Why we dirt under our fingernails Americans like Trump and the elitists don't!

I'm still chuckling over jc456 saying Buckley was the "smartest man on TV".
So Trump is slightly like better than Obama and far worse that Bush. We all knew that.
That's what hit me too. I'm sort of shocked Trump is disliked so, esp by officers.

It went under the radar but under Trump the US did step up bombing ISIS, but we also severely stepped up how many collateral casualties we caused. We're also looking at a long term presence in Syria, and cutting off the Kurds is part of the deal.

And there's the saber rattling with NK, and the 7th fleet, which seems to have trouble staying afloat. At least partially because of lack of support.
This is whose legacy you are stupidly and proudly destroying, you fucking assholes.

Watch out, there are a lot of elitist big words in the following paragraphs. You might die. I hope.

William F. Buckley Jr. - Wikipedia.

William Frank Buckley Jr.
(born William Francis Buckley;[1] November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008) was an American conservative author[2] and commentator. He founded National Review magazine in 1955, which had a major impact in stimulating the conservative movement; hosted 1,429 episodes of the television show Firing Line (1966–1999), where he became known for his transatlantic accent and wide vocabulary;[3] and wrote a nationally syndicated newspaper column along with numerous spy novels.[4][5]

George H. Nash, a historian of the modern American conservative movement, said Buckley was "arguably the most important public intellectual in the United States in the past half century. For an entire generation, he was the preeminent voice of American conservatism and its first great ecumenical figure."[6] Buckley's primary contribution to politics was a fusion of traditional American political conservatism with laissez-faire economic theory and anti-communism, laying the groundwork for the new American conservatism of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater and President Ronald Reagan, both Republicans. Former Senate Republican leader Bob Dole said "Buckley lighted the fire".[7]

It truly is amazing how so far out of touch you are with the real world.
Buckley would have loved this tweet-loving-tell-it-like-is Trump! Pomposity was what Buckley loved to prick and this pompous attitude that people like you are is exactly what
Reagan/Buckley and now Trump were after!
You still don't get this do you?
I've a college degree, and have had several multi-industry experiences in my lifetime. I've met all sorts of people including ones some like the below and you would have been great
fodder for their pomposity pricking!
I bet you never heard of Arthur C Clarke or Buckminster Fuller or Eric Hoffer all pomposity prickers...like Buckley and they would have had fun with you...just as Trump is with
Pocahontas, et.al... including you!
Trump and we "deplorables" pay no attention any more to the biased MSM because they like you are so full of themselves!
Laughing at you that sit and contemplate your navels while we get work done!
We've gone beyond people like you because all you can do is try to figure out where we are going ....without YOU pompous, elitists, truly faux educated buffoons!
You definitely remind me of this person... full of yourself and your truly grandiose, supercilious,haughty, conceited sententious selves!
elitists going down. That's what we're watching.
Yeah, we're watching the brainless parroting tards take over. Woo hoo!

Like I said. William F. Buckley is rolling in his grave. You probably don't even know who he is.
even with all he was, the left still won the elitist game. he'd be disappointed that his legacy died having accomplished very little. The swamp still got infested and it is time to take it down. All day and everyday.
The swamp got infested with you idiots. Psychopaths, liars, hypocrites, retards, and bigots.
LOL, you still don't get who they are. It's no wonder you still don't understand the whole Trump thing.

dirt under fingernails has nothing to do with it -

uneducated white people make up the majority of Trumpdrones .. do you get that dufus ?
you sound so sophisticated making that statement. What a proud losing genius you are.
elitists going down. That's what we're watching.
Yeah, we're watching the brainless parroting tards take over. Woo hoo!

Like I said. William F. Buckley is rolling in his grave. You probably don't even know who he is.
even with all he was, the left still won the elitist game. he'd be disappointed that his legacy died having accomplished very little. The swamp still got infested and it is time to take it down. All day and everyday.
The swamp got infested with you idiots. Psychopaths, liars, hypocrites, retards, and bigots.
LOL, you still don't get who they are. It's no wonder you still don't understand the whole Trump thing.
Oh, I totally get the "Trump thing". You have no idea.
well no you actually don't. If you did, you'd know it has nothing to do with Trump.
I'm still chuckling over jc456 saying Buckley was the "smartest man on TV".
you have no idea who he was. Here I gave you credit. he would have destroyed the likes of you and today's media.

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