Why Trump swears off planning

Meh. I can't defend anybody playing golf anywhere anytime under any circumstances. It's the most mindless human activity ever invented, if you don't count skateboarding. As for POTUS golf stats I wouldn't have even cared to look it up if you hadn't posted a "record" that I knew I could obliterate in one swing, pun intended.
LOL....so, in your opinion, you have proven yourself to be right about something you claim not to care about yet cared about it enough to look it up and care enough about Obama to overlook his hypocrisy in defending him in something you claim is so useless and that you care nothing for....That's an awful lot of going out of your way for something you claim not to care about. :p

It seems the only thing you DO care about is bashing Trump and ignoring Obama's hypocrisy.

What we care about are your lies, deflections, hypocrisy and fact free propaganda.

For example You refuse to accept that Trump is a criminal, despite numerous criminal "settlements", fines, and court orders filed against Trump, like the cease and desist order on the Trump Foundation for financial improprieties, which may lead to criminal charges of fiduciary duty - IOW, using the charity's donations for personal or business expenses.

Despite all of these charges, stemming back to criminal racial discrimination in the 1970's, right up to the Trump University Fraud suits, Trump "settles" these suits with a huge fine, and no admission of criminal wrongdoing, to avoid a criminal conviction, and record. He's buying his way out of jail. BIGLY.

You refuse to believe Trump is a criminal, because he's never been "convicted" despite having paid millions upon milllions of dollars in settlements and fines, but you believe Hillary Clinton is the biggest criminal of the 21st Century, despite her never even having been charged with so much as jaywalking.

And you wonder why we think Russian trolls are so stupid.
What we care about are your lies, deflections, hypocrisy and fact free propaganda. For example You refuse to accept that Trump is a criminal.


It would help if you and your fellow ignorant lying sheep could / would EVER actually present any real EVIDENCE and in the meantime would STFU and acknowledge the only existing evidence presented so far exposes the on-going Liberal Conspiracy and Democrats crimes.

Instead you continue to post nasty, vile insults, personal attacks, false accusations, and BS, you geriatric Alzheimer's-suffering, TDS-terminal, criminal defending snowflake troll.

Around the same time that Trump's fantasy comic book was released he was nearly bankrupt & begging his old man for another bailout.

Trump is the biggest fraud who ever polluted the White House. He's a fucking clown.
No that would be Obama.....and his shovel ready jobs and healthcare plan (did you know you can keep your dr.....uhhhhh!!)

Just because he doesn't operate the way you lefties like doesn't mean he's shit....he's effective and I cant wait to vote for him in 2020.....and watch you guys cry and scream at the sky again.
Just like we're supposed to believe the hack in your link who claimed the dead professor called Trump dumb?
Sounds like you're just a tad bit jealous of our First Lady. I would bet you hate every women who isn't a fat slug like you, am I right?
Drag on lady, is pissed at Melania because when President Trump was a Democrat which all the liberal elites pandered to, she had the hots for him, but he didnt like welfare queens so married a For In Er, and got him a real 1st Lady...Not some tranny who has a big butt and a bulge in the front...
I'm jealous of all the time Dump puts in while being president Golf time Tweet time FOX time and this POS promised repub fools he'd be such a hard working president and he'd LOL never let you down
Funny, he still has a way to go to getf close to the new Presidential record for most rounds of Golf played set by Barry.


Know what the word "record" means?

>> Obama played 306 rounds while in office, a healthy amount, but well short of the estimated 1,200 rounds Woodrow Wilson played during his term, or the 800 rounds that Dwight Eisenhower played as POTUS. << --- Golf Digest

Do you just not understand that when you claim a "record" you're referring to a statistic that has to be backed up and shit?

Guess you know nothing about sports. Not that 'golf' is one. Without having all the numbers I'd bet that FDR played no golf at all. Just a hunch.

Why we keep electing people who play golf :gay: --- now there's a mystery worth unraveling.
Why do we elect a guy who has all unlawful immigrants working at his golf clubs while screaming to his dotards how much he's against that?

