Why Trump swears off planning

White House sources have leaked embarrassing schedules showing that Donald Trump spent 60% of his time watching TV and chilling (executive time)
This unusually voluminous leak gives us unprecedented visibility into how this president spends his days. The schedules, which cover nearly every working day since the midterms, show that Trump has spent around 60% of his scheduled time over the past 3 months in unstructured "Executive Time."
The leak prompted accusations of laziness.

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

60 % of his time?...bullshit...media!!!!! hey!!!!! we are watching him work...we see him in meetings getting on Air Force One to go on important meetings....where was the media reporting on the weekly tax payer funded concerts in the white house for the Magic Kenyan and his wife?....
The left thinks they can convince us that what we see we are not seeing....how fucked up are they?....
Sounds like the media is re-hashing old stories since they already did this one about a year ago and it went nowhere then.
Remember when Trump said that he would be the hardest working president ever, and wouldn't have time for golf or goofing off because he would be working so hard at making America great again?

Well, we already know he lied about the golf. He's probably played more golf than any other president ever.

We also now know that he's probably the LAZIEST president ever as well. Seems that some journalists got ahold of his daily schedule, and over 60 percent of his time is for "executive time", which is where he does nothing.

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Still think Trump is the greatest president ever? What is even funnier, is how Sarah Sanders is trying to spin it............................

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Has An Interesting Defense Of Trump's 'Executive Time' | HuffPost

Axios, which obtained Trump’s day-to-day schedules for the past three months, reported he has spent more than 300 hours in unstructured time. Sanders told the outlet on Sunday that the point is “to allow for a more creative environment that has helped make him the most productive President in modern history.”

“President Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves,” Sanders said, adding that he “spends much of his average day in scheduled meetings, events, and calls.”

Sanders then rattled off a list of what she said were Trump’s accomplishments in an effort to prove her point, from tax cuts to trade deals.

Anyone else believe that all that time off is so that he can have a "more creative environment to be the most productive president in history"? Trump doesn't have a creative bone in his body. If he did, then maybe he could have come up with a better nickname for Pelosi other than "Nancy, as I call her".
MAGA involves a lot of sitting on your fat, lazy, over bloated, orange ass; being POTUS gotta B hard work.

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