Why was man left out of the Bible?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Bible before posting about it
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Bible before posting about it

Any recommendations where to start?
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Bible before posting about it

Any recommendations where to start?

Genesis, then go through it one book at a time
Any recommendations where to start?

Genesis, then go through it one book at a time

Yes, yes. I get it, read the whole 1700 pages and then I will understand. Well you are going to have to do a little better than that or I will assume you don't really know what you are talking about.

You want specifics? Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastics, the Gospels and the Epistles of the New Testament all provide wisdom to man about man. Countless other places as well.

The scriptures don't only teach us how to re-establish our relationship with God, but also to re-establish our relationship with our fellow man. "Pure religion is to take care of the widow and the fatherless and to keep ourselves unspotted of the world."
Any recommendations where to start?

Genesis, then go through it one book at a time

Yes, yes. I get it, read the whole 1700 pages and then I will understand. Well you are going to have to do a little better than that or I will assume you don't really know what you are talking about.

No, actually start by reading any of it. Genesis is the first book. Start there, then post about it.

Or just pick any other book you never read and post about it, you come to the same place as your OP
Genesis, then go through it one book at a time

Yes, yes. I get it, read the whole 1700 pages and then I will understand. Well you are going to have to do a little better than that or I will assume you don't really know what you are talking about.

You want specifics? Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastics, the Gospels and the Epistles of the New Testament all provide wisdom to man about man. Countless other places as well.

The scriptures don't only teach us how to re-establish our relationship with God, but also to re-establish our relationship with our fellow man. "Pure religion is to take care of the widow and the fatherless and to keep ourselves unspotted of the world."

Of those only Ecclesiastics is of a reasonable length to use as an example of the Bible's guidance on being human. If there is a better choice of similar length please recommend that one instead.
You want the bible to tell younwhether to take biology or physics?
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

No. It wouldn't get you kicked out to doubt or ask questions.

What you might want to know about is the doctrine of man.
You might want to study discipleship.

2 Timothy 3:16

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You want the bible to tell younwhether to take biology or physics?

I did not say He should tell you what to take, merely give guidance. What if 5 years from now all physics jobs were to be eliminated. Wouldn't it be nice to get a little heads up when planning a career path?
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

No. It wouldn't get you kicked out to doubt or ask questions.

What you might want to know about is the doctrine of man.
You might want to study discipleship.

2 Timothy 3:16

2 Timothy 3 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

That was completely about man's relation with God. My question is more like when God created man what did God think man was going to do with that free will. Or even if he did not have a goal for free will at that time what does He think we should do with our free will now? Is that not in the Bible somewhere?
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

The Crusaders attacked because of Muslim Jihadists. Just like the ones who are doing the same thing today.
The Bible is all about Mankind and how to live your life.
You want the bible to tell younwhether to take biology or physics?

I did not say He should tell you what to take, merely give guidance. What if 5 years from now all physics jobs were to be eliminated. Wouldn't it be nice to get a little heads up when planning a career path?

You think that all of these types of jobs will be eliminated?
Physicists are in demand for their analytical skills in many financial, fund management and research roles, in law, as weather forecasters, computer programmers, and as physics and science teachers.

Not very likely.
Seems there are many. I might be fully converted over to Christianity yet, but I am not going willingly! ;)
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Joseph, Aaron and Moses all had vastly different personalities yet God was pretty much pleased with the path in life that each took when trying to emulate God.
How to emulate God?
I believe that God had very positive intentions when constructing existence and the story of mankind in general from Cain to today is the overall failure of people to look upon each other as being formed in God's image.

The Bible, sentence by sentence, is to be studied through the lens of how God wants us to conduct relationships with the world from the inanimate through the human.
I can't even imagine where you're coming from in this......the Bible tells us a tremendous amount of things about mankind....
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Bible before posting about it

Any recommendations where to start?

Genesis, then go through it one book at a time
I took your advice. OK, perhaps not to the letter but let us just say I am a bit wiser. I am back!!! :2up:
This will probably get me kicked out of the 'good Christian' club but I am in search of understanding, not a dogma.

If one starts college where in the Bible does one get guidance if one should take biology or physics? When the Crusaders came crashing across Europe and into the Middle East they found a culture which was rich in the arts, languages, and refinement, which they proceed to sack with all the grace of the Huns. (No offense Huns.) While I believe that Islam lacks the ability to have sin forgiven in one's lifetime I believe that Christianity lacks human decency. The Bible seems to be all about God and man's relation to God but nothing about man himself. Why not?

If you take God out of the equation entirely, then you have to consider the nature of those who write holy texts. They are what might be called professional conduits. Intermediaries between you and God. That is how they make their living. So of course their writings are going to reflect the relation between God and man because the writer's position within the given society is within that relationship.

If you want to see this in action, I would suggest you look at Leviticus. Not at all of the punishments, but at what is expected of people to make God happy.

As to the rest of it, read the book. Draw your own conclusions.

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