Why the IG report has been taking so long

Senator Grassley Tweets Warning About FISA Investigation – Holds Unique Perspective on Deep State Motives for a Cover-Up…

And why I have been taking a wait and see attitude. I have not doubt BO, Hillary etc were using the FBI and intel agencies against Trump. There has been enough brought to light so far to confirm suspicions I have had for sometime. However proving legally is another matter. Most (but not all) dems don't care if there is no legal evidence against Trump as several investigations plus the Mueller report have shown thus far. They want him out of office just because they hate him, period, no other reason. 2016 took them by surprise and they can't get over it. Most of this board's left wingers are proof of that.
Carter Page was open about his work for the Kremlin. Russian spies confirmed he was an asset and an idiot. Those warrants were renewed multiple times by the Trump DOJ. This is a farce. It's criminal abuse of the office.

I suspect this IG report would be just like the Nunes memo. Big on expectations, but turns out to be nothing of substance. If the IG had something, they'd be running to the press.

Manufacturing crimes is hard.

It's actually been coordinated very well.

Horowitz will have his report released next week. Durham has switched from a "review" to a criminal investigation. The running to the press will
begin next week. Of course, the Press is starting to smear Barr and Durham this evening. They know the end is near. They also know the
narrative is gonna change big-time.

Durham is convening a Grand Jury. All of Obama's top Intel officials have some real issues on their hands. It was reported tonight
that some of the CIA agents interviewed earlier by Durham have all employed Criminal defense attorney's.
Translation: Durham having learned to his dismay that there exists no evidence of wrongdoing stateside by the Intel community has now expanded his search in a Hail Mary attempt to find any evidence that can help his boss.

Origins explained: The Russians helped a presidential candidate and that candidate welcomed the help and meet with the Russians.

the president openly admitted to removing the person investigating it (Comey) because he was investigating it. That's how you get a special investigation dropped on you. No real mystery.

Investigating the investigators is Textbook dictator.
Especially consider how many convictions Mueller made with a seriously limited scope, the assumption that a president cannot be indicted, and the full knowledge that pushing for truth would just lead to stonewalling and unpalatable delays.

Keep the talking points going. The game is all over but the shouting.

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