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Why we shouldn't allow gay marriage.

"There is quite a difference between judging people and 'chucking stones' at them and choosing not to promote their agenda."

I don't recall any gay couples hopeing that youd put a penis in your mouth as a wedding gift.. I'm sure a nice punchbowl will suffice. Is allowing gays the same application of the US Constitution "promoting their agenda"? I bet if you hold your breath in a little more there is room to squeeze in a few more minority groups while you split hairs with the very words of ole jebus....
Exactly what parts of the US Constitution are they being denied?

"You are twisting words around to make it sounds as if we want to persecute homosexuals."

Trust me.. your apathy and willingness to manipulate scripture does that for me.. All I am doing is pointing at you and laughing. I trust that if society at large were marginalizing christians like we allow gays to be fucked with the siren of persicution would deafen us all.
Are you sure its me thats manipulating scripture? You are the one asking 'wwjd'.
And until you actually point out what rights gays are being denied I don't really care how they are getting 'fucked'.

"As if not recognizing their marriages is somehow tantamount to stoning them in public."

Yes, I forgot that jebus said that the requirement for judging each other was how big of a rock you decided to throw. yup. Again, if America decided not to recognize christian marriage are you telling me that you'd buy such a lame excuse for marginalization? I highly doubt it. Walk a mile, buddy.. Do unto others.. yadda yadda.. never mind me.. im only quoting the root of all christianity.
If it was the majority opinion, I really wouldn't care if the government recognized any marriage or not. Its a religious ceramony.

"Nothing prevents homosexuals from performing a wedding at pro-queer churches, and no one is even suggesting a prohibition of that."

Granted.. AND.. if there were no laws, benefits and restrictions affected by marriage in general then you would have a point.. as it is..

Hell, I'd even compramise on Civil Unions that held as much legal precedence as any ole marriage since I'm not one to get hung up on nomenclature.. however, this isn't only about dressing up for pictures, is it?
That was the whole point, that society does not want to give the same benefits of marriage to gays, such as being allowed to adopt, join the military, ect ect. Homosexuality is detrimental in most cases, thats why the military doesn't allow openly gay people in. Drug addiction is the same, thus why its not allowed in the military neither. Homosexuality is an act, so stop treating homosexuals as a minority that is being oppressed.
...I don't recall any gay couples hopeing that youd put a penis in your mouth as a wedding gift.. ....you split hairs with the very words of ole jebus....
.... All I am doing is pointing at you and laughing. ....
Yes, I forgot that jebus said that the requirement for judging each other was how big of a rock you decided to throw. ... NO one is asking you to suck a dick and I sure hope that no one forced their cock in your mouth on their way to the alter.

The hatred and vitriol coming out of this guy makes me sick.
"Exactly what parts of the US Constitution are they being denied?"

equal protection: an overview

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.amendmentxiv.html). In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights. See Civil Rights and Discrimination.

If you want to strip away EVERY legal benefit to hetero marriage in order to put marriage and civil unions on an even ground then so be it. OR, you can allow civil unions the EXACT SAME legal qualification as hetero marriage.


"Are you sure its me thats manipulating scripture? You are the one asking 'wwjd'.
And until you actually point out what rights gays are being denied I don't really care how they are getting 'fucked'."

see above. Do you think that disqualifying christians from voting conflicts with the 14th amendment? I do too. Similarly, by holding an unequal standard according to discriminatory factors is a direct conflict with the Equal Application of the 14th Amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

SO... praytell.. even if the scriptural FACT is that ole jebus hung out with hookers and the like.. and despite his SPECIFIC instruction not to judge lest ye be judged... AND that little line about falling short of the glory of god that comes in handy when YOU feel as if you are being judged... are you STILL going to tell me that your dogma namesake would be out to use ceasar to discriminate?

well.. this IS the message board with the "god only gave me two cheaks" chrstians so....

"If it was the majority opinion, I really wouldn't care if the government recognized any marriage or not. Its a religious ceramony."

A religious cerimony with legal ramifications. AGain, i don't care about churchs that choose not to let gays get married in their church cerimony... However, when the STATE starts discriminating according to dogma...

well... i'll refer you to the 14th Amendment.

"That was the whole point, that society does not want to give the same benefits of marriage to gays, such as being allowed to adopt, join the military, ect ect. Homosexuality is detrimental in most cases, thats why the military doesn't allow openly gay people in. Drug addiction is the same, thus why its not allowed in the military neither. Homosexuality is an act, so stop treating homosexuals as a minority that is being oppressed."

yadda yadda.. just like blacks were all shifty eyed and lazy and want to rape white women too, right dude? say, go pick up a DSM-IV and tell me why you dont see homosexuality since the days of the archi bunker racists... I find that fundie christians are more dangerous than the Andrew Sullivans out there would would LOVE to have that traditional monogomous lifestyle you seem to talk about but only allow for strait people. I assure you that comparing DRUG ADDICTION to homosexuality only deepens your looniness. Homosexuality is an ORIENTATION.

but hey.. dont' ask me! By all means admit at what age you weighed the facts and decided to get turned on by girls intead of boys! I can't wait to hear at what age you decided that vagina is more your style than penis!


