatomy of Melancholy: "Josephus Struthis, that Polonian, in the fifth book, _cap. 17._ of his Doctrine of Pulses, holds that [...] passions of the mind may be discovered by the pulse."

Josephus Struthius - Wikipedia
Look what I found

Michał Piotr Boym[1] (Chinese: 卜彌格; pinyin: Bǔ Mígé;[2] c. 1612–1659) was a Polish Jesuit missionary to China,[3][4] scientist and explorer.

He is notable as one of the first westerners to travel within the Chinese mainland, and the author of numerous works on Asian fauna, flora and geography.

Boym authored the first published Chinese dictionaries for European languages, both of which were published posthumously: the first, a Chinese–Latin dictionary, was published in 1667, and the second, a Chinese–French dictionary, was published in 1670.[5][6]

Look a Jew just pointed to a Polish scientist. :woohoo:
Dude I get it. But why isn't POLAND in the title of the thread??
I'm mostly anti-Jewish because of down right disgraceful anti-Polish Jews like you who slander their former Polish hosts left, and right.
You are anti Jewish because you are a good for nothing dumb Polak that was brainwashed as a kid and told that in order to be a good Catholic you have to hate those Christ killin' Jews. That's also why you also don't support Israel.

You're like living proof to why Poles shouldn't like Jews.
You call Poles Holocaust creators, dumb Polaks, and Plumbers.
You call Whites Neanderthals, and call Catholics pedos.

Then wonder why Polish people might not like your ilk, really?

I don't support Israel, because since I was kid, I think they stole land from Palestinians.
Newsflash to whiner, Jews don't care if you dumb Polack antisemite Nazis "like them".

What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?
-White Power
-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?
– Black Power
– What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?
– Grand theft auto.

You got lies, and jokes only.

I've got facts, Jewish names like Bernie Madoff, Semion Mogilevich, Jared Fogel, Lazar Kaganovich, Scott Rothstein, Yair Klein, Salomon Morel,Baruch Goldstein, Irv Rubin, Meyer Lansky, William Rapfogel, Leon Trotsky, Anthony Weiner, ami Popper, Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Louis Bulchalter, Ludwig Fainberg, Matvei Berman, Jakub Berman, Menachem Begin, avraham Stern, etc. etc.
Ya got jackshit but antisemitism and garbage, ya dumb Nazi Polack!

Jewish Biographies: Nobel Prize Laureates

Established by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Prize is a set of annual awards bestowed upon individuals in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances in six categories - Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, World Peace, and Medicine.

Comparative to it's small size, Israel has produced a disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners. Academic ranking organization Times Higher Education ranked Israel the fifth best performer this century in terms of Nobel Prizes in August 2015, ranked based on the amount of Nobel Prizes won as well as the significance and prestige of each one. Times Higher Education also ranked global universities based on Nobel Prize winners, and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology placed eigth, higher on the list than Harvard University and every British University.

Between 1901 and 2013, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to approximately 855 laureates.
At least 193 (22%) of them have been Jewish.


Israeli Dan Schechtman (left) accepts the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry


American Saul Perlmutter poses with the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics





Yitzhak Rabin (right) and Shimon Peresaccept the 1994 Nobel Prize in World Peace



World Peace

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Ah fuck off, ya dumb Nazi! I just listed three inventions in three different disciplines that were awarded Nobel prizes. That means you're an ignoramus that's fulla shit. But then again, we already knew that.

Does it upset you that Jews and Israel have won far many more prizes than you dumb Polacks. Of course you guys have won several plumbing prizes. Nobody is contesting that.

Polish Plumber - Wikipedia

The "Polish plumber" was also featured on a poster by the Polish tourism board in response to what was perceived as negative rhetoricagainst Poland. The "Polish plumber", portrayed by 21-year-old male model Piotr Adamski, beckoned French tourists to come to Poland. T-shirts were also manufactured, and a follow up poster[1] featured a "Polish nurse", portrayed by 22-year-old Bożena Szwarc. Her phrase being Pologne: Je t'attends. (English: "Poland: I'm waiting for you".)

