Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)- pure obstruction. And thanks for the depression.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.
Apparently the OP was just too complicated for elvis.
Obama still spends 3times the a prior administration. THat's not complicated, those are facts and to add not one budget proposal in first term speaks volumes of his recklessness towards spending, dumass.
EXACTLY...and it's even worse than that Zon.

Not only have they spent 3 times as much, but just the money that they are BORROWING to spend is more than any previous budget in history. 40 cents of every dollar that this president spends is BORROWED!

That means that this president is spending between 1 and 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS A YEAR at the current rate in borrowed money alone. If that is projected out over 8 years, it means that Obama could potentially add more in BORROWED debt ALONE to the national debt than the TOTAL debt was when he took office.

Folks, we can't afford 4 more days of this shit, little on 4 more years!

Just for a little perspective, even if we kick Obama and the rest of the big government progressives asses to the curb in November, every single baby born in this country on that day will be born owing AT LEAST $51,500 the instant they take their first breath. Is it any wonder we come out crying!?!?

This thread is a perfect example of why Linen called liberals inside his country, "useful idiots." They post link after link of CRAP based on political spin of facts, accompany that with one or 2 line hurled insults about those who disagree and do NOT POSSES AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT IN THEIR HEADS!

My question to liberals is, do you really want to go through life so habitually diluted that 2+2 will NEVER equal 4?
Why won't the House vote on Obama's budget? They past Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's budget.

why don't you go educate yourself, please, google is your friend.

the president SUBMITS a budget which the House and Senate Budget Committees then take up ( after cbo scoring, data is collected etc etc.) and add change make amendments to etc etc etc ...they are in no way bound by anything he submits.
Why won't the House vote on Obama's budget? They past Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's budget.

why don't you go educate yourself, please, google is your friend.

the president SUBMITS a budget which the House and Senate Budget Committees then take up ( after cbo scoring, data is collected etc etc.) and add change make amendments to etc etc etc ...they are in no way bound by anything he submits.

Can lahota ever balance his own check book?
Republicans have relentlessly harangued the Senate's Democratic leadership for failing to pass a budget resolution. "1,000 days without a budget," was the title of a typical missive last month. On the weekend Jack Lew, who has just been named Barack Obama's chief of staff after serving as his budget director, defended the Senate by saying it couldn't pass a budget without 60 votes, i.e. without the cooperation of some Republicans. Republicans jumped on Mr Lew, pointing out that under Congress' budget procedure, a budget resolution cannot be filibustered and thus only needs a simple majority vote - typically 51 votes - to pass. Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post's fact checker, awarded Mr Lew four Pinocchios, the top score, for fibbing.

In fact, Mr Lew, while wrong on the narrow wording, is right on the substance. It is true that the Senate can pass a budget resolution with a simple majority vote. But for that budget resolution to take effect, it must have either the cooperation of the house, or at least 60 votes in the Senate. Only someone intimately familiar with Parliamentary procedure can explain this. Jim Horney of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is such a person. The following are his edited remarks from our email conversation:

DETAILS: Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget | The Economist

Wait, so all the times you said they did pass a budget, you're finally admitting they havent.... it's a start
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Apparently the OP was just too complicated for elvis.
Obama still spends 3times the a prior administration. THat's not complicated, those are facts and to add not one budget proposal in first term speaks volumes of his recklessness towards spending, dumass.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMe3WDmxBEI&list=PL5FA8AC77D11254D4&index=3&feature=plpp_video]A&W Rootbeer Dumass - YouTube[/ame]

my pts are facts moron. instead of chickenshittly make somphmoric remard, you could at least do some research on the very subject you neglect to define. so shut the fuck up. otherwise prove it.
Lahkota knows only too well that the reason Harry Reid isn't passing any budgets in the Senate is the same exact reason he's not allowing 30 plus bills passed by the House to even come to the floor of the Senate for a vote...he doesn't want his fellow Democrats to be on the record for either a massive budget or for voting against the House's bills.

The attempts by progressives to put a different "face" on this is amusing to watch.

The piece calls passing a bill that won't take effect an "empty gesture".

Okay, fine. I'd still like to know how these people want to spend our money, and how much they want of it in the first place. At least the House had the balls to vote on something.

Am I really asking for too much here?


No, you are not asking too much, and the lame assed excuses for the senate inaction is pure garbage. The senate cannot reach an impasse, until they actually vote on a budget resolution. To date, they have not even constructed one to vote on, and they will not act on the House passed budget resolutions.

