Why the Left is out to protect China


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Well stated. China is the most colossal sell-to market on planet Earth. No mercenary businessman is going to let something like patriotism stand in the way of making millions. That's where the Trump administration needs to step in and start levelling charges of treason against all who sell out America for Chinese gold. Frankly, it wouldn't hurt to do a soft regime change in China either or even a full-scale government reset just like in Iraq. All the leftists quiver and tremble at mention of Chinese supremacy, when it is only the USA that should be feared around the world. We remain the most powerful nation on the planet. Perhaps it is time to demonstrate this to the Chinese government.
How many ak47s made in China killed Americans in Vietnam
I'll give you a hint.
We freed them from Japanese aggression during ww2

Japan became the ally and China not so much
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
Course you're not smart enough to figure out that the primary reason this is happening now is because a Republican is in the White House.

Then again....the damage that could have been done to us is being minimized because we have someone in the WH that is more responisible and less likely to take advantage of this situation.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
Trumps response has been hailed by many non right wingers as outstanding. What more do you want him to do? You lefties bitched when he stopped flights from China, now youre saying he didnt do enough?
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
Trumps response has been hailed by many non right wingers as outstanding. What more do you want him to do? You lefties bitched when he stopped flights from China, now youre saying he didnt do enough?

Or, the Left says stopping flights has no effect. The Left has never given Trump credit for anything. I did not vote for Obama and I criticized him a lot, but not 100 percent. And, I gave Obama credit when credit was due. That said, can’t trust the Left in any of their critique of Trump because it is all rooted in getTRUMP and not basis in fact.
The media generated COVID-19 campaign is part of the plan:

"Just a month ago, Trump’s economy was on top of the world, literally. A booming stock market, strong economic growth, and record low unemployment was Trump’s first term legacy. What better way to derail a gangbuster economy than shutting it down due a viral pandemic? It would be an ideal way to weaken a president ahead of an election. So what if there was collateral damage? Trump is the existential threat to the globalist deep state and the ends justify the means. What a coincidence in timing.

The quarantines began shortly after Super Tuesday when Joe Biden took a healthy, but not overwhelming, lead in delegates over Bernie Sanders. The virus was a convenient excuse to cancel additional primaries and debates, protecting Joe Biden from public appearances. Who does this benefit?

Pro-China Joe is anointed the nominee and the quarantines provide a convenient excuse for Joe to avoid anything more than short scripted podcasts from home. Compare this to President Trump holding a daily briefing, speaking and answering endless questions from the media for hours at a time. Could Biden handle five minutes of Trump’s life? No way.

Bernie Sanders, for the second time in four years, has quickly become irrelevant as the Democrat establishment found a convenient excuse to offer him the consolation prize again.

Joe’s nomination is all but secured and he is safely tucked away until the summer convention. Biden’s rallies were a snooze fest, unlike Trump’s. Yet both are shut down because of the virus. What a coincidence.

Ironically, while not exactly a campaign rally, President Trump is in front of millions of Americans every day during his Coronavirus briefings, acting presidential, masterfully answering questions, inspiring confidence, while Biden is sputtering during low ratings cable news interviews where he can’t remember how many grandchildren he has.

Last week the House held the country hostage over the Chinese virus relief bill, loading it with pork, practicing the Rahm Emanuel axiom of “never let a crisis go to waste”. What an opportunity for Democrats to get their wish list, delaying financial assistance to millions of Americans in an effort to reinstate Obama-phones and mandate green energy standards. Democrats needed a national disaster to push some of their unpopular schemes through Congress. Another coincidence.

As cities and states shut down with stay-at-home orders, based on media led panic and frenzy, the economy takes further hits, hurting the incumbent president who up until recently was running for reelection on his roaring economy. What a coincidence."