The Swiss Socialist Party campaigned in favour of the free circulation of people (in the context of European bilateral deals) and also featured a character, with the slogan Plombiers de tous les pays, unissez-vous! (English: "Plumbers of all countries, unite!"), a reference to the famous slogan and last words of the Communist Manifesto.[2]

The "Polish plumber" cliché may symbolise the fear of cheap Central and East European labour threatening the jobs of West Europeans.[3]On the other hand, some British media changed track and sounded a more positive note, praising affordability and reliability of immigrants' work. Statistics for 2003–2007 estimated that two million East and Central European immigrants arrived in the UK and that half of them were Polish. Polish immigration also meant new business in some areas, shops introduced bilingual English-Polish signs, bookstores established "Polish language" sections, some Police forces looked to recruit Polish speaking staff.[3] Nonetheless, the stereotype was cited as a factor in the referendum that led to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.[4][5][6][7][8]
Ah fuck off, ya dumb Nazi! I just listed three inventions in three different disciplines that were awarded Nobel prizes. That means you're an ignoramus that's fulla shit. But then again, we already knew that.

Does it upset you that Jews and Israel have won far many more prizes than you dumb Polacks. Of course you guys have won several plumbing prizes. Nobody is contesting that.

Polish Plumber - Wikipedia

The "Polish plumber" was also featured on a poster by the Polish tourism board in response to what was perceived as negative rhetoricagainst Poland. The "Polish plumber", portrayed by 21-year-old male model Piotr Adamski, beckoned French tourists to come to Poland. T-shirts were also manufactured, and a follow up poster[1] featured a "Polish nurse", portrayed by 22-year-old Bożena Szwarc. Her phrase being Pologne: Je t'attends. (English: "Poland: I'm waiting for you".)

The Swiss Socialist Party campaigned in favour of the free circulation of people (in the context of European bilateral deals) and also featured a character, with the slogan Plombiers de tous les pays, unissez-vous! (English: "Plumbers of all countries, unite!"), a reference to the famous slogan and last words of the Communist Manifesto.[2]

The "Polish plumber" cliché may symbolise the fear of cheap Central and East European labour threatening the jobs of West Europeans.[3]On the other hand, some British media changed track and sounded a more positive note, praising affordability and reliability of immigrants' work. Statistics for 2003–2007 estimated that two million East and Central European immigrants arrived in the UK and that half of them were Polish. Polish immigration also meant new business in some areas, shops introduced bilingual English-Polish signs, bookstores established "Polish language" sections, some Police forces looked to recruit Polish speaking staff.[3] Nonetheless, the stereotype was cited as a factor in the referendum that led to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.[4][5][6][7][8]

There is no invention category in the Nobel Prize, and that's the point you're missing.

Saying Polish contributions to the U.S, only include Plumbers, is most certainly prejudiced.
You are such a dumbfuck Polak and you prove it every time you post! They award Nobel prizes in the various categories, for inventions as well as discoveries! Is that too complicated to comprehend?!

How do you get a one-armed Polak out of a tree?
Wave to him.

Do you hear about the Polish loan shark?
He lends out all his money, and then skips town!

Did you know a Polish firing squad stands?
In a circle.

There's no Nobel Prize category in invention, it's only physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.

Please, try, and fail again.
There goes the dumbfuck Polak again!

They award prizes for inventions in physics, they award prizes for inventions in chemistry, etc, etc.


They are awarding it for it's contribution to Physics, Chemistry, or Medicine, not for Invention.

Yes, Jews are way behind Whites Goys in invention.

Born and raised a Catholic. They filled your dumb brain with this antisemtic shit that you spew on a daily basis..

I'm mostly anti-Jewish because of down right disgraceful anti-Polish Jews like you who slander their former Polish hosts left, and right.
You are anti Jewish because you are a good for nothing dumb Polak that was brainwashed as a kid and told that in order to be a good Catholic you have to hate those Christ killin' Jews. That's also why you also don't support Israel.

You're like living proof to why Poles shouldn't like Jews.
You call Poles Holocaust creators, dumb Polaks, and Plumbers.
You call Whites Neanderthals, and call Catholics pedos.

Then wonder why Polish people might not like your ilk, really?

I don't support Israel, because since I was kid, I think they stole land from Palestinians.
Newsflash to whiner, Jews don't care if you dumb Polack antisemite Nazis "like them".

What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?
-White Power
-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?
– Black Power
– What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?
– Grand theft auto.

You got lies, and jokes only.

I've got facts, Jewish names like Bernie Madoff, Semion Mogilevich, Jared Fogel, Lazar Kaganovich, Scott Rothstein, Yair Klein, Salomon Morel,Baruch Goldstein, Irv Rubin, Meyer Lansky, William Rapfogel, Leon Trotsky, Anthony Weiner, ami Popper, Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Louis Bulchalter, Ludwig Fainberg, Matvei Berman, Jakub Berman, Menachem Begin, avraham Stern, etc. etc.

