Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?

There is SOMETHING Mexico wants from us. Many things I'm sure. Likewise I'm sure there are things Mexico doesn't want from us.

Exercise some god damn diplomacy and get him out of that shit hole. Hell, promise his return for subsequent hearings if necessary but bring him home.
Should I just assume that our government just doesn't care about our soldiers after they've been used for their service? The VA scandal says yes.

Take a front and center leadership role Obama. 3 weeks before he spoke about the VA situation and 2 months with our soldier sitting in jail in a foreign land and not a fucking peep.

Commander in Chief?
Because Obama is the likes you wipe the floor with. That's why..

Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.
It's rather telling that Obama respects the laws of other countries while completely ignoring laws in the U.S.

Just sayin'.
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

Why the heck would they wanna waste time on a guy that brought not one, not 2, but 3 very powerful guns into Mexico and fled authorities?
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

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Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

They also seem to forget how hard this administration either worked with covert ops or back channel communications to free other folks in tight jams.
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

We "force" or persuade nations to do our will ALL THE TIME. Why is one of our own marines not worthy of this? You know damn well he wasn't gun running or any other bullshit so why not TRY to stand up for him?

We can hashtag the hell out of an issue that is for the most part irrelevant to Americans but god forbid we go to bat for one of our own.

Obama hasn't even TRIED. And that is an absolute disgrace
What threat could America's Apologist-in-Chief articulate that would result in other than echoing laughter?
Why the fuck isn't Obama forcing Mexico to let our marine go free?
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

They also seem to forget how hard this administration either worked with covert ops or back channel communications to free other folks in tight jams.

Other folks? Is that code for black? What the fuck does that even mean? Hashtag me some excuses would ya
There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

Why the heck would they wanna waste time on a guy that brought not one, not 2, but 3 very powerful guns into Mexico and fled authorities?

So through his silence, Obama is making a statement on gun control? It's starting to make sense.

My theory is, this Marine's weapons can be traced to Fast and Furious. And we can't let THAT happen now can we? :eusa_whistle:
Outlaw U.S. Service Men on all bases near the border of Mexico, aka like San Diego, to visit Mexico until he is returned................

One simple way. You don't give our Marine back, Mexico is off limits to all service members.

That is just hitting them economically in a simple fashion.
Because he understands and respects the laws of sovereign nations and international law, unlike you and most others on the right.

The United States can no more ‘force’ Mexico to release an American criminal suspect than can Mexico ‘force’ the United States to release a Mexican citizen in American custody.

Why is this so difficult for you and many other conservatives to understand – or are you and others on the right being willfully ignorant, seeking to contrive this issue into a ‘controversy’ for some perceived political gain and ‘use against’ the president; obviously the latter is the most likely.

They also seem to forget how hard this administration either worked with covert ops or back channel communications to free other folks in tight jams.

Other folks? Is that code for black? What the fuck does that even mean? Hashtag me some excuses would ya

Read my posts in your own thread..will ya?

I actually named them.
Outlaw U.S. Service Men on all bases near the border of Mexico, aka like San Diego, to visit Mexico until he is returned................

One simple way. You don't give our Marine back, Mexico is off limits to all service members.

That is just hitting them economically in a simple fashion.

Duncan Hunter is leading the Congressional efforts to let this American return; he will carry a lot weight with the LOCAL authorities detaining the young man. And we give much more to Mexico than tourist dollars. That noted, Obama needs to get out of his chair on many VETERAN'S issues, most of all, the shoddy care in some Vet hospitals.
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There is no god damn excuse for him to STILL be sitting in a Mexican jail after all this time.

Where is this god damn clout Obama bragged about having with the rest of the world?

60 days in a shit hole because he missed a fucking exit ramp?

Where is the god damn hashtag from the first lady for this?

So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

Why the heck would they wanna waste time on a guy that brought not one, not 2, but 3 very powerful guns into Mexico and fled authorities?

So through his silence, Obama is making a statement on gun control? It's starting to make sense.

My theory is, this Marine's weapons can be traced to Fast and Furious. And we can't let THAT happen now can we? :eusa_whistle:


There are no guns traced to fast and furious.

You know why?

Because the government introduced..no guns.

It was all private sales.

By the way..the sales still go on.

Most drug cartels have the finest US made guns that drug money can buy!
Outlaw U.S. Service Men on all bases near the border of Mexico, aka like San Diego, to visit Mexico until he is returned................

One simple way. You don't give our Marine back, Mexico is off limits to all service members.

That is just hitting them economically in a simple fashion.

Duncan Hunter is leading the Congressional efforts to let this American return; he will carry a lot weight with the LOCAL authorities detaining the young man. And we give much more to Mexico than tourist dollars. That noted, Obama needs to get out of his chair on many VETERAN'S issues, most of all, the shoddy care in some Vet hospitals.

I think he did.

President Obama increased funding to the VA and broadened the ailments they treat.

How about that McConnell, eh?

He should stop blocking more funding.
So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

Why the heck would they wanna waste time on a guy that brought not one, not 2, but 3 very powerful guns into Mexico and fled authorities?

So through his silence, Obama is making a statement on gun control? It's starting to make sense.

My theory is, this Marine's weapons can be traced to Fast and Furious. And we can't let THAT happen now can we? :eusa_whistle:


There are no guns traced to fast and furious.

You know why?

Because the government introduced..no guns.

So the whole Captain Phillips, Euna Lee, Laura Ling, Shane Bauer, Evin Fattal, Sarah Shroud, Jon Hammar being freed thing didn't even get on your radar..did it?

Why the heck would they wanna waste time on a guy that brought not one, not 2, but 3 very powerful guns into Mexico and fled authorities?

So through his silence, Obama is making a statement on gun control? It's starting to make sense.

My theory is, this Marine's weapons can be traced to Fast and Furious. And we can't let THAT happen now can we? :eusa_whistle:


There are no guns traced to fast and furious.

You know why?

Because the government introduced..no guns.

It was all private sales.

By the way..the sales still go on.

Most drug cartels have the finest US made guns that drug money can buy!

Swallow you are a dumb ****.

A gun from the failed U.S. operation known as "Fast and Furious" turned up at the scene of a shootout between Mexican authorities and alleged cartel gunmen last month, according to CNN.

U.S. officials told CNN at least one AK-47-style gun that could be traced back to the failed gun-walking scheme was found at the scene.

The shootout on Dec. 18 left five alleged cartel members dead in Puerto Peñasco, a popular tourist site in Mexico.

Read more: Report: 'Fast and Furious' gun turns up at Mexico shootout scene | TheHill
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