Why? Tell me why...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...do the newsayers have to keep displaying the faces of the murderous couple as they speak of their dying deeds? Why?

Is it to promote others to get their faces on world wide screens after going out with a bang that kills more innocent people than ever before?

Is it for RATINGS?

I'm looking at Greta's face, framed beside close ups of the miserable beings that called themselves members of a peaceful group prior to killing 14 American citizens. The station policy should be not to show their faces...just those of their families that are still alive.
Of course it's for the ratings................It's what they do............Dirty Laundry sells and they know it.
I agree with you both: it is for ratings.

The news reported live TV from the Deere case in the Colorado abortions shootings, and that guy was talking and jiving out loud so God, angels, and all witnesses could hear clearly.

The first attribute of journalism is not the story; it is sensationalism to sell a story.
...do the newsayers have to keep displaying the faces of the murderous couple as they speak of their dying deeds? Why?

Is it to promote others to get their faces on world wide screens after going out with a bang that kills more innocent people than ever before?

Is it for RATINGS?

I'm looking at Greta's face, framed beside close ups of the miserable beings that called themselves members of a peaceful group prior to killing 14 American citizens. The station policy should be not to show their faces...just those of their families that are still alive.
So we can profile.
Should we?

Should we?


We know....you want to bring muslim terrorist to America,we get it!!
Non sequitur. You must be the guy in the cartoon. You can't think.

Oh I see exactly what you're saying and the answer is still no.
We have an estimated 100 million gun owners in America and very little gun crime other than the inner city epidemic...you want to import a 100 million muslims and take your chances on whether or not 19 of em manage to pull off another 9/11 scale attack?
You compare apples to oranges and think you've scored some kind of political points.
Should we?


We know....you want to bring muslim terrorist to America,we get it!!
Non sequitur. You must be the guy in the cartoon. You can't think.

Oh I see exactly what you're saying and the answer is still no.
We have an estimated 100 million gun owners in America and very little gun crime other than the inner city epidemic...you want to import a 100 million muslims and take your chances on whether or not 19 of em manage to pull off another 9/11 scale attack?
You compare apples to oranges and think you've scored some kind of political points.
Those are your silly words, silly man. The comparison is direct and obvious. Run along.
Should we?

The cartoon depicted shows a woman wearing fundamentalist Islamic clothing for a female. Families who have their women wear such attire are also families who advocate Sharia and the Hadith as the law of the land. All those families who advocate such laws, also advocate the conversion, subjugation of killing of non-believers. Any fundamentalist Muslim family that advocates Sharia and the Hadith is a sworn enemy of all infidels. They will use Taqiyya to misdirect or lie to the infidel to placate the infidel while the Muslim is in the minority, but that would not be the case if they were the majority.
Should we?


We know....you want to bring muslim terrorist to America,we get it!!
Non sequitur. You must be the guy in the cartoon. You can't think.

Oh I see exactly what you're saying and the answer is still no.
We have an estimated 100 million gun owners in America and very little gun crime other than the inner city epidemic...you want to import a 100 million muslims and take your chances on whether or not 19 of em manage to pull off another 9/11 scale attack?
You compare apples to oranges and think you've scored some kind of political points.
Those are your silly words, silly man. The comparison is direct and obvious. Run along.

American gun owners are not organizing and collaborating to wage war on helpless American civilians.
You and your messiahs buddies are.
It's a pretty clear cut distinction...for anyone but a liberal.
Should we?

The cartoon depicted shows a woman wearing fundamentalist Islamic clothing for a female. Families who have their women wear such attire are also families who advocate Sharia and the Hadith as the law of the land. All those families who advocate such laws, also advocate the conversion, subjugation of killing of non-believers. Any fundamentalist Muslim family that advocates Sharia and the Hadith is a sworn enemy of all infidels. They will use Taqiyya to misdirect or lie to the infidel to placate the infidel while the Muslim is in the minority, but that would not be the case if they were the majority.
That is a far right nut job talking point.
Should we?


We know....you want to bring muslim terrorist to America,we get it!!
Non sequitur. You must be the guy in the cartoon. You can't think.

Oh I see exactly what you're saying and the answer is still no.
We have an estimated 100 million gun owners in America and very little gun crime other than the inner city epidemic...you want to import a 100 million muslims and take your chances on whether or not 19 of em manage to pull off another 9/11 scale attack?
You compare apples to oranges and think you've scored some kind of political points.
Those are your silly words, silly man. The comparison is direct and obvious. Run along.

American gun owners are not organizing and collaborating to wage war on helpless American civilians.
You and your messiahs buddies are.
It's a pretty clear cut distinction...for anyone but a liberal.
Non sequitur. Neither are American Muslims "organizing and collaborating" except in very isolated incidents. Less than a dozen is 8 years, while there has been 210 gun mass violent incidents in the last 315 days.

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