Leon Czolgosz, a Polish American born in Alpena, Michigan, changed American history in 1901 by assassinating U.S. President William McKinley. Though Czolgosz was a native-born citizen, the American public displayed high anti-Polish and anti-immigrant sentiment after the attack. McKinley, who survived the shooting for several days, called Czolgosz a "common murderer", and did not make mention of his background. Different Slavic groups debated his ethnic origins in the days and weeks that followed the attack, and Hungarian Americans took effort to also distance themselves from him. Police who arrested him reported that Czolgosz himself identified as a Pole. The Polish American community in Buffalo was deeply ashamed and angry with the negative publicity that Czolgosz created, both for their community and the Pan-American Exposition, and canceled a Polish American parade following the attack.[146] Polish Americans burned effigies of Czolgosz in Chicago and Polish American leaders publicly repudiated him.

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Look what I found

Michał Piotr Boym[1] (Chinese: 卜彌格; pinyin: Bǔ Mígé;[2] c. 1612–1659) was a Polish Jesuit missionary to China,[3][4] scientist and explorer.

He is notable as one of the first westerners to travel within the Chinese mainland, and the author of numerous works on Asian fauna, flora and geography.

Boym authored the first published Chinese dictionaries for European languages, both of which were published posthumously: the first, a Chinese–Latin dictionary, was published in 1667, and the second, a Chinese–French dictionary, was published in 1670.[5][6]

Look a Jew just pointed to a Polish scientist. :woohoo:
Dude I get it. But why isn't POLAND in the title of the thread??
Uss Liberty was an accident

With apologies to those who drank the Kool Aid and believe the myth that the US government has conducted 10 official investigations of the attack on the USS Liberty, if you will read the reports that USS Liberty Historical Revisionists claim to be investigations of the attack you will quickly leaarn that they are not investigations of the attack at all.

That's a long way to go to make the point that it is a bit premature to characterize the attack as an accident.

For over 50 years USS Liberty Survivors have been trying to persuade the US government to conduct just such an investigation. Given the fact that we have offered everything short of the blood of our first born sons to achieve a goal that should be done as a matter of course it is obvious that we need public support for our effort.

With that in mind we have created a letter writing campaign as well as a petition calling on Congress to conduct an investigation of the attack.

Those interested can find the letter writing campaign and the petition.

Warmest regards,

Joe Meadors
USS Liberty Survivor
Director of Operations, USS Liberty Veterans Association
USS Liberty Veterans Association
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Because Israel is America's staunchest ally.

Suck it, Joo-haters!

Haha, good joke.

If true, why did Britain, Poland, Australia, and Spain fight in Iraq with the U.S, but not Israel?

Come to think about it, Which war did Israel fight with the U.S in?
I can't think of any?
Can you?

Israel gets a pass from interfering in the affairs of their Arab neighbors. For reasons pretty obvious to the mentally feeble. When there are 43 different enemy factions fighting each -- you don't NEED to stop it.

That's just one of reasons they "get a pass"..
Uss Liberty was an accident

With apologies to those who drank the Kool Aid and believe the myth that the US government has conducted 10 official investigations of the attack on the USS Liberty, if you will read the reports that USS Liberty Historical Revisionists claim to be investigations of the attack you will quickly leaarn that they are not investigations of the attack at all.

That's a long way to go to make the point that it is a bit premature to characterize the attack as an accident.

For over 50 years USS Liberty Survivors have been trying to persuade the US government to conduct just such an investigation. Given the fact that we have offered everything short of the blood of our first born sons to achieve a goal that should be done as a matter of course it is obvious that we need public support for our effort.

With that in mind we have created a letter writing campaign as well as a petition calling on Congress to conduct an investigation of the attack.

Those interested can find the letter writing campaign at bit.ly/2fDxGVY and the petition at
Investigate the Attack on the USS Liberty

Warmest regards,

Joe Meadors
USS Liberty Survivor
Director of Operations, USS Liberty Veterans Association
USS Liberty Veterans Association
You know an antisemite sock is getting desperate when they bring up the USS Liberty for the 10,000th time. :rofl:
The difference is Israel has a real nation, Palestine does not...

All the more reason to support Israel. She is a real nation. The OP doesn't ask about Palestine or compare Palestine. It asks why one would support Israel. Well, one should support Israel because one should support the right of peoples to self-determination, self-government and sovereignty.

Do you want to argue that we SHOULDN'T be supporting these things?
The European Jews would have done better to stay in their own countries and help the former Soviet Union and its satellite nations in Eastern Europe develop into democracies. They are a poison in the Middle East.

