Why welfare recipients are a good thing


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
The reality is that welfare recipients are just doing what's in their own evolutionary self-interest; appealing to quaint notions such as a "greater good", "morality" and things like that is rather trite and childish.

If there's no greater good, then of course there's no reason that a person shouldn't do anything they want, or anything they can if it's in their evolutionary interest to do so, whether corporate welfare, or any other form of welfare (false as the dictomy actually is, in practice, given that all "government" in and of itself, is technically a form of "welfare", the absence of which would only exist in an anarchy, which no one is able or willing to participate in.

And if a person on welfare profits from it, c'est la vie; the reality of course is that many idiots, in practice really have no problem with "welfare" as it is in actuality; merely using factual inaccuracies or purely childish and emotional quabbles over certain imagined instances of such, on the basis of certain axioms, while in reality having no problem, if not outright advocating the use or abuse of it, irregardless of the actual law and so forth. I'm sorry if you weren't evolutionarily fit or apt enough to find a way to use welfare to your advantage, having to settle instead for working a worthless job of the lowest moral and intellectual caliber when you didn't even have to, legally or otherwise. Don't be jealous of your inferiority in evolution's hierarchy.

So those who object to it, will have to come up with a better mathematical or philosophical set of axioms altogether; because if one's only appealing to childish "self interest" or whatever, that's exactly what it is, whether "corporate" or ordinary.
At no point in your pseudo-intellectual rant did you make single point supporting your thread title. I stopped reading when I saw "irregardless" ...
"Evolutionary interest" sounds a lot like the kind of stuff the Nazis use to spout or maybe the Stalinists. The drones are stuck with their "evolutionary interests" while the elitists run things.
I agree, you shouldn't be able to just inherit a pile of money and never have to do anything productive again.

So if you croak you don't want your kids to get your house and your car? You would rather the gov't take it?

Now you'll say "the rules I impose don't apply to meeeeeeeee".

Fucking leftist!
"Welfare" programs all have the same aim. Protecting the rich from angry lynch mobs forming on their lawns. A hungry man is going to eat even if they have to eat the rich.
I think working for a living, even if you don't make a whole lot of money, is much more rewarding spiritually, mentally, emotionally, than sitting around doing nothing productive all day. Just my opinion. Money will never buy happiness for the people who are unsatisfied and not productive in their lives. Basically, it is a life wasted IMO.
I was being satirical, but attempting to prove a point in regards to a "greater" good.

If there's no "greater good" of some kind or another, then anything goes.
The reality is that welfare recipients are just doing what's in their own evolutionary self-interest; appealing to quaint notions such as a "greater good", "morality" and things like that is rather trite and childish.

If there's no greater good, then of course there's no reason that a person shouldn't do anything they want, or anything they can if it's in their evolutionary interest to do so, whether corporate welfare, or any other form of welfare (false as the dictomy actually is, in practice, given that all "government" in and of itself, is technically a form of "welfare", the absence of which would only exist in an anarchy, which no one is able or willing to participate in.

And if a person on welfare profits from it, c'est la vie; the reality of course is that many idiots, in practice really have no problem with "welfare" as it is in actuality; merely using factual inaccuracies or purely childish and emotional quabbles over certain imagined instances of such, on the basis of certain axioms, while in reality having no problem, if not outright advocating the use or abuse of it, irregardless of the actual law and so forth. I'm sorry if you weren't evolutionarily fit or apt enough to find a way to use welfare to your advantage, having to settle instead for working a worthless job of the lowest moral and intellectual caliber when you didn't even have to, legally or otherwise. Don't be jealous of your inferiority in evolution's hierarchy.

So those who object to it, will have to come up with a better mathematical or philosophical set of axioms altogether; because if one's only appealing to childish "self interest" or whatever, that's exactly what it is, whether "corporate" or ordinary.
Your future lies in government bureaucratic work.
I was being satirical, but attempting to prove a point in regards to a "greater" good.

If there's no "greater good" of some kind or another, then anything goes.

Well, if this is about religion, I am not what you would consider a religious person. I am just really speaking from my own experience, I am happier when I am a productive individual. I cannot STAND to be doing nothing, and I would feel ashamed to sit home and collect welfare, especially when I am totally capable of working and doing my part (no matter how small) to contribute to my country's economy and health and welfare. The future depends on it, IMO.
So I guess the future is my motivation, and trying to live a good honest life while I'm here on earth, just because that is how I WANT to be. Not that I am perfect, but I do feel bad if I fail or if I do something I know I shouldn't do. I don't want bad things on my conscience. It's not good to take advantage of programs that are designed to help people who REALLY do need help, playing a role in bankrupting OUR nation.
I agree, you shouldn't be able to just inherit a pile of money and never have to do anything productive again.

So if you croak you don't want your kids to get your house and your car? You would rather the gov't take it?

Now you'll say "the rules I impose don't apply to meeeeeeeee".

Fucking leftist!
So when you wrote:
No worky...no eaty!
you didn't really mean it, did you?
If you are not physically or mentally disabled you should live by one rule...

No worky...no eaty!
I agree, you shouldn't be able to just inherit a pile of money and never have to do anything productive again.

Why? Who does it hurt?
I was just trying to point out the flaw in Thunk's logic. However, inheriting a pile of money hurts society. Someone who works hard, is creative, or is innovative, contributes to society. If you just inherit money you didn't earn you're not making a contribution and you're stifling the opportunities of someone who might actually contribute. Eventually you'll develop a nobility that is born to privilege and whose goal is to keep that privilege and pass it on to their children. It's like a corporation trying to become a monopoly to stifle competition.

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