It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
The OP accurately calls out the Left for protecting China and Xi Jinping. You blame President Trump for his lack of immediate response but you give Xi Jinping a pass for his weeks long coverup of the Wuhan outbreak that unleashed the virus on the world.
The media generated COVID-19 campaign is part of the plan:

"Just a month ago, Trump’s economy was on top of the world, literally. A booming stock market, strong economic growth, and record low unemployment was Trump’s first term legacy. What better way to derail a gangbuster economy than shutting it down due a viral pandemic? It would be an ideal way to weaken a president ahead of an election. So what if there was collateral damage? Trump is the existential threat to the globalist deep state and the ends justify the means. What a coincidence in timing.

The quarantines began shortly after Super Tuesday when Joe Biden took a healthy, but not overwhelming, lead in delegates over Bernie Sanders. The virus was a convenient excuse to cancel additional primaries and debates, protecting Joe Biden from public appearances. Who does this benefit?

Pro-China Joe is anointed the nominee and the quarantines provide a convenient excuse for Joe to avoid anything more than short scripted podcasts from home. Compare this to President Trump holding a daily briefing, speaking and answering endless questions from the media for hours at a time. Could Biden handle five minutes of Trump’s life? No way.

Bernie Sanders, for the second time in four years, has quickly become irrelevant as the Democrat establishment found a convenient excuse to offer him the consolation prize again.

Joe’s nomination is all but secured and he is safely tucked away until the summer convention. Biden’s rallies were a snooze fest, unlike Trump’s. Yet both are shut down because of the virus. What a coincidence.

Ironically, while not exactly a campaign rally, President Trump is in front of millions of Americans every day during his Coronavirus briefings, acting presidential, masterfully answering questions, inspiring confidence, while Biden is sputtering during low ratings cable news interviews where he can’t remember how many grandchildren he has.

Last week the House held the country hostage over the Chinese virus relief bill, loading it with pork, practicing the Rahm Emanuel axiom of “never let a crisis go to waste”. What an opportunity for Democrats to get their wish list, delaying financial assistance to millions of Americans in an effort to reinstate Obama-phones and mandate green energy standards. Democrats needed a national disaster to push some of their unpopular schemes through Congress. Another coincidence.

As cities and states shut down with stay-at-home orders, based on media led panic and frenzy, the economy takes further hits, hurting the incumbent president who up until recently was running for reelection on his roaring economy. What a coincidence."

And you don't think a proper response, taking the virus threat seriously with appropriate action on January 22nd might have blunted both the public and economic impact?
Governors, mayors, and business leaders had to step in to take action when Trump decided it was more important to campaign. And honestly, are we measuring ratings for daily briefings now?..Sad.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
The OP accurately calls out the Left for protecting China and Xi Jinping. You blame President Trump for his lack of immediate response but you give Xi Jinping a pass for his weeks long coverup of the Wuhan outbreak that unleashed the virus on the world.

Again, how does this absolve Trump from not reacting (outside of a ban on travel from China on January 31st) until March 13th? Since when do we wait for another country to do something before we act?
No one is protecting China. Just another right wing attempt at distraction. They will have questions to answer after this all settles down.
How many ak47s made in China killed Americans in Vietnam
I'll give you a hint.
We freed them from Japanese aggression during ww2

Japan became the ally and China not so much

There should never have been any US troops in Vietnam, and there was no legal basis for them being there.
Diem was not the legal leader of South Vietnam, but Bau Dai was.
And Bau Dai was not in favor of armed combat.
So the US illegally deposed him.
Ho Chi Minh fought against the Japanese, but Diem was a collaborator with the Japanese.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Well stated. China is the most colossal sell-to market on planet Earth. No mercenary businessman is going to let something like patriotism stand in the way of making millions. That's where the Trump administration needs to step in and start levelling charges of treason against all who sell out America for Chinese gold. Frankly, it wouldn't hurt to do a soft regime change in China either or even a full-scale government reset just like in Iraq. All the leftists quiver and tremble at mention of Chinese supremacy, when it is only the USA that should be feared around the world. We remain the most powerful nation on the planet. Perhaps it is time to demonstrate this to the Chinese government.