John 8

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."


well.. WHAT do ya know....

What a load of bull. What age did you decide to go agaist nature?

hey.. it's either a choice like you say or an orientation like I say, eh dude? can't have it both ways just because you want to discriminate....

so.. at what age did you decide that you wanted to be sexually attracted to the same sex?

your silence and/or vitriolic retort speaks VOLUMES.


someone ran and told on me!



I guess that's what happens when a conservative slanted board gets a taste of it's own medicine.. ahh well..

you kids can continue denying both the bible AND the constitution after pulling a castro and sending my account against the proverbial brick wall...

im sure the irony will sail on by unobserved...


someone ran and told on me!



I guess that's what happens when a conservative slanted board gets a taste of it's own medicine.. ahh well..

you kids can continue denying both the bible AND the constitution after pulling a castro and sending my account against the proverbial brick wall...

im sure the irony will sail on by unobserved...


Douchebag nobody ran and told on you, I read your trash and decided I don't like your fucking style. Now either heed the warning or pound sand, your choice pal.
oh so... it's OK when YOU do it...


how did I not figure THAT one out...


you may commence with the firing range, el capitan!

hey.. it's either a choice like you say or an orientation like I say, eh dude? can't have it both ways just because you want to discriminate....

so.. at what age did you decide that you wanted to be sexually attracted to the same sex?

your silence and/or vitriolic retort speaks VOLUMES.


Shit its both slick, they make the choice after some sort of orientation or introduction into the homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist community.

But lets be real, well that is as real as you can be if you in fact passed biology 101, at burth we are all born with the inate sense to mate with the opposite sex, its a fact same as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west so with heterosexuality there is no choice involved.

Argue that shit......
Shit its both slick, they make the choice after some sort of orientation or introduction into the homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist community.

But lets be real, well that is as real as you can be if you in fact passed biology 101, at burth we are all born with the inate sense to mate with the opposite sex, its a fact same as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west so with heterosexuality there is no choice involved.

Argue that shit......

I guess it is a good thing you are protected by the shroud of your moderator authority, eh CAPITAN?

I'd hate to bitchslap you with more logic and reference and then trigger your isecurity long enough for you to find the mod options....


I bet you win ALL the debates with THAT kind of logic, capitan!


ahh well.. i guess if you can't win the topic you might as well ban the person making you look stupid.....

I guess it is a good thing you are protected by the shroud of your moderator authority, eh CAPITAN?

I'd hate to bitchslap you with more logic and reference and then trigger your isecurity long enough for you to find the mod options....



Your annoying but harmless. The bitchslap with logic is laughable, I especially like the comparison of blacks to queers, real educated there.

You can't debate your way out of a 10th grade government class.
Hey.. IM not the one wielding mod power like a sword..

or should I say like a 55 year old man wields a corvette....

but hey.. you can ignore the bible AND the constitution all you need to.. maybe you can ban the 14th amendment too, Capitan....
I bet you win ALL the debates with THAT kind of logic, capitan!


ahh well.. i guess if you can't win the topic you might as well ban the person making you look stupid.....


Douchebag, all your pathetic arguments have been pimpslapped here dozens of times, I don't want to rehash shit like that again.

You gonna heed my warning?
hey.. it's either a choice like you say or an orientation like I say, eh dude? can't have it both ways just because you want to discriminate....

so.. at what age did you decide that you wanted to be sexually attracted to the same sex?

your silence and/or vitriolic retort speaks VOLUMES.


straw man alert.

You assume that hetrosexuals need to choose their sexual orientation if homosexuals choose there. There are some that do choose hetrosexual attraction. But more to the point is its the natural default choice.

See there are always three choices involved

1) you choose to be gay
2) you choose to be straight
3) you make absolutely no choice, in which you are the default which is straight.

You create a false dicotemy and base your argument around it you are by definition creating a straw man.
Hey.. IM not the one wielding mod power like a sword..

or should I say like a 55 year old man wields a corvette....

but hey.. you can ignore the bible AND the constitution all you need to.. maybe you can ban the 14th amendment too, Capitan....

Wouldn't need to wield it if you didn't come storming in here acting like a fucking jackoff.

The bible? LMFAO! Guess you missed the homosexuality is an abomination part.
Oh yeah and it looks like people in abbout 20 or so states don't buy your pathetic arguments also since queer marriage gets trashed almost(Arizona) everytime its on a ballot.

Do you suck cocks? This is in response to one of your stupid arguments about insecurity concerning sexuality if vehemently opposed to queer marriage, I guess if you argue for then you must be a pole smoker.

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