Why The Free Pass For This White House In Wikileak Scandal?...

The thing is everyone was yelling about openness between agencies and sharing intel. so info got sent to the pentagon.

unfortunately, one little weasel got access he shouldn't have had.

i'm pretty sure that can't be blamed on any particular person. i'm also pretty sure that until the pentagon finds a way to limit who sees emails, etc., they are going to be shut out.
State is POed at the Pentagon, and rightfully so. A guy in the office has a Dept of State account to access some stuff he occasionally needs for his job. He logged on today and got a message: "Yer shut off. Requests for access will be reviewed individually."

Nevertheless, the kid signed the same non-disclosure agreement I did. I have no sympathy for the little bastard. I wish we still prosecuted people for treason.

He's in huge trouble and looking at some serious prison time. And your right..he violated a trust. Anyone working with sensitive material knows this..
Some people think the rules don't apply to them. This kid didn't. He's going to find out that actions have consequences.
So President Obama changed the way the military locks down email servers?

Post your link.

One can only wonder at the stupidity of those at the State Department that actually use electronic-never to be destroyed-memos for such. There are reasons for paper that can be burned and shredded. They are idiots, but no moreso than an administration that doesn't understand that this needed to be shut down.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed so many and especially the MSM giving this White House a free pass on this one? It's especially disturbing watching so many giving Hillary Clinton such a free pass. She orders Diplomats to spy on UN Members and the MSM only focuses on Wikileak releasing the information? What about what she did? Does that matter to anyone in the MSM? Apparently not. I think many and especially the MSM have handled this thing atrociously.

And where's the focus on how these massive leaks were allowed to happen? No one has any questions for this White House on their shocking incompetence? I'm pretty sure if a Republican was in there right now,the MSM would be going for the jugular. It's time to stop focusing so much on the Wikileak Founder. So far it really has been a successful misdirection trick by this White House. They should be held to the fire on their shocking incompetence. I hope this does happen eventually. Lots of questions need to be answered by this White House.
Hold on, cowboy. All three broadcast networks lead with the story. All three asked critical questions. Are you looking for news or opinion? If it's opinion, fine. Let the pundits have their day. Lots of political hay can be made.

And the reactions will be as informed as your OP here! Weren't you right wing idiots the same ones clamoring for more ruthless, covert and intimate spycraft and the information it gleans? And now when those Socialist/Communist/Marxists in the Obama administration are doing it, it's time to dance a little jig. Because politics is more important to your cause than national security.

Complete and flaming failure of an argument, especially when it's the premise of your thread.
So Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members and collect DNA samples is no big deal? Man i can't believe the free pass that jerk is getting. There is no way the MSM would give such a free pass to her if she had an 'R' by her name. All the MSM is doing is attacking and criticizing the Wikileaks founder for releasing the information. What about focusing on what she did? In other words,the MSM should do their job. They sure would if she was a Republican. Bet on that.

Can I just ask you a question? Don't you think the other countries in the world are doing the same damn shit to us? They should catch the Wikileaks guy and put him out of business.

Hey i hear ya and you're right. Other countries are doing the same thing to us. I'm just talking about Clinton getting such a free pass. You know damn well if she had an 'R' by her name,the Democrat weasels would be on here screeching for her to resign. And the MSM would be doing the same thing. This Administration has to be accountable for this stuff. How did this happen? Someone needs to start asking this question more often.

Btw,i'm no fan of this Wikileak creep. He's just your average Anti-American Leftist loon. He's just like so many who visit this site daily. That's why i laugh watching the Left loons here railing against him. He's one of them for God's sake. He obviously has an axe to grind with the U.S. I could care less what happens to him. He knew what he was doing. I just don't get the free pass stuff though.
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Well, we could start racially profiling at airports for guys who fit this racial profile:

Well, we could start racially profiling at airports for guys who fit this racial profile:


You know what's even funnier? Assange is an Anti-American Leftist loon like you. In fact i've had a good laugh all day watching his fellow Anti-American Leftists ragging on him all day. The douche obviously hates the U.S. just like so many other Leftist loons who hang on this site daily. I would think Leftists would be licking this guy's boots over this stuff. I guess it's all about the 'D' in the end though. This White House is occupied by the D's therefore the Leftists here will give them a free pass. It really is that simple.
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So President Obama changed the way the military locks down email servers?

Post your link.

One can only wonder at the stupidity of those at the State Department that actually use electronic-never to be destroyed-memos for such. There are reasons for paper that can be burned and shredded. They are idiots, but no moreso than an administration that doesn't understand that this needed to be shut down.

