Why the Border Crisis Is Here to Stay


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Because it is the plan, it is Cloward-Piven in action. Any American who supports this is actually un-American.

Don’t blame me, blame the Supreme Court — along with congressional Republicans, Republican presidents, and Washington’s entrenched post-sovereign, transnational–progressive political establishment. But don’t say you weren’t warned: The only hope for reestablishing security on the southern border is a credible threat to impeach President Biden.

And don’t bet on that emerging from a Democrat-dominated House.

That blunt reality is elucidated by the Biden administration’s assault on any remaining vestige of state sovereignty. In El Paso federal court, the Justice Department has sued Texas and Governor Greg Abbott for attempting to protect the state from waves of illegal aliens who are streaming into the country.

The federal government is aiding and abetting illegal immigration. That is a violation of federal law and thus another manifestation of Biden’s disregard for his solemn duty to execute the laws faithfully, on unabashed display this week with his dictatorial eviction-moratorium decree, which he and his administration concede is unconstitutional.

Immigration law commands that aliens who do not have a legal right to be present in the United States “shall be detained pending a final determination of credible fear of persecution and, if found not to have such a fear, until removed.” That is, even those who credibly claim to fear persecution if returned from whence they came — the infinitesimally small percentage of legitimate refugees among the hordes now seeking entry — are supposed to be held in custody until that claim is fully adjudicated.

But Biden has signaled that the border is open and that those who try to cross illegally stand an excellent chance of getting in and staying. Rhetorically, the president pretends the laws are being enforced, but he knows this is impossible in the conditions he has willfully created. The government is woefully short of the detention space, enforcement personnel, and administrative resources that would be needed to handle the vast migrant crowds arriving daily.


The numbers here are staggering, even if we were to make-believe, Biden-style, that every illegal alien who crosses the border is “encountered” by border enforcement agents. (The government prefers to speak of “encountering migrants” because it can’t say it is detaining every alien who enters illegally, as the law mandates.)

In July, there were 210,000 such “encounters,” the highest monthly figure in decades, but a figure that in the Biden era is becoming run-of-the-mill. Before hitting 190,000 in June, it had hovered around 180,000 per month since March and was significantly up year-over-year before that. Meantime, as our Zachary Evans reports, 834 unaccompanied alien minors arrived at the border on Wednesday, the largest daily total on record. Just for the month of July, that figure was over 19,000.

The administration — which maintains that the president is above the law he is sworn to uphold when the law doesn’t suit his purposes — postures that, in the matter of unaccompanied minors from Central America, the president’s hands are tied by a court-endorsed stipulation. This is the “Flores settlement agreement,” which transnational–progressive officials in the Clinton administration struck in 1997 with the Democrats’ allied alien-rights activists. Contrary to its disregard for immigration and public-health statutes, the Biden administration insists that it must abide by this caprice, notwithstanding that Congress has never codified the decree and that the Supreme Court had ruled, earlier in the same litigation, that alien minors have no right to be released in the United States.

Now, let’s move from government “encounters” with illegal immigration to the reality of the matter.

A significant percentage of illegal aliens smuggle their way into the country without apprehension or inspection. The government’s “encounter” tabulation probably reflects less than 70 percent of the total influx, and perhaps much less than that. As the Center for Immigration Studies’ Andrew R. Arthur details, “the true number of migrants who have entered illegally this year is close to 1.6 million.” That’s a population slightly larger than that of Philadelphia, the nation’s fifth-largest city. Hundreds of thousands of those have gotten in — separate and apart from the “encountered” migrants, many of whom Biden is settling rather than detaining and removing.

We are not talking about managing an unremarkable illegal-immigration problem, as any advanced country must do. In these numbers, it is an invasion — and hostile, even if not armed, because it quite consciously violates our laws and our sovereignty.


Every new illegal gets more rights and freebies than the average American citizen along with a free Biden T-shirt!
The Democrat Cult's crime, corruption, hate, racism and violence has alienated educated mainstream middle class voters.
The Democrat open borders policy is open face racism.
Is there any policy more anti-American, anti-sovereignty, a threat to National Security and anti-worker than an Open Border?

I recall; when Trump ran on the issue I thought it was just some minor problem, until he gave the numbers and I confirmed them through internet search. It blew me away that this would be allowed to continue, it made no sense to me on any patriotic level.
As I’ve recounted, in 1837, the Court had expressly recognized that mass influxes of illegal immigration were an “evil” from which a state government had the “duty” to “protect its citizens.” The modern Court, to the contrary, reasons that it is exclusively up to the federal government to decide whether states rate enforcement protection.
I’m confident that those justices figured no administration would risk the political damage that would ensue from encouraging massive illegal immigration (and all its downside security, health, economic, educational, and social consequences).
But they did not account for the Democrats’ ascendant Bolshevik wing, whose political calculation is that massive illegal immigration is reshaping the electoral map in their favor. These Democrats do not fret about the fear and anger of “racist” citizens in states that vote for Republicans. So, while the federal refusal to enforce the law and secure the border may be unpopular in border towns such as McAllen, Texas, it has progressives swooning thousands of miles away in Washington, on the coasts, and in major cities under Democratic control.
Is there any policy more anti-American, anti-sovereignty, a threat to National Security and anti-worker than an Open Border?

I recall; when Trump ran on the issue I thought it was just some minor problem, until he gave the numbers and I confirmed them through internet search. It blew me away that this would be allowed to continue, it made no sense to me on any patriotic level.

A total rip-off, ehh?

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