Why Tampon Tim's rhetoric is very violent. Gays and Guns dont mix.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
“Like reading about two male penguins who love each other is somehow going to turn your children gay and that’s what you should worry about,” said Walz, referring to the frequently-challenged children’s book “And Tango Makes Three” as he paused for light laughs from the crowd.
Study finds LGBQ people report higher rates of adverse childhood experiences than straight people, worse mental health as adults
A new study led by researchers at Vanderbilt found that 83% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) individuals reported going through adverse childhood experiences such as sexual and emotional abuse, and worse mental health as adults when compared to their heterosexual peers.
I know you queer people dont want to hear it, but "science" cannot be denied.

Some more stuff Tampon Tim said in the above link..
“But here’s what I’ll tell you. It’s a fact of life some people are gay but you know what’s not a fact of life? That our children need to be shot dead in schools. That’s not a fact of life.”
Who has been the Vice President for the past 4 years now? Oh yeah, Kamala Harris, the DEI candidate who just happened to have a vagina and be non white.

FBI under pressure again after Georgia school shooting
In a statement posted on social media, the agency wrote that it had received "several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time." The threats "contained photographs of guns" and ultimately led to a 13-year-old male and his father being interviewed.
Maybe if the FIB was more concerned about mentally ill kids who want to harm others, instead of going after parents at a PTA meeting about Trannys raping young girls, some of this Biden/Harris admin might stop some of the shootings? Wont happen until President Trump is back in office, then the FBI will have a clean house.


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