US meddling in the government of other countries is always a disaster.
Iraq is now a puppet state of Iran because we screwed it up.
Libya if now full of ISIS and al Qaeda rebels because we screwed it up.
Syria now has Turkish and Russian troops in it because we screwed it up.

But I agree with you and Trump that we need laws or regulations to stop US production from being all offshored to China.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
The OP accurately calls out the Left for protecting China and Xi Jinping. You blame President Trump for his lack of immediate response but you give Xi Jinping a pass for his weeks long coverup of the Wuhan outbreak that unleashed the virus on the world.

Again, how does this absolve Trump from not reacting (outside of a ban on travel from China on January 31st) until March 13th? Since when do we wait for another country to do something before we act?
No one is protecting China. Just another right wing attempt at distraction. They will have questions to answer after this all settles down.
I didn't see anything in your response that says "Yes I believe Xi Jinping is responsible for the outbreak".
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
The OP accurately calls out the Left for protecting China and Xi Jinping. You blame President Trump for his lack of immediate response but you give Xi Jinping a pass for his weeks long coverup of the Wuhan outbreak that unleashed the virus on the world.

Again, how does this absolve Trump from not reacting (outside of a ban on travel from China on January 31st) until March 13th? Since when do we wait for another country to do something before we act?
No one is protecting China. Just another right wing attempt at distraction. They will have questions to answer after this all settles down.
I didn't see anything in your response that says "Yes I believe Xi Jinping is responsible for the outbreak".

Would that make you feel better? Would that give you some solace that Trump is not largely to blame (for what's going on here)?
Again, China will have to answer for its inaction and suppressing of information. But, again, that doesn't absolve Trump.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Hmm..looking around. LeBron James...basketball player...check. Nope, Biden isn't President. Trump is...Check.

Queue the latest right wing attempt at distraction in the vain hope of propping up Trump's chances at re-election..check.
You dont need to be president in order to support bad people. So again, LeBron supports bad people and so does Biden. They support China because they are bad people themselves, and YOU are a bad person for supporting THEM.

Understand, dummy?

I understand that the OP is an attempt to distract and place blame on other people for the virus. Again, I don't blame Trump for the virus. Just his response (or lack thereof).
The OP accurately calls out the Left for protecting China and Xi Jinping. You blame President Trump for his lack of immediate response but you give Xi Jinping a pass for his weeks long coverup of the Wuhan outbreak that unleashed the virus on the world.

Again, how does this absolve Trump from not reacting (outside of a ban on travel from China on January 31st) until March 13th? Since when do we wait for another country to do something before we act?
No one is protecting China. Just another right wing attempt at distraction. They will have questions to answer after this all settles down.
I didn't see anything in your response that says "Yes I believe Xi Jinping is responsible for the outbreak".

Would that make you feel better? Would that give you some solace that Trump is not largely to blame (for what's going on here)?
Again, China will have to answer for its inaction and suppressing of information. But, again, that doesn't absolve Trump.
It doesn't have anything to do with me feeling better. I'm pointing out your obvious bias where you won't even mention Xi Jinping's name but you have no problem in laying blame at President Trump's feet for dealing with the mess Xi Jinping created.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

More kooks. There is no evidence that Biden has any financial ties to China. The Federalist is a propaganda tool of Trump and Schweitzer is a member of the cult of Trump.
It always struck me odd that Progressives around the US were hesitant in expressing support for the Hong Kong protesters against the totalitarian regime of China while the Hong _Kong protesters were waving US flags which was a symbol of freedom to them. People like Lebron James who had money tied up in contracts with the Chinese seemed to support crushing the freedoms of people across the globe.

Now with the Kungflu, it is no different. We now have Biden, who also has many financial dealings with China, who is more willing to blame Trump for the failings of the totalitarian regime of China who once suppressed information reaching the world as to its destructive capability. This article tells us why Biden would rather praise China and take down Trump, as do most Leftists. Just follow the money.

Commies support other commies.


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