Why was President Clinton impeached?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congressmen who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment is about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.
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The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congress members who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.

That's OK Clinton was already a draft dodging coward and a huge asshole before he victimized the White House aide.
The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congress members who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.

That's OK Clinton was already a draft dodging coward and a huge asshole before he victimized the White House aide.

What about Trump*?
Idk why it matters if he got his dick sucked or not but he lied under oath. It is what it is.
Belongs in The History or Flame Bait Forum.

Clinton committed 13 crimes.
Trump committed 0.

And that is a historical fact that is irrefutable, and incontrovertible.
The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congress members who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.

That's OK Clinton was already a draft dodging coward and a huge asshole before he victimized the White House aide.

What about Trump*?

What about Trump? I don't think he's been plugging aides like Clinton and Kennedy before him did. Actually Kennedy was much much worse about that than the scumbag Clinton. But I guess Clinton made up for lost time by banging little girls on Epstein's private island of child molestation.
This Troll Bait Thread is Officially Put to Rest.

Clinton violated US Code 13 times, and there were 13 Recommendations for Indictment written by the Special Counsel.

By Contrast, Mueller found 0 crimes he could recommend for indictment for President Trump who will have his face on Mount Rushmore by 2030.
The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congressmen who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment is about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.
Dear lying scum, for the 1,000,000th time he was impeached for committing the felony of perjury.
The blunt answer is for lying about receiving blowjobs from a consenting adult not his wife. How many married men would want to publicly announce that to the world? In fact, some of the same Congressmen who impeached President Clinton were exposed as also having adulterous affairs with women not their wives. That is why I find it so hypocritical when I hear someone like Ken Starr (who prosecuted President Clinton) defending Trump*. Lying about blowjobs is not the same as jeopardizing our national security to rig a presidential election. That is also why I find it extremely hypocritical when I hear Trump* supporters talking about "payback" for impeaching Trump*. If anything, Democrats deserve some "payback" for what Ken Starr did to President Clinton. However, the Trump* impeachment is not about "payback". The Trump* impeachment is about exactly what the House impeached him for: Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress. In short - for trying to rig the 2020 presidential election.
The problem wasn't the blowjob...


By your logic, if someone wants to hire a hooker and robs a bank to pay for it, It's OK because he's just getting laid!!!
Why was President Clinton impeached?

Lying under oath. It doesn't matter why, or for what.

Funny. Why should a president be placed in such a position regarding personal sexual indiscretions that have nothing to do with national security or abuse of power?

Because he opens himself up to blackmail. Definitely national security.

Funny. Who would blackmail him - Monica Lewinsky or Linda Tripp? For those who may not remember - Linda Tripp is the one who blew the whistle and betrayed her friendship with Monica Lewinsky.
There was no reason for him to go under oath in the first place.

and Ken Starr , he was such a hypocrite in tramps defense team. I mean according to him, impeachment should be null and void, after he investigated Clinton since he became Potus. He led the impeachment against the Potus who had a consensual affair.

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