Someone in this White House has to be held accountable no? Pretty shocking incompetence going on no? I just don't get this free pass being given by so many and especially the MSM. How were these massive leaks allowed to happen? It's a fair question.

Why should someone in the White House be held accountable for DoD security violations?

There may be no one to blame but the kid. He did what he promised he wouldn't do.
Truth to this. But by the same token? Those that have taken the information from him for the intent of distribution have some questions that need to be answered.

And bear responsibility as well.
So Hillary Clinton ordering Diplomats to spy on UN Members and collect DNA samples is no big deal? Man i can't believe the free pass that jerk is getting. There is no way the MSM would give such a free pass to her if she had an 'R' by her name. All the MSM is doing is attacking and criticizing the Wikileaks founder for releasing the information. What about focusing on what she did? In other words,the MSM should do their job. They sure would if she was a Republican. Bet on that.

Can I just ask you a question? Don't you think the other countries in the world are doing the same damn shit to us? They should catch the Wikileaks guy and put him out of business.


(Image EIB)

This guy's got the Neverland known as International Law to escape to...

Thing is? Will Obama persue it? :eusa_think:
Someone in this White House has to be held accountable no? Pretty shocking incompetence going on no? I just don't get this free pass being given by so many and especially the MSM. How were these massive leaks allowed to happen? It's a fair question.

Why should someone in the White House be held accountable for DoD security violations?

There may be no one to blame but the kid. He did what he promised he wouldn't do.
Truth to this. But by the same token? Those that have taken the information from him for the intent of distribution have some questions that need to be answered.

And bear responsibility as well.

No question. I was just discussing the culpability of the information being compromised to begin with.
Why should someone in the White House be held accountable for DoD security violations?

There may be no one to blame but the kid. He did what he promised he wouldn't do.
Truth to this. But by the same token? Those that have taken the information from him for the intent of distribution have some questions that need to be answered.

And bear responsibility as well.

No question. I was just discussing the culpability of the information being compromised to begin with.

I know brother. Just thought I'd broaden the discourse a bit.
So President Obama changed the way the military locks down email servers?

Post your link.

One can only wonder at the stupidity of those at the State Department that actually use electronic-never to be destroyed-memos for such. There are reasons for paper that can be burned and shredded. They are idiots, but no moreso than an administration that doesn't understand that this needed to be shut down.

That isn't stupid. All those emails are saved for audits and historical purposes.
How did this promising thread get derailed? We all pretty much agree Obama isn't responsible because some wanker broke the law. We all pretty much agree he needs to be prosecuted for same.

But what about the revelations themselves? Why isn't the media ganging up on the administration for their terrible incompetence and dirty dealing?
I agree, if this were under Bush there would be Congressional investigations, special prosecutors,and calls for prosecution.
So President Obama changed the way the military locks down email servers?

Post your link.

One can only wonder at the stupidity of those at the State Department that actually use electronic-never to be destroyed-memos for such. There are reasons for paper that can be burned and shredded. They are idiots, but no moreso than an administration that doesn't understand that this needed to be shut down.

That isn't stupid. All those emails are saved for audits and historical purposes.

And can be exploited. There's alot to be said of hardcopy, shredders and incinerators.
Umm I expect that the corporate run MSM media is playing low key on this at the request of the govt. Publishing things embaressing to the USA would be kinda unamerican?
And this is not a partisan thing.

However I would have thought the war on terror and the patriot act would have tightened up security a bit.
If it did it must have truely horrendous before.
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You're kidding, right? When has the MSM ever not published or underplayed something because it was embarassing to the gov't? The opposite is the case.
You're kidding, right? When has the MSM ever not published or underplayed something because it was embarassing to the gov't? The opposite is the case.

Well, there you go again...confusing them...
Umm I expect that the corporate run MSM media is playing low key on this at the request of the govt. Publishing things embaressing to the USA would be kinda unamerican?
And this is not a partisan thing.

However I would have thought the war on terror and the patriot act would have tightened up security a bit.
If it did it must have truely horrendous before.

No, you just didn't have it happening before. And when it happened? NO ONE was called out for it. It's called enabling the behaviour.
Unfortunately, since the government has demonstrated time and time again that they can't be trusted to operate within the law, Assange and people like him are heroes.

His website was responsible for exposing the extreme abuses of various governments including our own, and has proven that the US is especially prone to burying skeletons by calling them "matters of national security."

So called "investigative journalists" are supposed to be doing this kind of thing on a day to day basis, and if Assange wants to clumsily dump huge piles of classified info onto the internet I honestly couldn't care less. If journalists were doing their jobs they would be striking a balance between protecting what are really matters of national security and releasing and bringing attention to the government's cover ups.
I don't blame the journos, I blame the owners of the papers and television stations...

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