Do you feel that way about taking 2 or 3 millions Arab/Muslim immigrants out of Syria, Iraq, Afghan, Sudan Libya into YOUR country for refuge? Why shouldn't THEY stay in their cultural region and "tough it out" smart guy??
This is why Israel, the only true democracy and our real ally in the region, should be supported:


  • ReWalk a bionic walking assistance system to enable paraplegics to stand upright, walk and climb stairs.
  • Development of robotic guidance system for spine surgery by Mazor Robotics.

Model of quasicrystals, discovered by Nobel prize winner Dan Shechtmanof the Technion
See also: Category:Jewish physicists

Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation

Pillcam endoscopic capsule developed by Given Imaging
See also: List of Jewish American biologists and physicians
Theoretical computer science
Computer hardware

USB flash drive, originally marketed as the DiskOnKey
Computer and mobile software
  • Babylon, a single-click computer translation, dictionary and information source utility program, developed by Amnon Ovadia.[40]
  • Umoove, a high-tech startup company that invented a software only solution for face and eye tracking is located in Israel.[41]
  • ICQ, an Instant Messaging software developed initially in 1996 by the Israeli company Mirabilis[42] and later procured by AOL.
  • Viber, a proprietary cross-platform instant messaging voice-over-Internet Protocol application for smartphones.[43] Developed by American-Israeli entrepreneur Talmon Marco, Viber reached 200 million users in May 2013.
  • GetTaxi, an application that connects between customers and taxi drivers using the its proprietary GPS system, enabling users to order a cab either with their smartphone or through the company's website. It was founded by Israeli entrepreneurs Shahar Waiser and Roi More.[44]
  • Mobileye, vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) providing warnings for collision prevention and mitigation.[45][46] Many companies developing autonomous vehicles, such as BMW, rely on Mobileye's technology.[45]
  • OrCam MyEye, is a portable, artificial vision device that allows the visually impaired to understand text and identify objects through audio feedback describing what such people are unable to see.[47][48]
  • Waze, a GPS-based geographical navigation application program for smartphones with GPS support and display screens, which provides turn-by-turn information and user-submitted travel times and route details, downloading location-dependent information over the mobile telephone network.[49] Waze Ltd., which was founded in 2008 in Israel by Uri Levine, software engineer Ehud Shabtai and Amir Shinar, and is now available in over 100 countries, was acquired by Google for a reported $1.1 billion.[50][citation needed]
  • WeCU (pronounced 'We See You') Technologies, is a technology able to pickup, analyze, and identify in realtime terrorists.[51] WeCU is being implemented in airports around the world to help identify potential terrorists.[52][53]
  • Wix.com

IMI Tavor TAR-21
Agriculture and breeding
  • Golden hamster – first domesticated for pet use by a Hebrew University of Jerusalem zoologist in 1930
  • Hybrid cucumber seeds – In the 1950s, Prof. Esra Galun of the Weizmann Institute developed hybrid seed production of cucumbers and melons, disease-resistant cucumbers and cucumbers suitable for mechanical harvesting. Galun and his colleagues invented a technique for producing hybrid cucumber seeds without hand pollination.[64]
  • Grain cocoons - invented by international food technology consultant Professor Shlomo Navarro, the GrainPro Cocoons provide a simple and cheap way for African and Asian farmers to keep their grain market-fresh, as huge bags keep both water and air out, making sure the harvest is clean and protected even in extreme heat and humidity.[65]
  • Biological pest control - invented in Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu by a company called Bio-Bee, it breeds beneficial insects and mites for biological pest control and bumblebees for natural pollination in greenhouses and open fields. The company’s top seller worldwide and especially in the U.S. is a two-millimeter-long, pear-shaped orange spider that is a highly efficient enemy of the spider mite, a devastating agricultural pest.[65]
  • AKOL - a Kibbutz-based company which gives low-income farmers the ability to get top-level information from professional sources.[65]
  • Reusable plastic trays - a Tal-Ya Water Technologies invention used to collect dew from the air, reducing the need to water crops by up to 50 percent.[65]
  • "Zero-discharge" system - an invention of the Israeli GFA company which allows fish to be raised virtually anywhere by eliminating the environmental problems in conventional fish farming, without being dependent on electricity or proximity to a body of water.[65]
  • TraitUP - a new technology that enables the introduction of genetic materials into seeds without modifying their DNA, immediately and efficiently improving plants before they’re even sowed. It was developed by Hebrew University agricultural scientists Ilan Sela and Haim D. Rabinowitch.[65]
  • Judean date palm – oldest seed ever to be revived, restoring an extinct cultivar
  • The Tomaccio cherry tomato was developed by several Israeli laboratories, the dominant ones being those led by Professor Nahum Keidar and Professor Chaim Rabinovitch from the Agriculture Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot Campus.[66][67]
  • Super iron battery – A new class of a rechargeable electric battery based on a special kind of iron. More environment friendly because the super-iron eventually rusts, it was developed by Stuart Licht.[68] of the University of Massachusetts.[69]
Consumer goods and appliances[edit]

