Why We Elected The Donald: He is a Cool, Badass American Businessman

Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

He's a thinned skinned, unstable, know-nothing, corrupt businessman... his only talents were bankruptcy, avoiding prosecution, and tabloid publicity.

His failed business exploits were reported on during the campaign. Of course his deplorables were brain washed to scream "fake news" at any story that they didn't like... facts be damned.
If he is, he'll have to dump Fox noise and all you Dupes to do it...

No offense, I was an English major with many courses in logic and still have no idea what you tried to say. Are you retarded? If so, why are you posting on the internet franco?

Did you take any courses in common sense? If you did you would not have called someone retarded. Oh, you can stick your English major which really means nothing up your ass.
Also a draft dodging under achiever that had Daddy buy him out of Vietnam. Five bankruptcies, going for a world record?
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

He's a thinned skinned, unstable, know-nothing, corrupt businessman... his only talents were bankruptcy, avoiding prosecution, and tabloid publicity.

His failed business exploits were reported on during the campaign. Of course his deplorables were brain washed to scream "fake news" at any story that they didn't like... facts be damned.

That's why they all love him, figured they could elect someone as big a failure as they are.
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

He's a thinned skinned, unstable, know-nothing, corrupt businessman... his only talents were bankruptcy, avoiding prosecution, and tabloid publicity.

His failed business exploits were reported on during the campaign. Of course his deplorables were brain washed to scream "fake news" at any story that they didn't like... facts be damned.

He's making good money on his hotels and Mar-a-Lago with him in the presidency. Plus the foreign deals.
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

He's a thinned skinned, unstable, know-nothing, corrupt businessman... his only talents were bankruptcy, avoiding prosecution, and tabloid publicity.

His failed business exploits were reported on during the campaign. Of course his deplorables were brain washed to scream "fake news" at any story that they didn't like... facts be damned.

Yup, just like Barak the Magic negro.
Without bankruptcy provisions, no large private projects would ever be undertaken: No cars, no railroads, no phones, no electricity, no insurance. Do any of you libtards know the slightest thing about economics?
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

Using mob ties in NYC to get your projects built, laundering money for the Russians after six bankruptcies and too toxic for the banks to touch, and getting sued for $35M in fraud over a scam called Trump University is what is great about America? Really.
There are things I liked about Trump and things I don't. I really don't like how verbally abusive he is. I also don't like the way he talks about muslims and illegal Mexicans and the wall. I have been friends with illegal Mexicans, met them. A lot are very poor hard working law abiding citizens who get treated like shit by a lot Americans and looked down upon. Yeah I think it is wrong for businesses to hire them for less pay and deny a job to a US Citizen, but who's to blame for this? That poor illegal Mexican who is trying so hard just to survive or that greedy corrupt business? I can't help feel sorry for a lot of them if you would see the living conditions some of them live in and how hard the life is for many of them, it really is heartbreaking. In my opinion an easy way correct problem make it easy for them to get citizenship, Amnesty. That way now they are legal citizens and businesses have to hire them for the same pay.

What I do like about Trump though is he is a leader and seems to get things done. He is very inspiring to a lot of Americans and brings hope to the Country. He is more like a Democrat in many ways. He is not ultra conservative and is willing to work with the democrats. He is about making deals and negotiating till something gets accomplished in Washington instead of nothing getting accomplished.

Watching Donald's past video clips from years ago and going into campaigning his issues really changed a lot, just because I think he wanted to earn more votes and get Republican vote. Deep down however I think Donald is the same way he said years ago. That he considers himself liberal on social issues, but more of a conservative on financial issues. Donald may say he is against abortion and take stances that seem to make people think he does not have liberal views when it comes to the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community... but he can't fool me. I know deep down inside he actually has more liberal views toward those topics even though he is afraid to say it because he wants the Republican vote. This is another reason why I like him.

He's not getting a fucking thing done. If he was he wouldn't be cutting deals with the Dems over DACA and having Chuck and Nancy for dinner. Good grief.
The OP is correcting grammar? He was an English major? He's taken courses in logic?

Why do so many nutbags lie?

Because it's an anonymous internet message board where they can pretend to be something they are not and no one will find out.
Without bankruptcy provisions, no large private projects would ever be undertaken: No cars, no railroads, no phones, no electricity, no insurance. Do any of you libtards know the slightest thing about economics?

No private developer has ever gone bankrupt 7 times as Trump has. No private businessman has been involved in as many lawsuits as Trump. If not for Russian oligarchs buying Trump real estate at over-inflated prices, Trump would have gone broke more than twice in the past 10 years.

It's facile to say that bankruptcy is just the Standard Operating Procedure in the building industry. Or that everybody is involved in law suits. Honest contractors can make more money staying out of court. Only crooks and scam artists have multiple bankruptcies and law suits at every turn.

From his IPO in Atlantic City, to Trump University, Trump has lied to and scammed the general public at every turn.

That you think his tactics are SOP for the construction industry shows that you're the one who has no knowledge about basic economics.
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

No we didn't, he plays for the Deep State team, they all do.

Yes a DEEP STATE reference, that shit never gets old!:banana:
We also love The Donald because he is funny and politically incorrect. Folks, Crooked Hillary's latest insane book was released recently in which she attacks everyone for her failure, particularly White people, and Crooked Hillary also attacked our President at her expensive promotional appearances. So The Donald retweets a funny video clip and the fake news qu33rs get their panties in a bunch! :p

By the way, notice the latest talking point by the fake news media is "impulses."
Ann Coulter and her adams apple can suck it. I voted for The Donald because he represents what was great about America before a low life, Kenyan/Somalian illegal alien became President because of racist non-Whites and qu33r Whites and Jews.

No, you voted for Trump because you can't be bothered to think too much.

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