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Why The Hell Do Americans Care So Much About Israel?

The US Supports Israel Because....

  • Christian Religious Beliefs

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Because we set the Jews up in Isreal post WWII and are obligated to help them.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Because the US likes Jewish people. Just look at Hollywood!

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I don't know...

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We support Israel cause it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Conclusions are typically supplemented by arguments. ;)

Why argue with you? You are ignorant and have no interest in facts or what is right or wrong.

Israel is a Good Ally. They have always BEEN good allies. They are a lot like the US. Many different nationalities that all came together to have their own land. They are strong and Noble. They are righteous and Moral.

But none of that, well except the ally thing, matters.

Israel is in a place in the world full of murderous savages that live in the dark ages. But that place has very big strategic value to us. NO OTHER Country there can ever replace them. Or what they provide for us.

OUR National Security is ENHANCED not threatened by having Israel as our ally. They pay us back for our support in numerous ways. War fighting expertise, weapons design and development, and INTELLIGENCE around the world but especially in the Middle East.
I can't figure this out. Someone told me it was because of religion. The predominant religion of the US, Christianity, believes that before the rapture the anti-Christ will come to power. But then...crap, I can't remember now, anyway, it had something to do with the Jews and Christians get together and triumph over the anti-Christ? Is that right?

So why is it so important that the POTUS kowtows to Israel? I say, screw Israel! Let'em take care of themselves. I don't like what they've been doing to Palestinians and I don't like how Arabs in Israel are officially 2nd class citizens. Anti-Arab sentiment (aka racism) is rampant among Israelis, I read somewhere that is was more than 70% of Israelis feel that Arabs are treated fairly in Israel although they have no vote and no right to hold office.

Half our problems in the Middle East would disappear if we stopped supporting Israel. So why don't we? It would be a lot better for National Security.

What do you think?

First off, we HAD nothing to do with the formation, arming or first war Israel fought, so much for that choice. In fact we almost did not recognize them at all.


The USA supported Isreal as the de facto authority in that land about an HOUR after the declaration by David Ben-Gurion.
Why argue with you? You are ignorant and have no interest in facts or what is right or wrong.

That's laughable. You're one of the biggest pieces of stupid hillbilly trailer park trash on this board. A damn troglodyte like you can't even understand complexity. :lol:

Israel is a Good Ally. They have always BEEN good allies. They are a lot like the US. Many different nationalities that all came together to have their own land. They are strong and Noble. They are righteous and Moral.

Incorrect. The Israeli government have proven themselves to be fickle allies of the U.S. in the past, a trend that has been a reality since the early days of their existence. For instance, consider the Lavon affair. This controversy was provoked by an attempted Israeli false-flag operation that sought to create discord between the U.S. and Egypt through bombing of several American offices. Or how would you comment on the Israeli sale of military supplies to Iran during the hostage crisis, or the continuation of such sales during the Iran-Iraq war? Would you happen to remember Jonathan Pollard? And what do you suppose you'd have to say about this?

* In 1965, Israel apparently illegally obtained enriched uranium from NUMEC corporation. (Washington Post, 6/5/86, Charles R. Babcock, "US an Intelligence Target of the Israelis, Officials Say.")

* In 1967, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, an intelligence gathering vessel flying a US flag, killing 34 crew members. See "Assault on the Liberty," by James M. Ennes, Jr. (Random House).

* In 1985 Richard Smyth, the owner of MILCO was indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to Israel (Washington Post, 10/31/86).

* April 24, 1987 Wall Street Journal headline: "Role of Israel in Iran-Contra Scandal Won't be Explored in Detail by Panels"

* In 1992, the Wall Street Journal reported that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system. (1/17/92, Edward T. Pound and David Rogers).

* In early 1997, an Army mechanical engineer, David A. Tenenbaum, told investigators that he "inadvertently" gave classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 2/20/97).

Incidentally, Israel is explicitly intended to be based on the superiority of a specific ethnic group, so I don't think that approach will gain you much either. ;)

But none of that, well except the ally thing, matters.

Israel is in a place in the world full of murderous savages that live in the dark ages. But that place has very big strategic value to us. NO OTHER Country there can ever replace them. Or what they provide for us.

OUR National Security is ENHANCED not threatened by having Israel as our ally. They pay us back for our support in numerous ways. War fighting expertise, weapons design and development, and INTELLIGENCE around the world but especially in the Middle East.

That's similarly laughable. Your first error is that you're not placing sufficient importance on the role of American support to the Israeli government in provoking Islamic terrorism. I've previously commented on the perspective offered in Osama bin Laden's first fatwa (I'm aware that he does not have the authority to issue fatwas), Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places. Issued in 1996, it identified the Al-Aqsa Mosque as an Islamic holy site that was allegedly being defiled by Israeli sovereignty over the area.

