Why the world "outsider" is now a kiss of death for future politicians.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
To date, Trump is being seen as the outsider that will shake things up, drain the swamp and get shit done. Thus far this infamous outsider from Hell has managed to not only tarnish the word outsider, but pretty much has summed up exactly what an inexperience, talk shit only shit for brains businessman outsider can do.......want fucked up healthcare?, let a outsider give it to you, want corruption and lies?, outsider got it down to a T, want a wall built, jobs from China, a fair tax code?....hold on bitches, the outsider will get er done. I am just guessing here of course, but I'm almost certain, by the time this clown gets through fuckin over this country, anybody running for office that mentions the world outsider...your pretty much DOA.....LOLOLOLOLO
It would have been far less entertaining to watch Hillary fuck things up.

If it comes down to another outsider vs Hillary (or anything remotely like her) the people will once again go with the outsider, despite the rants and "the sky is falling" yelps from the left.
It would have been far less entertaining to watch Hillary fuck things up.

If it comes down to another outsider vs Hillary (or anything remotely like her) the people will once again go with the outsider, despite the rants and "the sky is falling" yelps from the left.
I wish you nuts would get with reality......first off, Hillary was a fucked up candidate, secondly between voter suppression and gerrymandered districts, Trump would have lost big time and lets never forget, Hillary got 3 million more pop. votes than Trump and lost by thin margins throughout the country and and and if the election were held over again, Trump would lose by a landslide...keep in mind idiot, a lot of hispanics, blacks and fools other than rednecks voted for this bastard.
The pendulum merely continues to swing. Carter was an outsider and liked for such. Now he is castigated as a terrible President (unjustifiably). Others have been elected due to their experience in Washington. There is no sure formula, but the kind of experience a candidate has had should include intimacy with legislation and international affairs. Business does not develop the necessary skills.
To date, Trump is being seen as the outsider that will shake things up, drain the swamp and get shit done. Thus far this infamous outsider from Hell has managed to not only tarnish the word outsider, but pretty much has summed up exactly what an inexperience, talk shit only shit for brains businessman outsider can do.......want fucked up healthcare?, let a outsider give it to you, want corruption and lies?, outsider got it down to a T, want a wall built, jobs from China, a fair tax code?....hold on bitches, the outsider will get er done. I am just guessing here of course, but I'm almost certain, by the time this clown gets through fuckin over this country, anybody running for office that mentions the world outsider...your pretty much DOA.....LOLOLOLOLO
So, so true.

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