  • Epilator (originally "Epilady") – an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. It was developed and originally manufactured at Kibbutz HaGoshrim.[70][71]
  • Wonder Pot – a pot developed for baking on the stovetop rather than in an oven.[72]
  • Micronized coating instant hot water pipes developed by A.C.T.[73]

Food and Drink
  • Ptitim, also called Israeli couscous worldwide, is a wheat-based baked pasta. It was initially invented during the austerity period in Israel when Rice and Semolina were scarce.
  • Safed cheese or Tzfat cheese is a semi-hard, salty cheese produced in Israel from sheep's milk. It was first produced by the Hameiri dairy in Safed in 1840 and is still produced there by descendants of the original cheese makers.
  • Jerusalem mixed grill is a grilled meat dish considered a specialty of Jerusalem. It consists of chicken hearts, spleens and liver mixed with bits of lamb cooked on a flat grill, seasoned with onion, garlic, juniper berries, black pepper, cumin, turmeric and coriander
  • Sabich is a sandwich, consisting of pita stuffed with fried eggplant and hard boiled eggs. Local consumption is said to have stemmed from a tradition among Mizrahi Jews, who ate it on Shabbat morning.
  • Karat Caviar is a Russian Osetra caviar brand farmed in the Golan and has won several international awards. The Russian Osetra fingerlings were imported from the Caspian Sea.[79][80]
  • Limonana is a lemonade enriched with mint
  • Bamba (snack) is a peanut butter-flavored snack manufactured by the Osem corporation in Holon, Israel.[81]
  • Israeli Salad, is a chopped salad of finely diced tomato, onion, cucumber, and bell or chili peppers.[82]
  • Water-Gen, is an Israeli developed device that offers a low cost method of turning air into water.[83][84][85][86]
Physical exercise
I'm mostly anti-Jewish because of down right disgraceful anti-Polish Jews like you who slander their former Polish hosts left, and right.
You are anti Jewish because you are a good for nothing dumb Polak that was brainwashed as a kid and told that in order to be a good Catholic you have to hate those Christ killin' Jews. That's also why you also don't support Israel.

You're like living proof to why Poles shouldn't like Jews.
You call Poles Holocaust creators, dumb Polaks, and Plumbers.
You call Whites Neanderthals, and call Catholics pedos.

Then wonder why Polish people might not like your ilk, really?

I don't support Israel, because since I was kid, I think they stole land from Palestinians.
Newsflash to whiner, Jews don't care if you dumb Polack antisemite Nazis "like them".

What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?
-White Power
-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?
– Black Power
– What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?
– Grand theft auto.

You got lies, and jokes only.

I've got facts, Jewish names like Bernie Madoff, Semion Mogilevich, Jared Fogel, Lazar Kaganovich, Scott Rothstein, Yair Klein, Salomon Morel,Baruch Goldstein, Irv Rubin, Meyer Lansky, William Rapfogel, Leon Trotsky, Anthony Weiner, ami Popper, Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Louis Bulchalter, Ludwig Fainberg, Matvei Berman, Jakub Berman, Menachem Begin, avraham Stern, etc. etc.
Ya got jackshit but antisemitism and garbage, ya dumb Nazi Polack!

Jewish Biographies: Nobel Prize Laureates

Established by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Prize is a set of annual awards bestowed upon individuals in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances in six categories - Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, World Peace, and Medicine.

Comparative to it's small size, Israel has produced a disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners. Academic ranking organization Times Higher Education ranked Israel the fifth best performer this century in terms of Nobel Prizes in August 2015, ranked based on the amount of Nobel Prizes won as well as the significance and prestige of each one. Times Higher Education also ranked global universities based on Nobel Prize winners, and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology placed eigth, higher on the list than Harvard University and every British University.

Between 1901 and 2013, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to approximately 855 laureates.
At least 193 (22%) of them have been Jewish.


Israeli Dan Schechtman (left) accepts the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry


American Saul Perlmutter poses with the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics





Yitzhak Rabin (right) and Shimon Peresaccept the 1994 Nobel Prize in World Peace



World Peace

Probably mostly from mixing with Polish genes in the first place.