While Trump was touting "Made in America Week", Mar-a-Lago was applying for visas to bring in hotel maids and cooks from Mexico to work at the resort. Apparently there are no unemployed hotel maids or cooks in Florida to work at this resort.
While Trump was touting "Made in America Week", Mar-a-Lago was applying for visas to bring in hotel maids and cooks from Mexico to work at the resort. Apparently there are no unemployed hotel maids or cooks in Florida to work at this resort.
Welfare will do that. Do you really expect Haitian immigrants to work?
Around the same time that Trump's fantasy comic book was released he was nearly bankrupt & begging his old man for another bailout.

Trump is the biggest fraud who ever polluted the White House. He's a fucking clown.
No that would be Obama.....and his shovel ready jobs and healthcare plan (did you know you can keep your dr.....uhhhhh!!)

Just because he doesn't operate the way you lefties like doesn't mean he's shit....he's effective and I cant wait to vote for him in 2020.....and watch you guys cry and scream at the sky again.

He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.
Around the same time that Trump's fantasy comic book was released he was nearly bankrupt & begging his old man for another bailout.

Trump is the biggest fraud who ever polluted the White House. He's a fucking clown.
No that would be Obama.....and his shovel ready jobs and healthcare plan (did you know you can keep your dr.....uhhhhh!!)

Just because he doesn't operate the way you lefties like doesn't mean he's shit....he's effective and I cant wait to vote for him in 2020.....and watch you guys cry and scream at the sky again.

He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.
you really are a leftwing nut. What were you hoping for?

He's had record low UE for blacks and Hispanics FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics
UE is really, really low at 3.9% United States Unemployment Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
He has had growth (Obama did not) United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
In Jan 300,000 jobs were created even with the shut down U.S. Job Gains Show Employers Shrugged Off Government Shutdown
His poliicies have been working really well

He is growing faster than you lefties said we ever could and bringing back mfg jobs, which you said couldn't be done.
I mean what are you guys expecting? Holy shit, you are just blinded by partisanship......

stop reading the talking points..I just posted sources that hate him and try to discredit him and they cant.......even the NPR piece said the numbers were correct......they tried to say he couldn't take credit......which there are many factors, but his policies allow people to hire.....which is why the numbers ARE CORRECT
'Trump’s fancy-free scheduling approach is no mistake. In "The Art of the Deal," he explained that he thought too much planning curbed his creativity and impeded his thinking. That philosophy is alive and well in the White House, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

Between the lines: Trump believes to his core, one former senior White House official told Axios, that he's better off not preparing for some meetings. He thinks preparation hinders his ability to read the room and act with spontaneity, this former aide said.

  • "I play it very loose," Trump wrote in 'The Art of the Deal."
  • "I don't carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can't be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you've got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops."
One of the key challenges for his staff: He doesn't like long or complex documents.

  • He'll skim newspaper articles, news summaries and bullet points, but hates anything longer. So his evening briefings look quite different from his predecessors'.
  • "Trump does review briefing materials, at least if you make it a point to have him do so," said a former senior White House official who has direct knowledge of Trump's reading habits. "But only if you talk and guide him through it as he's reading."
  • Trump receives national security materials and news summaries every evening. But the package is more visual than those of his predecessors, with screenshots from the Drudge Report homepage, pictures of his own tweets and snapshots of cable news chyrons from throughout the day, according to people who've seen Trump's nightly briefing packages.'
Why Trump believes that he's better off not preparing for some meetings

In other words...he is probably stupid with an INCREDIBLY short attention span.

The guy sounds like a spoiled teenager. Which would be fine if he weren't the POTUS.

Here is how the four POTUS's before him were like.

Trump's approach to time management is completely different from his predecessors'

A common excuse by the self centered, incompetent, lazy, and disorganized. 'I work better without planning' means they are incapable of planning, adaptation, or working as part of a team.

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