Why trump must be royally pissed.......


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
regardless of the delusions and attempted deflections of right wingers on this forum, the CLEAR fact is that Trump is under serious investigations that undermine his legitimacy, his credibility and his capacity to run our government.

What is now even worse, is that the Russian Cloud of possible collusion extends beyond trump's own legitimacy....to his family's (DT Jr. and Kushner's) misdeeds of feigned ignorance of the law and ethical practices in government AND downright arrogance toward their concept of how much power they really possess which would make them impervious to legal scrutiny.

The WH will soon turn into an all-out :bunker mentality"......as we've already noticed in Trump's refusal to have news conferences and his own press office denying cameras and providing inane answers to the press' questions.

plus Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House!

The difference was that during Watergate Liberals OWNED the media and carpetbombed citizens with nonstop news about how evil was Nixon. Today, nobody takes CNN or the NYTimes seriously anymore

So now you're defending Nixon and Watergate? Odd, but not totally unexpected.
Today, nobody takes CNN or the NYTimes seriously anymore[/QUOTE]

Somehow, the stupidity of Frankie (above) reminds me of Yogi Berra's famous quip...."That restaurant is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore"......

plus Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House!

The difference was that during Watergate Liberals OWNED the media and carpetbombed citizens with nonstop news about how evil was Nixon. Today, nobody takes CNN or the NYTimes seriously anymore

So now you're defending Nixon and Watergate? Odd, but not totally unexpected.

By today's standards Watergate is a joke. Obama and Hillary got people murdered (Brian Terry, US Ambassador Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty) and they're still roaming free!

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