Sephardi Jews certainly aren't doing much.

Why is it mostly just Ashkenazi Jews who centered in Poland?
Because Israel is America's staunchest ally.

Suck it, Joo-haters!

Haha, good joke.

If true, why did Britain, Poland, Australia, and Spain fight in Iraq with the U.S, but not Israel?

Come to think about it, Which war did Israel fight with the U.S in?
I can't think of any?
Can you?

Israel gets a pass from interfering in the affairs of their Arab neighbors. For reasons pretty obvious to the mentally feeble. When there are 43 different enemy factions fighting each -- you don't NEED to stop it.

That's just one of reasons they "get a pass"..

More like Israel likes the U.S being in the Mid-East, but does nothing to help the U.S in the Mid-East.

What a great ally, sure.
This is why Israel, the only true democracy and our real ally in the region, should be supported:


  • ReWalk a bionic walking assistance system to enable paraplegics to stand upright, walk and climb stairs.
  • Development of robotic guidance system for spine surgery by Mazor Robotics.

Model of quasicrystals, discovered by Nobel prize winner Dan Shechtmanof the Technion
See also: Category:Jewish physicists

Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation

Pillcam endoscopic capsule developed by Given Imaging
See also: List of Jewish American biologists and physicians
Theoretical computer science
Computer hardware

USB flash drive, originally marketed as the DiskOnKey
Computer and mobile software
  • Babylon, a single-click computer translation, dictionary and information source utility program, developed by Amnon Ovadia.[40]
  • Umoove, a high-tech startup company that invented a software only solution for face and eye tracking is located in Israel.[41]
  • ICQ, an Instant Messaging software developed initially in 1996 by the Israeli company Mirabilis[42] and later procured by AOL.
  • Viber, a proprietary cross-platform instant messaging voice-over-Internet Protocol application for smartphones.[43] Developed by American-Israeli entrepreneur Talmon Marco, Viber reached 200 million users in May 2013.
  • GetTaxi, an application that connects between customers and taxi drivers using the its proprietary GPS system, enabling users to order a cab either with their smartphone or through the company's website. It was founded by Israeli entrepreneurs Shahar Waiser and Roi More.[44]
  • Mobileye, vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) providing warnings for collision prevention and mitigation.[45][46] Many companies developing autonomous vehicles, such as BMW, rely on Mobileye's technology.[45]
  • OrCam MyEye, is a portable, artificial vision device that allows the visually impaired to understand text and identify objects through audio feedback describing what such people are unable to see.[47][48]
  • Waze, a GPS-based geographical navigation application program for smartphones with GPS support and display screens, which provides turn-by-turn information and user-submitted travel times and route details, downloading location-dependent information over the mobile telephone network.[49] Waze Ltd., which was founded in 2008 in Israel by Uri Levine, software engineer Ehud Shabtai and Amir Shinar, and is now available in over 100 countries, was acquired by Google for a reported $1.1 billion.[50][citation needed]
  • WeCU (pronounced 'We See You') Technologies, is a technology able to pickup, analyze, and identify in realtime terrorists.[51] WeCU is being implemented in airports around the world to help identify potential terrorists.[52][53]
  • Wix.com

IMI Tavor TAR-21
Agriculture and breeding
  • Golden hamster – first domesticated for pet use by a Hebrew University of Jerusalem zoologist in 1930
  • Hybrid cucumber seeds – In the 1950s, Prof. Esra Galun of the Weizmann Institute developed hybrid seed production of cucumbers and melons, disease-resistant cucumbers and cucumbers suitable for mechanical harvesting. Galun and his colleagues invented a technique for producing hybrid cucumber seeds without hand pollination.[64]
  • Grain cocoons - invented by international food technology consultant Professor Shlomo Navarro, the GrainPro Cocoons provide a simple and cheap way for African and Asian farmers to keep their grain market-fresh, as huge bags keep both water and air out, making sure the harvest is clean and protected even in extreme heat and humidity.[65]
  • Biological pest control - invented in Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu by a company called Bio-Bee, it breeds beneficial insects and mites for biological pest control and bumblebees for natural pollination in greenhouses and open fields. The company’s top seller worldwide and especially in the U.S. is a two-millimeter-long, pear-shaped orange spider that is a highly efficient enemy of the spider mite, a devastating agricultural pest.[65]
  • AKOL - a Kibbutz-based company which gives low-income farmers the ability to get top-level information from professional sources.[65]
  • Reusable plastic trays - a Tal-Ya Water Technologies invention used to collect dew from the air, reducing the need to water crops by up to 50 percent.[65]
  • "Zero-discharge" system - an invention of the Israeli GFA company which allows fish to be raised virtually anywhere by eliminating the environmental problems in conventional fish farming, without being dependent on electricity or proximity to a body of water.[65]
  • TraitUP - a new technology that enables the introduction of genetic materials into seeds without modifying their DNA, immediately and efficiently improving plants before they’re even sowed. It was developed by Hebrew University agricultural scientists Ilan Sela and Haim D. Rabinowitch.[65]
  • Judean date palm – oldest seed ever to be revived, restoring an extinct cultivar
  • The Tomaccio cherry tomato was developed by several Israeli laboratories, the dominant ones being those led by Professor Nahum Keidar and Professor Chaim Rabinovitch from the Agriculture Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot Campus.[66][67]
  • Super iron battery – A new class of a rechargeable electric battery based on a special kind of iron. More environment friendly because the super-iron eventually rusts, it was developed by Stuart Licht.[68] of the University of Massachusetts.[69]
Consumer goods and appliances[edit]

