Why was no one evacuated from Moscow?

have lived under a Russian dictatorship before
Before Obama brought the Bandera criminals to power, they were led by the Party of Regions, a party opposed to unitary totalitarianism, for American-style Republican freedoms, a stupid piece of shit. Simply put, the Party of Regions was a fork of the Bush-era Republican Party.
Before Obama brought the Bandera criminals to power, they were led by the Party of Regions, a party opposed to unitary totalitarianism, for American-style Republican freedoms, a stupid piece of shit. Simply put, the Party of Regions was a fork of the Bush-era Republican Party.

Fringe, every one of them. Ukraine was ruled by corrupt democrat style politicians during that time.
So says you. Ukrainians say otherwise. Chill out. If you are serious about this, there is no reason to be so wildly angry.
Ukrainians are those who speak Ukrainian - Western Ukrainians, who were separated from Poland in the 18th century, Lesser Poles. Hetmans of Bandera have nothing to do with them, they are not Ukrainians.
Fringe, every one of them. Ukraine was ruled by corrupt democrat style politicians during that time.
Again you show your stupidity. The Party of Regions is the Republicans, idiot. They advocated the freedom of regions, ethnic and linguistic groups. Read their program, you stupid fucking cretin.

By the way, Obama brought the criminals to Kyiv illegally, it was an anti-constitutional coup. They have no legal power at all.
Ukrainians are those who speak Ukrainian - Western Ukrainians, who were separated from Poland in the 18th century, Lesser Poles. Hetmans of Bandera have nothing to do with them, they are not Ukrainians.

So what are Americans? Those who speak English? English speakers are all over the world. Americans are Americans because they are either born and raised here, or immigrated from elsewhere.

A Ukrainian is someone born and raised and living in the borders of Ukraine, or someone who became a citizen of Ukraine.
Again you show your stupidity. The Party of Regions is the Republicans, idiot. They advocated the freedom of regions, ethnic and linguistic groups. Read their program, you stupid fucking cretin.

By the way, Obama brought the criminals to Kyiv illegally, it was an anti-constitutional coup. They have no legal power at all.

Pretty fringe group regardless. And it is a democrat like organization.

In the U.S., who is arguing for Spanish language everything because of the illegal aliens? The democrats. Who is always obbsessed with ethnic minorities? The democrats. Who makes everything about race and ethnicity? Democrats.
Even the name "party of regions" itself suggests that it is a copy of the traditional American right, which has always been anti-federalists, and used to shifted power to the regional level.
Pretty fringe group regardless. And it is a democrat like organization.

In the U.S., who is arguing for Spanish language everything because of the illegal aliens? The democrats. Who is always obbsessed with ethnic minorities? The democrats. Who makes everything about race and ethnicity? Democrats.
All this is demangogy and populism. The essence of the demos is the same as that of the Bandera criminals - to destroy the autonomy and subordinate everything to the feds.
This is a nation. In this sense, there are no "Russians" either. We are talking about nationality (language, origin, original culture). Hetmans are not Ukrainians.

And who are to say? You wanna make this about race an ethnicity? Than why is America a mixing pot of ethnicities and races? Why are there Italians in New York, Germans in Pennsylvania, French in Louisiana, Chinese in California, etc? By your logic These groups must all be claimed by their respective countries, despite the fact that they've been living in the U.S. for generations....
Than why is America a mixing pot of ethnicities and races?
Yakuts are Russians by nation and Yakuts by nationality, for example.
Getmans - Ukrainians by nation(since 1918), because they are part of Ukraine, but nothing more.
Again, so says you. If they were born in Ukraine, and are living legally in Ukraine, they are... UKRAINIAN.
Yes, everyone who lives in any country or empire is a representative of the nation. But they lie that they also own the Ukrainian language and culture, and that they are Ukrainians by origin - this is not so.
The language that is considered Ukrainian is the Lesser Polish language, the language of Western Ukrainians. The hetmans speak Russian, and before the Bolshevik coup they were Little Russians.

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