Utmost effort should be made to prepare and instigate the Ummah against the enemy, the American-Israeli alliance- occupying the country of the two Holy Places and the route of the Apostle (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him) to the Furthest Mosque (Al-Aqsa Mosque).

Moreover, the reality of his intent was covered in Marc Perelman's Bin Laden Aimed To Link Plot to Israel.

In an interim staff report released last week, the presidential commission investigating the September 11, 2001, attacks shed new light on the role of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Al Qaeda’s worldview.

The disclosures seem to weaken Israeli claims that the issue was only a secondary priority for Osama bin Laden, and they could rekindle the debate about whether U.S. support for Israel is hindering national security.

In a 20-page report titled “Outline of the 9-11 Plot,” the commission, which is to issue a final report at the end of July, describes bin Laden’s willingness to time the attacks against America with two visits by Prime Minister Sharon, one in Jerusalem and one in Washington.

The report claims that Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, or KSM, the alleged mastermind of the attacks who was arrested in March 2003 in Pakistan, told his U.S. captors that bin Laden “wanted to punish the United States for supporting Israel.”

This is why, according to KSM, bin Laden asked him to conduct the attacks “as early as mid-2000” in response to the outcry prompted by the visit of then-opposition leader Sharon to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the report states. Even though the Al Qaeda hijackers had barely arrived in the United States to take flight lessons, the Saudi renegade allegedly argued that it would be enough if they smashed planes to the ground without hitting specific targets. The report claims that KSM talked him out of the plan.

Bin Laden, however, reportedly asked him again a year later to hasten the preparations of the plot when he learned that Sharon, now prime minister, would visit the White House in June or July 2001, according to the report.

Once again KSM convinced him to wait, and the group eventually settled on September 11 after further debates about targets and timing, debunking the assumption that the details of the operation were planned long in advance.

In addition to bin Laden’s reported interest in linking the attacks to Israel, the report also sheds light on the worldview of Al Qaeda operatives and its sympathizers.

It noted that Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian ringleader of the plot, chose the second week of September to ensure that Congress, “the perceived source of U.S. policy in support of Israel” would be in session. Atta, who lived in Germany with several other hijackers, “denounced what he described as a global Jewish movement centered in New York City which, he claimed, controlled the financial world and the media.”

In a chilling detail, the report also mentions that KSM indicated that Mullah Omar, the former Taliban leader in Afghanistan, “opposed [Al Qaeda’s plan to attack] the United States for ideological reasons but permitted attacks against Jewish targets.”

“Bin Laden, on the other hand, reportedly argued that attacks against the United States needed to be carried out immediately to support the insurgency in the Israeli-occupied territories and to protest the presence of U.S. military forces in Saudi Arabia,” according to the report.

Perhaps you'd care to try a different approach?
Epsilon Delta, rip off Noam Chomsky some more you fool! I am new to this board and have been scoping it out a bit and you are such a rip-off Epsilon, no doubt. I've noticed several posts in which you plagiarize him word for word. Shitty for a first post, but I can't stand to see someone pawn off left-wing garbage (Noam Chomsky is an idiot by the way) as if its his own. Terrible.

Care to show me where?

I listen and read a lot of Chomsky, so obviously a lot of it influences the posts, but ripping him off WORD FOR WORD? You should look around some more.

Whether you think it's garbage or not is irrelevant- what I've posted here are my opinions on the subject. You could, for example, try responding to my posts, instead of simply attacking the person.

Then again, YOU probably have no ideas of your own to put forward.
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Did you hear Obama yesterday say Isreal's constant expansion of new settlements has got to stop? Finally a President with the balls to say it.

And the Israel defenders say, "we did it to the native American indians and mexicans".

Well then good luck having mortars lobbed into your homes on a daily basis.
I really must respond to the ReturdedGaySgt:

We support Israel cause it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Conclusions are typically supplemented by arguments. ;)
FALSE - arguments are the last resort of the uninformed.

Why argue with you? You are ignorant and have no interest in facts or what is right or wrong.
Name-calling also is a "tool" used by uninformed people.

Israel is a Good Ally. They have always BEEN good allies. They are a lot like the US. Many different nationalities that all came together to have their own land. They are strong and Noble. They are righteous and Moral.
Israel is a welfare state, they beg from America and America supplies the Jew with weapons. For this reason 9/11 took place. Morality is not in the Hebrew language.

But none of that, well except the ally thing, matters.

Israel is in a place in the world full of murderous savages that live in the dark ages. But that place has very big strategic value to us. NO OTHER Country there can ever replace them. Or what they provide for us.
Arabs are a peace loving people and they are fighting to regain the land stolen by the Jew ion 1947. Also, if it is an area of "savages" why does the USA buy oil from them ?

OUR National Security is ENHANCED not threatened by having Israel as our ally. They pay us back for our support in numerous ways. War fighting expertise, weapons design and development, and INTELLIGENCE around the world but especially in the Middle East.
This statement is too crazy to even contemplate answering.

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