  • Epilator (originally "Epilady") – an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. It was developed and originally manufactured at Kibbutz HaGoshrim.[70][71]
  • Wonder Pot – a pot developed for baking on the stovetop rather than in an oven.[72]
  • Micronized coating instant hot water pipes developed by A.C.T.[73]

Food and Drink
  • Ptitim, also called Israeli couscous worldwide, is a wheat-based baked pasta. It was initially invented during the austerity period in Israel when Rice and Semolina were scarce.
  • Safed cheese or Tzfat cheese is a semi-hard, salty cheese produced in Israel from sheep's milk. It was first produced by the Hameiri dairy in Safed in 1840 and is still produced there by descendants of the original cheese makers.
  • Jerusalem mixed grill is a grilled meat dish considered a specialty of Jerusalem. It consists of chicken hearts, spleens and liver mixed with bits of lamb cooked on a flat grill, seasoned with onion, garlic, juniper berries, black pepper, cumin, turmeric and coriander
  • Sabich is a sandwich, consisting of pita stuffed with fried eggplant and hard boiled eggs. Local consumption is said to have stemmed from a tradition among Mizrahi Jews, who ate it on Shabbat morning.
  • Karat Caviar is a Russian Osetra caviar brand farmed in the Golan and has won several international awards. The Russian Osetra fingerlings were imported from the Caspian Sea.[79][80]
  • Limonana is a lemonade enriched with mint
  • Bamba (snack) is a peanut butter-flavored snack manufactured by the Osem corporation in Holon, Israel.[81]
  • Israeli Salad, is a chopped salad of finely diced tomato, onion, cucumber, and bell or chili peppers.[82]
  • Water-Gen, is an Israeli developed device that offers a low cost method of turning air into water.[83][84][85][86]
Physical exercise

So, inventions, and discoveries constitute "Democracy" to you?

But, the Soviets, and Nazis had plenty too.

Science and technology in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

German military technology during World War II - Wikipedia
Look what I found

Michał Piotr Boym[1] (Chinese: 卜彌格; pinyin: Bǔ Mígé;[2] c. 1612–1659) was a Polish Jesuit missionary to China,[3][4] scientist and explorer.

He is notable as one of the first westerners to travel within the Chinese mainland, and the author of numerous works on Asian fauna, flora and geography.

Boym authored the first published Chinese dictionaries for European languages, both of which were published posthumously: the first, a Chinese–Latin dictionary, was published in 1667, and the second, a Chinese–French dictionary, was published in 1670.[5][6]

Look a Jew just pointed to a Polish scientist. :woohoo:
Dude I get it. But why isn't POLAND in the title of the thread??

He writes of a Polish success, and you have to mock Poles, for what reason?

You're coming off like a vindictive maniac.
I'm mostly anti-Jewish because of down right disgraceful anti-Polish Jews like you who slander their former Polish hosts left, and right.
You are anti Jewish because you are a good for nothing dumb Polak that was brainwashed as a kid and told that in order to be a good Catholic you have to hate those Christ killin' Jews. That's also why you also don't support Israel.

You're like living proof to why Poles shouldn't like Jews.
You call Poles Holocaust creators, dumb Polaks, and Plumbers.
You call Whites Neanderthals, and call Catholics pedos.

Then wonder why Polish people might not like your ilk, really?

I don't support Israel, because since I was kid, I think they stole land from Palestinians.
Newsflash to whiner, Jews don't care if you dumb Polack antisemite Nazis "like them".