The longest journey begins with just a simple step. So Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, get off your ass and take that first step. If you run into an impasse, then you have an excuse. Until then you are just another fraud and another failure.
I agree.

Reids got bills gathering dust on his desk yet the hue and cry is that the Reps are obstructionist.

Anyone with a working brain cell can see who's holding up the works whatever the reasons are.
As required by law, President Obama submits a budget each year to Congress. It isn't his fault if they don't pass it.

Total outlays in recent budget submissions

2013 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2012 by President Obama)
2012 United States federal budget - $3.7 trillion (submitted 2011 by President Obama)
2011 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2010 by President Obama)
2010 United States federal budget - $3.6 trillion (submitted 2009 by President Obama)
2009 United States federal budget - $3.1 trillion (submitted 2008 by President Bush)
2008 United States federal budget - $2.9 trillion (submitted 2007 by President Bush)
2007 United States federal budget - $2.8 trillion (submitted 2006 by President Bush)
2006 United States federal budget - $2.7 trillion (submitted 2005 by President Bush)
2005 United States federal budget - $2.4 trillion (submitted 2004 by President Bush)
2004 United States federal budget - $2.3 trillion (submitted 2003 by President Bush)
2003 United States federal budget - $2.2 trillion (submitted 2002 by President Bush)
2002 United States federal budget - $2.0 trillion (submitted 2001 by President Bush)
2001 United States federal budget - $1.9 trillion (submitted 2000 by President Clinton)
2000 United States federal budget - $1.8 trillion (submitted 1999 by President Clinton)
1999 United States federal budget - $1.7 trillion (submitted 1998 by President Clinton)
1998 United States federal budget - $1.7 trillion (submitted 1997 by President Clinton)
1997 United States federal budget - $1.6 trillion (submitted 1996 by President Clinton)
1996 United States federal budget - $1.6 trillion (submitted 1995 by President Clinton)

United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You stupid fuck the Senate voted 98-0 on the last budget he put up.

You are a moron.
As required by law, President Obama submits a budget each year to Congress. It isn't his fault if they don't pass it.

Total outlays in recent budget submissions

2013 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2012 by President Obama)
2012 United States federal budget - $3.7 trillion (submitted 2011 by President Obama)
2011 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2010 by President Obama)
2010 United States federal budget - $3.6 trillion (submitted 2009 by President Obama)
2009 United States federal budget - $3.1 trillion (submitted 2008 by President Bush)
2008 United States federal budget - $2.9 trillion (submitted 2007 by President Bush)
2007 United States federal budget - $2.8 trillion (submitted 2006 by President Bush)
2006 United States federal budget - $2.7 trillion (submitted 2005 by President Bush)
2005 United States federal budget - $2.4 trillion (submitted 2004 by President Bush)
2004 United States federal budget - $2.3 trillion (submitted 2003 by President Bush)
2003 United States federal budget - $2.2 trillion (submitted 2002 by President Bush)
2002 United States federal budget - $2.0 trillion (submitted 2001 by President Bush)
2001 United States federal budget - $1.9 trillion (submitted 2000 by President Clinton)
2000 United States federal budget - $1.8 trillion (submitted 1999 by President Clinton)
1999 United States federal budget - $1.7 trillion (submitted 1998 by President Clinton)
1998 United States federal budget - $1.7 trillion (submitted 1997 by President Clinton)
1997 United States federal budget - $1.6 trillion (submitted 1996 by President Clinton)
1996 United States federal budget - $1.6 trillion (submitted 1995 by President Clinton)

United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You stupid fuck the Senate voted 98-0 on the last budget he put up.

You are a moron.

Dear dumbass: They've NEVER actually voted on Obama's budget. Never!
Congress should just lock the doors and stop getting paid if they can't do their job.

I agree...send these morons in the summer, and they get the hell out....do the big stuff...leave the smaller stuff to state......yay federalism!
As required by law, President Obama submits a budget each year to Congress. It isn't his fault if they don't pass it.

United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You stupid fuck the Senate voted 98-0 on the last budget he put up.

You are a moron.

Dear dumbass: They've NEVER actually voted on Obama's budget. Never!

The Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to reject a $3.7 trillion budget plan that President Obama sent to Capitol Hill in February.
President's budget sinks, 97-0 - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Nobody even considered it assbite.

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