Why There Is No Chance Donald Trump Will Take The Stand In His Own Defense

Look here, the mug shot was a huge BACKFIRE so now they're larping Trump taking the stand

hahahahhahaaha keep losing!
Do you think that he should take the stand? Lawyers usually tell their clients not to, but it's at the sole discretion of the defendant.
We don't know his "net worth".

Mazars denies its own work
What a wonderful world you must live in, in your own head....

This was reported by what you would consider main stream sources, so, while you throw out a claim (without ANY sourcing) that proves to be false, you double down with more BS, as a response...You're a fool.
That's John Solomon.

He is Rudy's stenographer...

Find me something credible.
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy that involves a personal attack: an argument based on the perceived failings of an adversary rather than on the merits of the case.

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.
I don't think that he should. I was just asking Sue. You're always welcome to comment, of course.
You are aware how message boards work aren't you?

Just asking, because if you wanted to have a conversation with Sue, and Sue alone, them PM her...Otherwise, when you put it out there, on the open board, anyone can answer..... So, you're dodge is noted.

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