What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?
-White Power
-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?
– Black Power
– What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?
– Grand theft auto.

You got lies, and jokes only.

I've got facts, Jewish names like Bernie Madoff, Semion Mogilevich, Jared Fogel, Lazar Kaganovich, Scott Rothstein, Yair Klein, Salomon Morel,Baruch Goldstein, Irv Rubin, Meyer Lansky, William Rapfogel, Leon Trotsky, Anthony Weiner, ami Popper, Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Louis Bulchalter, Ludwig Fainberg, Matvei Berman, Jakub Berman, Menachem Begin, avraham Stern, etc. etc.
Ya got jackshit but antisemitism and garbage, ya dumb Nazi Polack!

Jewish Biographies: Nobel Prize Laureates

Established by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Prize is a set of annual awards bestowed upon individuals in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances in six categories - Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, World Peace, and Medicine.

Comparative to it's small size, Israel has produced a disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners. Academic ranking organization Times Higher Education ranked Israel the fifth best performer this century in terms of Nobel Prizes in August 2015, ranked based on the amount of Nobel Prizes won as well as the significance and prestige of each one. Times Higher Education also ranked global universities based on Nobel Prize winners, and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology placed eigth, higher on the list than Harvard University and every British University.

Between 1901 and 2013, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to approximately 855 laureates.
At least 193 (22%) of them have been Jewish.


Israeli Dan Schechtman (left) accepts the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry


American Saul Perlmutter poses with the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics





Yitzhak Rabin (right) and Shimon Peresaccept the 1994 Nobel Prize in World Peace



World Peace

None of these as important for society as Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison, because as I said there is no invention category.

I'm mostly anti-Jewish because of down right disgraceful anti-Polish Jews like you who slander their former Polish hosts left, and right.
You are anti Jewish because you are a good for nothing dumb Polak that was brainwashed as a kid and told that in order to be a good Catholic you have to hate those Christ killin' Jews. That's also why you also don't support Israel.

You're like living proof to why Poles shouldn't like Jews.
You call Poles Holocaust creators, dumb Polaks, and Plumbers.
You call Whites Neanderthals, and call Catholics pedos.

Then wonder why Polish people might not like your ilk, really?

I don't support Israel, because since I was kid, I think they stole land from Palestinians.
Newsflash to whiner, Jews don't care if you dumb Polack antisemite Nazis "like them".

What do you call it when 2 whites are pushing a car?
-White Power
-What do you call it when 2 blacks are pushing a car?
– Black Power
– What do you call it when 2 Poles are pushing a car?
– Grand theft auto.

You got lies, and jokes only.

I've got facts, Jewish names like Bernie Madoff, Semion Mogilevich, Jared Fogel, Lazar Kaganovich, Scott Rothstein, Yair Klein, Salomon Morel,Baruch Goldstein, Irv Rubin, Meyer Lansky, William Rapfogel, Leon Trotsky, Anthony Weiner, ami Popper, Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Louis Bulchalter, Ludwig Fainberg, Matvei Berman, Jakub Berman, Menachem Begin, avraham Stern, etc. etc.
Ya got jackshit but antisemitism and garbage, ya dumb Nazi Polack!

Jewish Biographies: Nobel Prize Laureates

Established by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Prize is a set of annual awards bestowed upon individuals in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances in six categories - Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, World Peace, and Medicine.

Comparative to it's small size, Israel has produced a disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners. Academic ranking organization Times Higher Education ranked Israel the fifth best performer this century in terms of Nobel Prizes in August 2015, ranked based on the amount of Nobel Prizes won as well as the significance and prestige of each one. Times Higher Education also ranked global universities based on Nobel Prize winners, and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology placed eigth, higher on the list than Harvard University and every British University.

Between 1901 and 2013, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to approximately 855 laureates.
At least 193 (22%) of them have been Jewish.


Israeli Dan Schechtman (left) accepts the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry


American Saul Perlmutter poses with the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics





Yitzhak Rabin (right) and Shimon Peresaccept the 1994 Nobel Prize in World Peace



World Peace

LOL, Isn't it funny a Jewish terrorist Menachem Begin, a Jewish founder of atomic bombs Joseph Roblat, and a Jewish tyrant Henry Kissinger who installed Pinochet, all win Nobel Peace Prizes.

Yet, where is Polish Ryszard Kuklinski for giving Soviet information to the U.S, which helped prevent a war most likely, or Polish Jan Karski who warned the World about the Holocaust?
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